Interesting. Well I don't see a reason why it can't be put in the gaming section then, as long as it isn't something that would encourage spam.
Is it something members will be able to download and play? Or is it online?
What kind of game? Like on RPG maker or something?
How can I help you?
Changes constantly, but Spoiler I'm always asleep
Well... when games first come out, obviously they have a standard price. ($59.99, $29.99 etc) so it doesn't really matter for new games. What it really comes down to is who has the better pre-order bonuses or special editions. For used games I just go to GameStop. For imports I use AmiAmi, PlayAsia, etc.
Yes~ It is great.
I don't use msn.
Miku and Luka panels. Have fun~
At least post the longer version.
I still see spdude on Skype pretty often. Surprised he still has me added. As for DS yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he's dead somewhere.
I liked it better when I was ignored.
Glorious 240p.
Is it only gg and Nutbladder subbing this? Guess I'll stick with gg's British references...
Oh you're right, he kinda does ._.
Uninstalled. Causing too many problems.
And it's over. Thanks for those who tuned in~
That vid you posted was blocked in the request thread. Since I'm guessing you uploaded it, it's a certain live version? Might want to pm me the...
Requests are now closed. Be sure to tune in at 9PM EST to listen~