Me with LittleKuriboh at Youmacon 2012~ (I was so not ready for this picture LOL) Spoiler
Just a heads up that AmiAmi has them for slightly cheaper. Shadow Heartless - 2,490 JPY Grid Riku - 5,180 JPY Grid Sora - 5,180 JPY I really like the Riku one, but the plush is also cute~
Probably the Large Bodies. Damn things were invincible from the front and hit like a truck when they got mad, probably the only heartless that could actually kill me.
Way to spoonfeed.
Hope he's fine. I'm worried about the beach house I go to every year... it's on an island right next to Atlantic City which sounds like it got...
DUWANG, gg, commie and Nutbladder.
It's pretty fabulous, but not as moe as Psycho Pass.
Assuming you're using photoshop, select all the frames and change speed to something like 0.1 or whatever looks best as far as speed. Otherwise nice job.
Starting at like 20 seconds in.
lol welcome back~
Well this section never really took off like I hoped... if people can help me spark interest in it again, I'd be happy to help out. Though if If not I'm probably going to scrap this forum. Anyways added sonic to the list.
Not really annoyed, just be aware there's a lot of things we just aren't able to attend to. Like server downtime we have little to no control...
None of the staff hate you, I can assure you that. All I meant is I thought it was odd you brought up all of a sudden. Wasn't meant to be...
Only you would bring this up 8 months later. Anyways it was probably a combination of funny/negative. Funny because well... it was funny....
B-but I was at school~
Best Fairly Odd Parents movie is Channel Chasers, just sayin.
I think he still likes his nuts more.
Sounds exciting. Any screenshots or sneakpeaks you can give us? Teasers etc.
But yeah go ahead and put it in gaming for now. Try to add as much detail in the first post as you can.