¯\_(ツ)_/¯ RIP KHV, lol.
All hail our lord Vivi.
Does cool kid even visit here anymore? Happy birthday.
Feel free to delete this or whatever as I have nothing really to add other than a poor puddle of words to try and describe my emotions after that episode. Spoiler My heart broke when they found Rachel. I mean, yeah, I had the feeling someone had killed her but there was a tiny part of me that felt/thought 'What if?' Spoiler When I got to the ending, oh my days. I yelled at the reveal. As Kitty said, not much screen-time was given to Mr. Jefferson but damn. Is there the possibility that Jefferson was the mastermind, if you will, behind the drugging/photos of the victims or whatever and using Nathan as a way to lure them in? I dunno. Now the title screen/main menu is just a storm. This is fine. :)
Kitty pretty much covered everything I was going to say. That ending, man. That ending. ಥ_ಥ
Boop old selfie with my crappy webcam. Spoiler I turned 18 yesterday, too. :'v Gettin' ready to go out for the first time yaaaay. Spoiler Mostly wanted to show off some of my cute as hell dress.
I was able to save Kate during my first playthrough. Though there was foreshadowing about her contemplating suicide as early as Episode 1 (If you look at her notebook - she has doodles of a hanging noose etc), this episode was still, as you said, rough. The dialogue choices I made during that sequence just flowed together and made it extra emotional for me. I looked at other people's choices during LPs and I'm glad I choose the options I did..Some of Max's dialogue sounded - idk, awkward? jaded? It didn't really fit in that well imo. I'm really diggin' the music that's been featured in this game so far, too! As for Mr. Jefferson liking to take pictures, have you noticed his choice in models? The majority of his photos seem to primarily feature young girls..Not too mention the choice of clothing. Well, I'm thinking of the poster displays around Blackwell campus Samuel mentioned that Rachel wanted to be a model. David is going to go against his archetype, I think. Maybe. It would just seem a little too obvious if David did have something to do with the disappearance of Rachel. I'd also like to mention how creepy I think Warren is. Please tell me somebody else noticed at the start of Episode 2, he can be seen through Max's dorm window peekin' around the corner and waiting for her. :~) Plus how he reacts if you reject his other to go see Planet of the Apes with him.
Could come in some use, I guess.
The final segment/section of Episode 2 really struck a chord for me. Does anyone else get an off vibe from Mr.Jefferson? I think it was him driving away towards the end of the episode after talking to the principle but I may be wrong. Plus, the rumors that Rachel slept with him prior to her disappearance. Maybe there is the possibility that he knows something about her disappearance and (possible) murder? I have also the feeling that Chloe may need to die to save Arcadia Bay but hey, that's just a feeling right now. Guess I'll see what ep3 brings.
I have just finished Old School by Tobias Wolff. I enjoyed it, good book to read in one sitting. Time to find something else to keep me entertained while travelling on public transport.
When You Sleep ~ Mary Lambert
Superheros ~ The Script
update: you're still a nerd.
I just finished Cupcakes and Kalashnikovs: 100 years of the best Journalism by women, for revision purposes. Reading Sunbathing in the Rain whenever the mood takes me as well.
I don't know who these individuals are but happy birthday.
I love it whenever you post an icon thread. ♡ I really like the SU icons! (Art link by any chance?) but the stock ones are just as aesthetically pleasing.
Mirror's Edge and starting up a new save-file on Atelier Totori. :v
Thunder Clatter ~ Wild Club
explain my main man