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  1. Korosu

    All alone

    khv is some kind of reality tv show?
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Korosu
    give 'em hell, drew.
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Korosu
  4. Korosu
    just a little bit ~ kids of 88
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 23, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  5. Korosu


    probably spanish + french. b/c why not. i like the thought of mandarin too but eh.
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Korosu
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 22, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  7. Korosu
    sanctuary ~ utada hikaru
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 22, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  8. Korosu
    holy ****, you're here again.
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Korosu
    c for every award.
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 22, 2016 in forum: 2016
  10. Korosu
    It's lovely! Thank you so much.
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 19, 2016 in forum: Art Shop
  11. Korosu
    hey bby, i'm back for more.

    Image • Here. The artist can be found here or on their tumblr page.
    Size • 200 x 200.
    Colors • I trust you and your colour choosing, pops.
    Luminous • If it looks good, sure!
    Other • Take your time, no rush. ily <3

    Please and thank you!
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 15, 2016 in forum: Art Shop
  12. Korosu
    Alright, thank you. I don't know about lynching Marsuhi but eh. I'll re-read later. For now, ##Unvote al215 while I reflect and think about options. I'm not in favor of losing another townie if we don't have too.
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 2, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  13. Korosu
    I'm quickly popping in to give a reason for my absence since most of you think it's odd that I disappeared. A lot of personal stuff is happening afk that but it is (obviously) my priority right now. Please keep that in mind if I'm not present for long periods of time. I understand last night was cruical and you're waiting for more inactive players to say their piece. One incorrect lynch would give the Mafia a majority. Just like to remind you all.

    If someone could give me a quick summary, I'd appreicate it but understand if 'omg just read the pages' is the response. There just seems to be a lot of circling.
    Post by: Korosu, Aug 2, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  14. Korosu
    I 'told you off' because the self-martyring was irritating and if anything, made me more suspicious of your alliance. Your panicking seems text-book Mafia being caught out/panicking when more pressure is applied. You have plenty of time to defend yourself against Cal and others accusations yet seemed to have given up because you had two votes against you. It was funny. I can't speak for Cal but I imagine her reasons for finding me suspicious may be the same as @Marushi 's. More gut feeling rather than anything really solid right now. This may because of my posting style which is ambiguous. This is my first game and I don't have a 'posting style' established yet. So - players can't really rely on past interactions in previous games to see if I'm behaving differently or not as they are doing with @Mish, for example. If I'm wrong about this @Marushi and @Calxiyn, please correct me.

    I think I've mentioned Cal once or twice, actually. I found her wording odd that is all and probably was a weak commitment. Since nobody responded to me, I left it. The tribbles comment was added as I didn't want not to say anything because then attention would be bought to the fact I didn't mention them, as what has happened in the past. I most likely should phrased it better with 'tribbles is a safe option if you go off the analysis and reasoning the rest of you have gave'. I didn't add anything more because I felt the reasoning for tribbles being a safe option had already been mentioned.

    I went back to Tribbles and Splodge because Marushi asked my thoughts on the trio. As you can see in my post, I had nothing to really say on Judge so far. If you read my reply before to Marushi in general, I mentioned how I feel like I can't really give the detail/deep analysis that other (more experienced players) like, hence my basic comments. I find your wording odd as well. 'our other person is in' - I may be a little WIFM but it seems you're desperately trying to move focus off of you by presenting tribbles. While I agree, tribbles could use more focus I understand their given reasons for staying to the side. If I'm right in thinking, some players do get overly invested into this game and need time to cool off. It happens to the best of us when playing any game.

    Based off your previous reaction and this post - ##Vote al215

    @Marushi - You present an interesting idea on Kat but I have nothing to really add beyond that right now. It's just another player to consider.

    Post by: Korosu, Aug 1, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  15. Korosu
    No problem. I want to help but most of the time, feel like I can't really contribute to a level that be satisfactory to other more experienced players such as yourself - Hence why my posts are often lacking or have nothing worth repeating.

    I feel uncertain, honestly. I thought Splodge and Tribbles were lovers initially (simply because of how tribbles defended Splodge) but now I'm speculating (with no 'evidence' other than feeling but this may change) that may be on the same team? We'll have to see how tribble reacts and posts. I have no real comment on Judge yet (besides his humor makes me smile). What are your thoughts?
    Post by: Korosu, Jul 31, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  16. Korosu
    Enough with this type of behavior. You have plenty of time to counter-argue Cal's post and others/defend yourself. We have until August 3rd.

    @Marushi - 'Happy Day Two' I never specified I was pleased with the results but I guess I am. The mafia is one less member down and that is in the interests of townies. My current thoughts are Al is being overly sensitive and defensive right now for being called out/voted for. Anything else you'd like me to talk about? I'm reading and watching mostly to see reactions. Logging is hard
    Post by: Korosu, Jul 31, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  17. Korosu
    True. Happy Day Two.
    Post by: Korosu, Jul 31, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  18. Korosu
    Nothing of value to really add right now. I'm leaving my vote as it is.
    Post by: Korosu, Jul 31, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  19. Korosu
    Just wanted to quickly one in to say Judge, your gif made me chuckle. Plus the address of Nova as 'boss' heh.
    Post by: Korosu, Jul 31, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  20. Korosu
    Suffering Me, Suffering You ~ Slow club
    Post by: Korosu, Jul 31, 2016 in forum: The Playground