so like this? You can beat the DMC games with just combo A, you don't need to learn shotgun hike/JC, royalguard, crazy combos like UT,aerial rave, E&I switching or really anything of the combo system, you can just pummel and dodge the enemies with a standard combo like in God Hand. (I thought I had a picture of a DMC cover but I don't so this will have to do)
I opened a can of coke. Should I go make a thread about it with a **** gif repeated?
oh so like this oh so like this
And how would one suggest actively opposing the government? No, the only way I can think to act is to debate and discuss, thereby either bringing others to a similar conclusion or bringing myself to a different one. I would disagree with the statement that discussing it does not help my situation at all, as it can be only beneficial, either others are persuaded onto my side of the argument and (hopefully) proceed to also engage in acts of civil disobedience and debating with others on the matter, or I see that there is folly in the way I think and thus change it. Just because something is not violent, or does not have an immediate effect does not mean it is pointless.
I never once made the implication that government is the responsibility of any one being, and the assertion that somehow saying "I do not wish to choose who will rule over me in government for I do not wish to be subject to government" makes me somehow a part of what voted whichever leader in, in is bizarre nonsense akin to saying that being a vegetarian makes me partially responsible for what is the most sold meat, because I COULD have bought a different meat then the one which is the most popular. Utter nonsense. Unless of course I've misunderstood you.
but no matter who I vote for I still have a government that I would have to put up with, and by voting I essentially consent to saying "I'm ok with putting up with whoever is in charge", I would rather not suffer the indignity of choosing my master. The fact that the place I'm currently complaining about it is a video game forum doesn't somehow invalidate that complaint, and the assertion that that is all I do is presumptuous at best, and while it is true that politicians lie and whatnot, it is still the voters who voted him in, if I let a killer into someones home because they lied about being a killer, it's still my fault they died. oh and
Fascinating .
If I don’t accept something to begin with (in this case, the institution of government), what logic would it be on my part to have any sort of association and/or dealings with it that perpetuates its legitimacy—and then complain about it? If I don’t like Chinese food, I don’t go to Chinese restaurants. (And since the owners of the Chinese restaurants can’t come after me to force me to patronize their businesses, then there’s no need for me to complain about Chinese food.) But if you do associate and/or have dealings with something, then there is a tacit understanding that you have accepted its conditions. For example: If you are a left-winger who believes in government and voting—but obviously didn’t vote for Bush—then when Bush was elected you had no right to complain; you’d already agreed to the condition that you would accept the results of the election regardless of who wins. (Of course, a person can complain about certain aspects of the government in the same way that I can complain about some of the food in a restaurant that I do patronize.) On the other hand, since I (as a voluntaryist) don’t accept the legitimacy of (nor even the need for) government to begin with, I have every right to complain about this inefficient, corrupt monopoly forcing itself on my personal being when I don’t even want the services that it provides. You voted them in, you caused the problem. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, am in no way responsible for that these politicians have done and have every right to complain about the mess that you created
it's a painted flower.
Well. That was terrishit.
Arcy we all know that was because you were boning Sara.
I don't have a slowpoke picture slow enough to properly represent this, so instead I'm going to create a thread quoting it one year from now with a slowpoke. Mark my words.
I don't really I was just making a funny
yes because sitting at a computer all day is such a credit to the superhero forces.
if oracle knows all how come she doesnt even know how to walk? risk: 1 oracripple: 0
Helloiamnewhere .
and just look who I happened to stumble on
and then this happened. 01:27 - Revolver Ocelot: SNAKE 01:27 - Big Boss ✌: OCELOT 01:27 - Revolver Ocelot: YOU WON'T GET AWAY THIS TIME 01:27 - Big Boss ✌: DONT TELL ME YOUR USING ANOTHER VINTAGE REVOLVER 01:27 - Revolver Ocelot: ... 01:28 - Revolver Ocelot: I CAN SELL IT OFF AS A COLLECTOR'S PIECE 01:28 - Big Boss ✌: YOUR GONNA MISS AGAIN YOU KNOW 01:28 - Revolver Ocelot: NO WAY 01:28 - Big Boss ✌: YOUR TOO USED TO THAT GLOCK 01:28 - Revolver Ocelot: AN OCELOT NEVER LETS HIS PREY ESCAPE 01:28 - Revolver Ocelot: I CANMEOW AND **** 01:29 - Big Boss ✌: YOUR USED TO EIGHT BULLETS BUT YOU ONLY GET ^ IDIOT 01:29 - Big Boss ✌: 6 01:29 - Big Boss ✌: DAmmit 01:29 - Big Boss ✌: DO I HAVE TO CALL YOUR MOTHER 01:29 - Revolver Ocelot: OH YOU'D LOVE THAT 01:29 - Revolver Ocelot: BOSS THIS BOSS THAT 01:30 - Big Boss ✌: CRAP I FORGOT SHES DEAD ISN'T SHE 01:30 - Revolver Ocelot: **** MAN 01:30 - Revolver Ocelot: SHE WAS A TRUE PATRIOT 01:30 - Revolver Ocelot: ;_; 01:30 - Big Boss ✌: WELL I COULD SEND YOU HER LAST SONG 01:31 - Revolver Ocelot: I'M TOO COOL FOR SONGS 01:31 - Big Boss ✌: WHICH SOUNDS LIKE SOME WEIRD JAPANESE **** 01:31 - Big Boss ✌: COME ON OCELOT I KNOW YOU LIKE THE JAPS 01:31 - Revolver Ocelot: AT LEAST ITS NOT PAZ' THEME 01:31 - Revolver Ocelot: HELL NO 01:31 - Revolver Ocelot: COWBOYS ARE WHERE ITS AT 01:32 - Big Boss ✌: MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO OUT WITH KAZ 01:32 - Revolver Ocelot: MAYBE I AM KAZ 01:32 - Big Boss ✌: OH WAIT YOU KILLED HIM 01:32 - Revolver Ocelot: HEY 01:32 - Revolver Ocelot: AINT MY FAULT LIQUID CANT PLAN AHEAD 01:32 - Revolver Ocelot: YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS BACKSTABBING LITERALLY EVERY PERSON? 01:32 - Revolver Ocelot: **** AINT EASY 01:32 - Big Boss ✌: DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR ARM LIKE THAT 01:33 - Revolver Ocelot: MY ARMS A ****** 01:33 - Revolver Ocelot: I CUT HIM OFF AFTER 2 01:33 - Big Boss ✌: WHY THE HELL DID YOU LOOT LIQUIDS BODY JUST FOR HIS ARM IN THE FIRST PLACE? 01:34 - Revolver Ocelot: CANT FLIP REVOLVERS AND **** WITH JUST 1 HAND YO 01:34 - Revolver Ocelot: GOTTA LOOK COOL WHEN I USE YOU ALL 01:34 - Big Boss ✌: BUT WHY HIS WHY NOT MAYBE ERMMM... A NORMAL TRANSPLANT. ANYWAY IN CQC A KNIFE CAN BE BETTER THAN A GUN ******* 01:35 - Revolver Ocelot: CQC WHATS THAT SOME KIND OF JUDO? 01:35 - Revolver Ocelot: AND WHAT IS THAT STANCE? 01:35 - Revolver Ocelot: I LAUGH AT YOU 01:35 - Big Boss ✌: THAT STANCE BROKE YOUR ARM 01:35 - Big Boss ✌: TWICE 01:35 - Revolver Ocelot: YEAH WELL 01:35 - Revolver Ocelot: IM A COWBOY 01:35 - Revolver Ocelot: NOT A ****IN NINJA 01:36 - Revolver Ocelot: ..****IN NINJAS TAKIN MY ARM 01:37 - Big Boss ✌: WELL RAIDEN CUT OF HIS ARM TO GET FROM UNDER A ROCK. EVENTHOUGH HE COULD LIFT MY ****INGOUTER HAVEN 01:37 - Revolver Ocelot: RAIDENS A *** WHO GETS LIGHTNING POWERS FOR NO REASON 01:37 - Revolver Ocelot: SERIOUSLY WHAT THE **** WAS THAT **** 01:37 - Big Boss ✌: ACTUALLY WHY THE HELL DID YOU TAKE OUTER HAVEN 01:37 - Revolver Ocelot: BECAUSE 01:37 - Revolver Ocelot: .... 01:38 - Revolver Ocelot: MOUNT SNAKEMORE! 01:39 - Big Boss ✌: WELL WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOOT SNAKE INSTEAD OF TRYING TO RAM INTO HIM. LIKE REALLY DID BREAKING YOU ARM MAKE YOU A ****** 01:39 - Revolver Ocelot: IT WAS ALL AN ELABORATE RUSE 01:39 - Revolver Ocelot: TO GET HIM TO DO THINGS FOR ME 01:39 - Revolver Ocelot: BECAUSE I DO THAT 01:39 - Revolver Ocelot: EVERY. 01:39 - Revolver Ocelot: SINGLE. 01:39 - Revolver Ocelot: TIME. 01:39 - Revolver Ocelot: YOU'D THINK THEY'D LEARN 01:40 - Big Boss ✌: BUT THEN YOU THREW OFF YOUR GLASSES, JACKET. WHICH WAS A WASTE OF MONEY. AND YOU STILL LOST AGAINST SNAKE. MY SON WHO LOOKS LIKE HIS IN HIS 70S AND IS DYING CONSTANTLY 01:41 - Revolver Ocelot: IT HAD TO BE CINEMATIC 01:41 - Revolver Ocelot: AND I WAS PRETENDING TO BE LIQUID 01:41 - Revolver Ocelot: AND HE DID IT BACK IN 1 01:41 - Revolver Ocelot: I JUST WANTED TO OUTFIGHT AT LEASY ONE SNAKE DAMNIT 01:41 - Revolver Ocelot: LEAST* 01:42 - Big Boss ✌: BUT HE KILLED LIQUID WHILE HE WAS IN METAL GEAR BACK IN ONE. SO WHY DID YOU THINK YOU WOULD HAVE A CHANCE IN HAND TO HAND COMBAT. 01:43 - Revolver Ocelot: BECAUSE IM THE BOSS' ****ING SON 01:43 - Revolver Ocelot: YOU DONT MESS WITH THAT **** 01:44 - Big Boss ✌: AHH BUT... SNAKE IS MY SON... BIG BOSS'S SON. WHO SAW YOUR MUM'S BEWBS 01:44 - Revolver Ocelot: ... 01:44 - Revolver Ocelot: YOU ALSO CHASED AFTER HER EVERY WORD LIKE A DOG 01:44 - Revolver Ocelot: WHOSE A GOOD SNAKEY? 01:44 - Revolver Ocelot: NOT YOU. 01:45 - Big Boss ✌: ... 01:45 - Big Boss ✌: DAMMIT 01:45 - Big Boss ✌: THAT THAT WAS A GOOD ONE 01:45 - Revolver Ocelot: I'M PRETTY GOOD 01:46 - Big Boss ✌: I GUESS IM THE ONE THATS RANDOMLY GONNA JUMP OFF THE PLANE THIS TIME. YOUR PRETTY GOOD 01:46 - Revolver Ocelot: YOU KNOW THAT REALLY WAS A DUMB IDEA 01:46 - Revolver Ocelot: AND IT WASNT AS COOL AN EXIT AS I THOUGHT 01:47 - Big Boss ✌: WELL I DO WANT TO FEEL THAT FRESH AIR RUNNING THROUGH MY OLD ASS 01:47 - Revolver Ocelot: ... 01:47 - Revolver Ocelot: THANKS FOR THE IMAGE 01:47 - Big Boss ✌: IT WAS MY PLEASURE 01:47 - Revolver Ocelot: IM STILL GUNNA GET YOU 01:47 - Big Boss ✌: COME ON YOU ARE IN YOUR 60S OR SOMETHING 01:47 - Revolver Ocelot: AN OCELOT NEVER LETS HIS PREY ESCAPE OR WHATEVER 01:48 - Revolver Ocelot: IDC 01:48 - Revolver Ocelot: ILL HAVE SOME MAKRET MAN 01:48 - Revolver Ocelot: PUT FOXDIE IN SNAKE 01:48 - Revolver Ocelot: AND ITLL MAKE LIKE 01:48 - Revolver Ocelot: NO ****IN SENSE 01:48 - Revolver Ocelot: IT'LL BE GREAT 01:48 - Revolver Ocelot: EVEN YOU'LL THINK IT'S GOOD 01:49 - Big Boss ✌: BUT YOUR NOT AN OCELOT AND IM NOT A SNAKE. MY NAME IS JOHN BY THE WAY. APPARENTLY THE MOST OVERUSED NAME IN THE UNIVERSE. 01:49 - Revolver Ocelot: PRETTY BORING NAME 01:49 - Revolver Ocelot: BUT ILL REMEMBER IT 01:49 - Revolver Ocelot: EVEN THOUGH MY NAME IS SOMEHOW BOTH ADAMSKA AND SHALASHASHKA 01:50 - Big Boss ✌: YUP WELL I THINK SOMETHING WAS LOST IN TRANSLATION 01:50 - Revolver Ocelot: YEAH, CONVERTING RUSSIAN FROM JAPANANESE TO RUSSIAN TO ENGLISH IS LIKE 01:50 - Revolver Ocelot: A ****IN DUMB IDEA 01:51 - Revolver Ocelot: NEXT THEY'LL SAY REX CANT BEAT THE MODEL DESIGNED TO COUNTER I- 01:51 - Revolver Ocelot: OH. 01:51 - Revolver Ocelot: CAN* 01:51 - Big Boss ✌: WOW YOU REALLY HAVEN'T AGED WELL 01:51 - Revolver Ocelot: WELL **** NEITHER HAS SNAKE 01:51 - Big Boss ✌: I WASN'T EVEN THERE AND I REMEMBER IT 01:51 - Revolver Ocelot: LOOK AT THAT **** HE LOOKS TERRIBLE 01:52 - Revolver Ocelot: at least i have an excuse 01:52 - Revolver Ocelot: having 2 peersonalities and losing an arm 01:52 - Revolver Ocelot: SHITS STRESSFUL YO 01:54 - Big Boss ✌: wELL HELL LOOK AT ME. FIRST I WAS IN A 9 YEAR COMA AFTER GETTING ****ED UP IN A CAR ACCIDENT. THEN I WAS PUT TO SLEEP BY THE AI. I HAD TO HAVE MOST OF MY PARTS REPLACED FROM MY CLONES. AND I STILL LOOK SEXY 01:54 - Revolver Ocelot: THATS BECAUSE YOU GOT ALL THE BEST PARTS 01:55 - Revolver Ocelot: I GOT A ****** ARM 01:55 - Revolver Ocelot: LUCKY ******* 01:55 - Revolver Ocelot: AT LEAST I DONT HAVE A ****ING HORN 01:56 - Big Boss ✌: BUT THAT WAS JUST AN ARM. NOT AN ENTIRE BODY. HELL I GOT A HALF ROTTING BODY WITH A SPLIT SPINE FROM SOLIDUS 01:56 - Revolver Ocelot: YES BUT NANOMACHINES 01:56 - Revolver Ocelot: YEAH 01:56 - Revolver Ocelot: WHAT NOW ***** 01:57 - Revolver Ocelot: YOU JUST GOT KOJIMA'D 01:57 - Revolver Ocelot: NOT TO MENTION I GOT A BITCHIN MUSTACHE 01:57 - Big Boss ✌: DAMMIT YOU REALLY ARE PRETTY GOOD. BUT STILL I DID DIE ON YOUR MUM'S GRAVE 01:58 - Revolver Ocelot: **** MAN EVEN WHEN YOU'RE DEAD YOU'RE TRYING TO FOLLOW HER EVERY MOVE 01:58 - Revolver Ocelot: THAT **** AINT RIGHT 01:58 - Revolver Ocelot: ANYWAY 01:59 - Revolver Ocelot: I DID BETTER AGAINST SNAKE THAN YOU DID 01:59 - Revolver Ocelot: HE SET YOU ON ****ING FIRE 01:59 - Big Boss ✌: YEAH IN CRAPPY 2D GRAPHICS. IF I COULD HAVE SEEN HIM MAYBE I COULD HAVE FOUGHT BACK 02:00 - Revolver Ocelot: AND WHEN ABOUT WHEN HE OUTGUNNED YOU IN OUTER HEAVEN 02:00 - Revolver Ocelot: IN TIME TO CLIMB UP A STUPIDLY LONG LADDER 02:00 - Revolver Ocelot: HOW* 02:01 - Big Boss ✌: LADDERS WITH SNAKE SONGS ARE COOL. THATS HOW I GOT THE IDEA FOR SNAKES AND LADDERS 2.0 02:01 - Revolver Ocelot: **** THATS GENIUS 02:01 - Revolver Ocelot: WE SOULD MAKE A ****IN GAME 02:01 - Revolver Ocelot: OF JUST CLIMIBNG LADDERS 02:01 - Revolver Ocelot: AND PEOPLE SINGING 02:01 - Revolver Ocelot: CLIMBING* 02:01 - Big Boss ✌: YEAH AND MAYBE A PIT OF PHYSCO MANTIS NARRATION 02:01 - Revolver Ocelot: YEAH 02:02 - Revolver Ocelot: HE COULD READ YOUR MIND 02:02 - Revolver Ocelot: "YOU ARE A **** CLIMBER" 02:02 - Big Boss ✌: *?PYSCO?? 02:02 - Revolver Ocelot: "SO YOU LIKE TO CLIMB LADDERS?" 02:02 - Revolver Ocelot: PSYCHO YO 02:02 - Big Boss ✌: bUT HE WOULD EXPLODE WHEN HE COULDN'T FIND THE MEMORY CARD 02:02 - Revolver Ocelot: TRUE 02:02 - Revolver Ocelot: AT LEAST HE WOULD BE HAPPY ABOUT VIBRATION BEING BACK 02:03 - Big Boss ✌: YEAH THATS SOMETHING 02:03 - Revolver Ocelot: AND THE SORROW COULD ***** AT YOU FOR CLIMBING NONLETHALLY 02:03 - Big Boss ✌: BUT THE SORROW WOULD COME AND JUST THROW HIM BACK TO HELL 02:03 - Revolver Ocelot: AGAIN 02:03 - Big Boss ✌: YEAH 02:03 - Revolver Ocelot: MY DAD IS OP AS **** JESUS CHRIST 02:05 - Big Boss ✌: WELL HE SENT MY TO THE UNDERWORLD TO SEE AL THE BOSSES IVE KILLED EVEVNTHOUGH I KILLED THEM NON LETHALY 02:05 - Revolver Ocelot: YEAH THATS KINDA BULLSHIT 02:05 - Revolver Ocelot: AINT YOUR FAULT THEY DECIDED TO BLOW UP 02:06 - Big Boss ✌: EXACTLY. ITS LIKE THE END BLOWING UP WHEN HE DIES OF OLD AGE. THATS BULLSHIT 02:06 - Revolver Ocelot: IT TOTALLY IS 02:06 - Revolver Ocelot: HIM DYING OF OLD AGE IS BULLSHIT 02:07 - Revolver Ocelot: I MEAN COME THE **** ON WSANT HE DEAD ANYWAY EARLIER? 02:08 - Revolver Ocelot: OH GOD PLEASE NO 02:08 - Revolver Ocelot: EVEN I DONT LIKE COWBOYS THAT MUCH 02:09 - Big Boss ✌: OH I KNOW YOUR SECRET. THEM TIGER CAMO PIJIAMAS 02:09 - Big Boss ✌: *PIJAMAS?????>??piohgui 02:09 - Revolver Ocelot: NO 02:09 - Big Boss ✌: *IHAVENTAGEDWELL 02:09 - Revolver Ocelot: OCELOTS ARE THE SUPREME CAT 02:09 - Revolver Ocelot: TIGERS ARE **** 02:10 - Revolver Ocelot: AT LEAST I DONT HAVE BOSS PYJAMAS 02:10 - Big Boss ✌: THEN WHY DID YOU WEAR THAT CAMO 02:10 - Revolver Ocelot: BECAUSE 02:10 - Revolver Ocelot: IM LEARNING TO BE GOOD AT CAMO OK 02:10 - Revolver Ocelot: ITS NOT MY STRONG POINT 02:11 - Big Boss ✌: BUT CANT YOU SEE YOUR CAMO INDEX IS TOO LOW. ANYWAY YOU CAN NEVER BE AS PRO AS. YOU HAVE NEVER ASKED IF YOU CAN TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF 02:12 - Revolver Ocelot: WELL HEY 02:12 - Revolver Ocelot: ID ONT TRY TO SNEAK AROUND IN A ****ING TUX 02:12 - Revolver Ocelot: I ****ING LOVE THIS SONG 02:12 - Big Boss ✌: DUDE THAT TUX MAKES ME LOOK FANCY. YOUR MUM SAID SO 02:13 - Big Boss ✌: I GET THE FEELING HE HAS A JAR OF DIRT 02:13 - Revolver Ocelot: SHE SAID ITS **** CAMO AND YOU SHOULD FEEL STUPID 02:13 - Revolver Ocelot: I ALSO GET THAT FEELING 02:13 - Revolver Ocelot: I SHOULD TRY TO TRICK HIM INTO GIVING IT TO ME 02:13 - Revolver Ocelot: THEN I WILL HAVE THE JAR OF DIRT 02:13 - Big Boss ✌: BUT ANGUS PISSED INSIDE 02:13 - Big Boss ✌: IT 02:14 - Revolver Ocelot: ... 02:14 - Revolver Ocelot: WELL **** 02:14 - Revolver Ocelot: I DONT WANT THAT **** 02:14 - Revolver Ocelot: MERYLS THE ONE WITH THE GROSS FETISHES 02:14 - Revolver Ocelot: ... 02:14 - Revolver Ocelot: ;_; 02:15 - Big Boss ✌: YEAH WELL SHE STOPS MANTIS FROM USING HIS MANY VIBRATORS SO **** HER 02:15 - Revolver Ocelot: HEY 02:15 - Revolver Ocelot: SHE DID YOU A FAVOUR WITH MANTIS 02:15 - Revolver Ocelot: I GUESS YOU COULD SAY SHE BECAME 02:15 - Revolver Ocelot: A MINE READER 02:16 - Big Boss ✌: (facepalm) OCELOT JUST NO WHY WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT 02:16 - Revolver Ocelot: I THOUGHT IT WAS WITTY 02:17 - Big Boss ✌: THATS LIKE HAL FANCING HIS MUM. ITS SO STRANGE. HELL HIS DAD COMMITS SUICIDE BECAUSE OF IT 02:17 - Revolver Ocelot: THAT **** WAS ****ING WEIRD MAN 02:17 - Revolver Ocelot: NO WONDER HIS DAD OFFED HIMSELF 02:18 - Revolver Ocelot: HE SHOULD HAVE STAYED WITH STRANGELOVE 02:18 - Revolver Ocelot: WAIT **** 02:18 - Revolver Ocelot: SHE WAS INTO KIDS TOO 02:18 - Revolver Ocelot: SHE LIKED PAZ 02:18 - Revolver Ocelot: **** 02:18 - Revolver Ocelot: HUEY WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING 02:19 - Big Boss ✌: ALSO SHE HAD A BIT OF RELATIONSHIP WITH THE BOSS TOO 02:19 - Revolver Ocelot: THAT IS TRUE, BUT IT DIDNT REALLY GO ANYWHERE 02:19 - Revolver Ocelot: **** GOT ****IN OBSESSIVE THOUGH 02:19 - Revolver Ocelot: ... 02:19 - Revolver Ocelot: ****** 02:19 - Revolver Ocelot: SERIOUSLYIS EVERY WOMAN IN THIS SERIES MENTALLY UNWELL? 02:20 - Big Boss ✌: YEAH I MEAN THE BOSS WAS SO FREAKED OUT THAT SHE WENT TO SPACE AS SHE WOULD MUCH RATHER GET RADIATION THEN WELL YOU KNWO 02:20 - Big Boss ✌: *KNOW 02:21 - Big Boss ✌: BUT YEAH THERE ARE NO NORMAL WOMEN IN MGS 02:21 - Revolver Ocelot: YEAH AND NAOMIS A COMPULSIVE LIAR WHO WANTS TO KILL PEOPLE 02:21 - Revolver Ocelot: **** MAN 02:21 - Revolver Ocelot: EVEN PARAMEDIC IS ****ED UP 02:21 - Revolver Ocelot: EXPERIMENTIN ON MY BOY FRANK 02:21 - Big Boss ✌: ALL THE B & BS ARE ****ED UP MAN EATERS TOO 02:22 - Revolver Ocelot: **** MAN THE B&B CORP ARE TRAGIC AS **** 02:22 - Revolver Ocelot: SHE WAS LAUGHING ON THE OUTSIDE 02:22 - Revolver Ocelot: BUT CRYING ON THIS INSIDE 02:22 - Big Boss ✌: YEAH 02:22 - Revolver Ocelot: SHE THE RAGING ON THE OUTSIDE 02:22 - Revolver Ocelot: BUT CRYING ON THE INSIDE 02:22 - Revolver Ocelot: SHE WAS SCREAMING ON THE OUTSIDE 02:22 - Revolver Ocelot: BUT CRYING ON THE INSIDE 02:22 - Revolver Ocelot: SHE WAS CRYING ON THE OUTSIDE 02:22 - Revolver Ocelot: BUT CRYING ON THE INSIDE 02:22 - Revolver Ocelot: THAT SHITS STRAIHT UP POETIC 02:23 - Big Boss ✌: I STILL DONT SEE HOW WHEN THEY GRAB YOU AND MAKE OUT IT BECOMES A MISSION FAILED. DOESN'T I MEAN MISSION SUCCED 02:24 - Big Boss ✌: *IT 02:24 - Big Boss ✌: *SUCEED 02:24 - Revolver Ocelot: I THINK SNAKE IS AFRAID OF SCORING AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TO MERYL 02:25 - Big Boss ✌: bUT MERYL IS JUST A STRAIGHT UP ***** IN MY OPINION. SO IS SNAKES MUM 02:25 - Revolver Ocelot: AW HELL NAW 02:25 - Revolver Ocelot: MERYL WAS THE **** 02:25 - Revolver Ocelot: BEFORE SHE BECAME **** 02:26 - Revolver Ocelot: ..THATS SOME DEEP **** YO 02:26 - Revolver Ocelot: ANYWAY YOU ****ED SNAKES MUM 02:26 - Big Boss ✌: BUT I DIDN'T 02:26 - Revolver Ocelot: FINE, YOU HAD A NIGHT OF PASSIONATE DRY HUMPING 02:27 - Big Boss ✌: SHE DIDN'T EVEN TAKE HER CLOTHES OFF THOUGH 02:27 - Revolver Ocelot: THATS BECAUSE SHE WASNT INTO YOU 02:27 - Revolver Ocelot: MUCH 02:27 - Big Boss ✌: I STILL DON'T SEE WHY SHE BROUGHT ME BACK TO LIFE THOUGH 02:27 - Revolver Ocelot: BECAUSE 02:27 - Revolver Ocelot: THERES ONLY ROOM FOR ONE SNAKE 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: AND ONE BIG BOSS 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: AND 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: UHH 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: ZERO. 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: MUST BECOME 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: 1 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: TO BECOME 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: ZERO 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: AND THNE YOU KILL HIM 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: THEN* 02:28 - Revolver Ocelot: IT WAS THE PERFECT PLAN 02:28 - Big Boss ✌: BUT THE WORLD WOULD BE BETTER WITHOUT SNAKES OR ZEROS 02:29 - Revolver Ocelot: BUT THERE WILL FOREVER BE SNAKE 02:29 - Revolver Ocelot: BECAUSE HES A WOODEN STICK NOW 02:29 - Revolver Ocelot: APPARENTLY 02:29 - Big Boss ✌: ERMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMM THATS JUST... WHAT THE HELLL 02:29 - Revolver Ocelot: I KNOW RIGHT 02:29 - Revolver Ocelot: IT NONLETHALLY DISINTEGRATES PEOPLE THOUGH 02:29 - Revolver Ocelot: SO THATS COOL 02:30 - Big Boss ✌: YEAH BUT IT IS KIND OF DISGUSTING THAT SNAKE WEARS SOLIDUS'S HEAD LIKE A MASK 02:30 - Revolver Ocelot: IT IS, ITS ALL BURNED AND **** 02:31 - Revolver Ocelot: THAT **** AINT RIGHT 02:31 - Revolver Ocelot: YOUD TIHNK SNAKE WOULD LIKE SOLIDUS 02:31 - Revolver Ocelot: HAVEN TAKEN UP HIS CAUSE AND EVERYTHING 02:31 - Revolver Ocelot: BUT NO 02:31 - Revolver Ocelot: HE JSUT GOES AROUND PRETENDING TO BE HIS CORPSE 02:31 - Revolver Ocelot: WHAT THE **** 02:32 - Big Boss ✌: ALSO WHY DIDN'T HE JUST SCRAPE OFF THE SKIN OF MY HEAD AND USED IT. i WOULD LOOK 10X COOLER AND I WOULDN'T MIND 02:32 - Revolver Ocelot: DUDE WTF MAN 02:33 - Big Boss ✌: DUDE # 02:33 - Revolver Ocelot: THAT ***** EVA PROBABLY STOLE IT FROM YOU WHEN YOU WERE ASLEEP 02:33 - Big Boss ✌: YEAH 02:34 - Big Boss ✌: ANYWAY ITS BEEN NICE CATCHING UP WITH YOU OCELOT BUT ILL BE LATE FOR MY BEUTY SLEEP. TIME TO JUMP OFF THE PLANE 02:35 - Revolver Ocelot: AIGHT 02:35 - Revolver Ocelot: ILL BE WATHCIN YOU JOHN 02:35 - Revolver Ocelot: I SHOULD HEAD OFF SOON TOO 02:35 - Revolver Ocelot: ITS 2:34 AM ON THIS SIDE OF THE PLANE 02:35 - Big Boss ✌: WELL ITS 2:35 AM ON THIS SIDE 02:35 - Revolver Ocelot: OH **** 02:35 - Revolver Ocelot: A WHOLE MINUTS DOFFERENCE 02:36 - Revolver Ocelot: ... 02:36 - Revolver Ocelot: YES 02:36 - Revolver Ocelot: DOFFERENCE 02:36 - Revolver Ocelot: THISPLANE IS ****ING LONG TO SPAN A ****ING MINUTE 02:37 - Big Boss ✌: I KNOW RIGHT. WELL LETS SEE THAT WHEN I JUMP OFF. I DON'T CAUSE ANOTHER PARADOX 02:37 - Revolver Ocelot: YEAH CAMPBELL GETS ALL PISSY WHEN THAT HAPPENS 02:37 - Revolver Ocelot: NOW IMM OFF TO HAVE A MYSTERIOUS CALL WITH THE PRESIDENT. 02:37 - Big Boss ✌: YEAH SOMEHOW 02:38 - Big Boss ✌: OK THEN NICE FLYING (JUMPS OFF) CAMPBELL: YOU CAN'T KEEP CREATING IME PARADOXS SNAKE 02:38 - Revolver Ocelot: YES 02:38 - Revolver Ocelot: NO 02:38 - Revolver Ocelot: I AM A RUSE MASTER 02:38 - Revolver Ocelot: THX PRES. 02:38 - Revolver Ocelot: THE END. 02:38 - Big Boss ✌: ................................................................ 02:39 - Big Boss ✌: END SCRIPT 02:39 - Revolver Ocelot: METAL GEAR STEAM
Don't play it unless you've already played 1-3
That's the point.