I can't believe Roxas would do this to Roxas
it's a command that tells you your playtime in most online games like this View attachment 50745
I've had a thought. Since they're making cross data center travel a thing sometime this expansion do you think they might end up making it possible to have a cross data center KHV linkshell? Like a CWLS on steroids.
/playtime --- Post updated --- @Explode your game is broke pls fix
View attachment 50744 Don't make me tap the sign.
curious pupper
I can do **** on EU at some point if you play on EU I think my world is level 3 or something idk my UID is 705541819
Had a bad day but am gucci now
Twelve forfend my lady thou hast caught me in a moment of vulnerability. Pray avert thine gaze from mine buxom posterior... Unless thou?
Everyone in this thread has smol pp
Rance is kinda hit and miss, the official sengoku rance translation is coming out real soon on mangagamer and is probably a pretty good starting point since it's pretty self contained even though it's the 7th game in the storyline. Otherwise rance 01 would be the first in the canon story. Rance quest is and rance 10 are p good but you won't know any of the characters. You could also try kichikuou rance which is like the proto version of sengoku, it covers basically the entirety of the "old" storyline before the older games got remade. Most ransu games you'd have to find fan translations tho cus localization is slow a f and also the games are expensive as all hell when they're localised. Most people I've met who have any experience at all with rance started with the sengoku fan translation and liked it, myself included. Games have lewd scenes if you didn't know so be wary of that. Great characters and plot tho. I also happen to have fan translations of sengoku, kichikuou 6, and 5D if you want them ¬_¬
The mixup of MGS themes for the fight against Liquid Ocelot (and that whole fight in general) is still top tier. Also Spoiler: **** YOU Spoiler: FF14 heavensward final boss Spoiler: MGR final bossu Spoiler: FF14 A12S alexander ultimate when
Sengoku Rance is the best VN ever made change my mind
Can I joined KHV_Vulpeus @Fearless ? Am new af my ID is 5404385
Maybe not having an edgy contrarian status would be nice.
mutations are a natural occurrence tho
It was completely ironic.