"So they both can get in Hannah's mind?" Michael asked. "That's not good... Lycans are strong physically, but we have no defense against mental attacks."
OOC; very hot! BIC: "What can those other two vampires do?" Michael asked Van Helsing.
"If it's bad, we could all just go together." Michael suggested.
Michael was quiet for a moment, searching the air as best he could through the horses scents. "One is near a deer, I'm assuming that's either Beatrice or Hannah. Two scents are close together, mixing acutally. The other is there, but separate from the first three. And then there's her." He gestured behind himself to Jinx.
Michael folded his arms. "Do you know them?"
"There's two more in the woods," Michael looked back at Edward.
Michael nodded thoughtfully. "You've got quite a complicated situation on your hands." His head turned towards the stables door. "How many vampires are in your group?" He asked suddenly.
OOC: dinner time!! BIC: Michael closed his eyes for a moment. "You two love each other right?" He opened his eyes and looked at Edward. "If you can, stay alive for her. Eternity without the one you love is... not pleasent."
OOC: ^^^Post 1100 for Lestat!!! ^^^
"A situation she can't get out of herself," Michael clarified.
"I think I could form one," Michael countered polietly. "I just don't want to have to be the only one with her if it comes to that."
Michael's smile disappeared as he was hit by painful memories. "You'll be there for her if she needs it." He said quietly.
Michael shrugged. "I know things would have been easier for me if I'd had someone to teach me a few things. Even if you can figure out a way to reverse what's been done, I think she still needs some kind of information while it lasts."
OOC: lol go edward!! BIC: Michael faced Edward. "If you'll allow it."
Michael nodded to Edward and then looked at Hannah for a moment before going to the horse with Jake's scent on it.
Michael nodded Beatrice forward. "We don't want to wait too long."
"A lycan's most powerful and uncontrolable emotion is anger," Michael explained. "When a lycan's anger gets out of control, its want to kill increases and... there's really no stopping it. Whomever made it angry better be faster or stronger than the lycan."
"Fair enough to know what I'm doing," Michael responded, letting Beatrice guide him, though he knew where he was going. "Perhaps we should slow. Hannah and Edward are there and I don't think she'd appreciate an interruption right now."
"Yes, well," Michael headed outside, pulling up Beatrice's hood when she didn't. "I'll try my best to not be an interference."
Michael shrugged. "If I'm given a chance." He walked out of the room, smiling to himself at how Beatrice followed him.