I'm really sorry but I'm gonna have to go soon... rofl instead of a family thanksgiving (since my aunt and my grammy are fighting) we're going to...
nah i just boss him around rofl i know i like it I'm just not good at it rofl yeah kk
idk i'm just really mean to him rofl idk their different and i'm still not really good at surfing rofl
ooohhh well that's cool a lot rofl ha ha whatevs not really.... i suck rofl
lol wow it was my birthday and I let him go into game stop for like 45 minutes no hurley rofl fox is a motocross brand but they started selling...
kk cya aww that sucks idk i don't remember yeah that's what I did rofl i bought like a bunch of stuffs rofl no roxy it's a name brand like fox...
yeah i know i luved that thread rofl yeah none of them were really any good rofl pretty good, it rained, a lot, we lost power for most of the...
ya like remember Belle from Pirates of the Sea? That was like my FAVORITE character I've ever done =] nah I don't care yeah but like a long time...
i kind of did when i posted mine
oh no i don't care, my bad don't know why i did the three dots lol but yeah ur right i always have the damsel in distress thing going on rofl and...
yeah thanks again yeah...
no prob thanks for making it for me ^_^ No i don't mind at all
OMG THANK YOU!! I luv the amv!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
yes it is ^_^ nah well she just pays really well cuz she's a freaken BILLIONARE!!!! I don't have a wii a playstation 3 I don't have a car or a...
rofl yeah true and ya my couzin matt is like 100% gay and he gets me really awsome presents every year and my aunt tried 4 times for a girl and...
You don't have any visitor messages? well then here you go =]
yeah pretty much.... no regents exams (whatever those are) ^_^ yeah it kinda does like i actually don't get a lot because i always get the "well...
you need 60 hours of community service, passing all of your classes (you can fail one as long as it's a electoral) ummm you need to pass the SAT's...
yeah i swear my school tries as hard as it can to not have us go to school =]we have like every holiday off and on big hollidays we have a whole...
nah we got the whole week off and we get one off for christmas too =] thanx!!!!! =P