Kaori stopped and looked back, then noticed the man, it was the man that was advertising before. She didn't know what was going on, and what he had to do with all of it but he was right, they did need help though she didn't really know how to help.
Kaori quickly looked up from her book and stood up. She didn't know what was up but she quickly started to walk away at a fast pace.
Kaori continued to read silently.
Kaori took the poster and her book and started walking away not saying a word. She turned the corner and continued walking until she got to another nice spot to continue reading.
aww oh well that's alright no worries
why what is it?
" I'm sure." Kaori said closing her book and standing up.
" I don't need anything." She said almost in a whisper, looking down at her book again.
OOC: death were u talkin to my character? oh well I'll reply anyway rofl BIC: " No thank you." Kaori said softly again, she hated talking to all of these people.
" No." Kaori said softly.
OOC: Srry it's takin so long for me to post BIC: Kaori looked at Shu, a little afraid but she didn't say anything.
Kaori was sitting outside of town reading, as usual.
well I'll be back later because he'll get bored rofl kk
not really i think i just make it sound more fun than it really is rofl idk actually rofl their like a special really expensive boots rofl yeah...
oh and I can only be on for another 15 minutes because my brother actually called the computer but then i took it rofl
idk i just can rofl lol well it's really nottin but trees rofl not really pretty good my aunt bought me uggs YAY um I met my cousin Jimmy's...
hahaha rofl yeah maine's pretty cool rofl mostly white rice and pork and the chicken finger thingys rofl
nah he's just bigger, not fatter or anything he's just big rofl idk how or why he's so big but he is rofl and he FOUR YEARS younger than me!! rofl...
Yeah I know I was like YESH CHINESE!! rofl and yeah wicked excited rofl!! ^_^
rofl he'd KILL ME!! even though he's younger he's a lot bigger than me already rofl lol well I suck at both rofl ^_^ but that's ok