" Oh it's ok, and no thank you." Kaori said and hardened the sand around the sand worms so they were stuck inside of a rock like cacoon. " Is that ok?" She asked Grim.
OOC: i know rofl BIC: " I was just passing through, I didn't really mean to get noticed." Kaori said.
" Yes I am." Kaori said calmly.
nope not really.... rofl
Kaori shook her head.
wow rofl yeah i went pool hopping at a hotel... but that's not that bad....ummmm idk i guess not really rofl
" No I'm fine, thank you though." She said softly, pulling her book tighter to her body.
awww poor little guy omg wow i don't think i could do that rofl well one time my friends went into walmart (i wasn't there) and they took those...
yeah seriously they love tootsie rolls and it won't kill them rofl omg i would die if i was with that guy rofl
yeah I have, but my cat killed it, so far I think you're doing good and... I'm dead serious when i say this, mice love tootsie rolls dead serious...
well i remember when a bird hit one of our window's once we put it in a box in the dark until it could fly again but a mouse would just chew...
Kaori watched and listened to Grim.
no idea and sorry i havn't been on
Kaori walked into the area where they were supposed to meet, clutching her book tightly.
na my grammy's commin here rofl and their fighting because well actually it's not my aunt and my grandma its really my uncle and my grammy because...
kk ya sure sounds cool
sure i don't care lol
Kaori smiled and started to walk away. Still not completley sure what she'd gotten herself into.
" Um sure." She said softly.
" Alright..... I'll come along." Kaori said.