kk haha really that's funny and i've kinda started it, but like i said I need some more ideas, but when I like officially start I'll...
Oh no I don't mind, I'm here to listen if you want to talk =] And yeah i know what you mean, also I'm thinking about starting a new rp for some...
Oh no I don't haha =D
Oh I'm sorry, if you want to talk I'm here, you always help me with my problems haha =D Idk haha I guess I was just kind of missing this place,...
Haha yeah I know haha I'm good, how are you? How's life treating you?
Hey! Just wanted to say hello since it's been a while haha =D
No Problem and thanx i like ur profile pick too =]
Hey sooooooo sorry i havn't been on, southern Maine had this HUGE ice storm and we kind of got the tail of it so we lost power for the whole weekend.
Isabella continued to walk heading for the library.
Isabella smiled a little. " Um....well...I should go... it was nice meeting you." She said and turned away, but not walking towards the girls, instead she walked in the opposite direction of them.
" Oh I don't think so, I like it when it's all sunny and nice, but I don't mind the rain either." She said.
" Um...it is?" Isabella asked looking at the sky, it was a beautiful day out.
"Isabella, but my friends call me Izzy." She said softly, wringing her hands nervously.
" Ok, ok, I'll do it." Isabella said, she got up and started walking over to Matt. She looked back at the girls before turning to him, "Um....hi." She said.
" Oh no... I've gone a couple times, I think its Sarah's turn." Isabella said, nervous.
OOC: oh it's ok no prob and sorry I posted so late I'm watchin a movie BIC: Isabella smiled a little, trying to fit in with all the other girls as she watched Matt walk away.
Isabella sat on a bench outside talking with some friends.
name:Isabella age:15 social group: The quiet ones appearance: personality:Isabella is very quiet, and very shy she doesn't talk to very many people and she has friends, but no one she's really close to. She gives into peer pressure very easily and will do just about anything anyone wants her to do skills: She's good at school work (she's very smart), helping people (giving advice, helping with homework, exc.) and keeping calm. abilities: Bibliomancy, Xenoglossy, and Healing history: She lives a very normal life, with a normal family. She first found her healing ability when she brought in a bird that had hit her window when she was 7 and the broken wing was almost completley healed when she touched it. Once she entered high school she discovered her xenoglossy by becoming friends with an exchange student from Germany, she soon realized that when the girl spoke German she could easily understand her, even though she had never learned German. She keeps her powers a secret and has never told anyone before. played by: kairigirl22
" What is it?" She asked.
rofl yesh u do!! yea.... well you pretty much just talk to friends and leave comments and stuff rofl