In the same instant Blade had one of his swords at the back of her neck, she had her scythe, wrapped around his, so the blade was just barely touching the back of his neck. Ben prepared himself for the perfect moment when he could come in and help, but no moment seemed right.
Quickly and gracefully she let go of the scythe, causing it to shatter and dissapear (usually causing someone to fall forward) as she twirled around him, and re-summond her scythe.
Jane heard the man's movements and the whip of the air from his sword and blocked it with her scythe. Even though he hadn't put any real effort into it, she could tell he was much stronger than any normal human. "Master, he's a Derma." She said calmly, still blocking his sword. Ben, tried to stay calm after what the man had said the comment he had about Jane. A Derma? He knew that Jane had never faught a Derma before. Even though he wanted to help, he knew that it would be best to just move out of the way, and let her do the work since she was much stronger than he was.
Dude, freaky!! *shifty eyes* hahaha
Ben glanced between the man and Jane for a minute. What did he want with Jane? "Jane be careful, this man is different." Ben said to her. Jane just nodded, listening to the very distinct movements of the man, waiting for him to attack.
Hahaha cool I'll have to watch it, and really, haha that's weird
Ben stared at the man, the looked back at Drake. "A set up?" He thought. He pulled out his sword, "Jane." "Yes master." She summoned her scythe and stepped in front of Ben ready to fight. She couldn't see the man but she could smell the stench of blood comming from him. She had an odd feeling that this wasn't a normal man.
Hahaha Yeah I've heard of it, seen a couple AMV's on it too, but I've never watched it. Why is it good?
"An assasin huh?" Ben just stared at Drake for a minute. "Not a very honorable job, but I guess not a lot are. Let's go Jane, we have no business with this man." He said turning away from Drake. Jane nodded and turned towards Ben. "Yes master."
"Drake..." Ben repeated. "Well Drake, was there a reason for killing this man?" He looked at him, he had seen a lot of men come back from the war a little messed up, but this guy just didn't seem to care that he had just killed someone in a public place.
Hahah what you don't like it? It's Kurosaki from Dengeki Daisy =] Another wicked hot one XP
Jane took a step forward, so that now she was in front of Ben. She wanted to summon her scythe but she had strict orders from Benjamin to not summon it unless they were actually under attack. Ben glanced at Jane, then back at Drake. "What's your name soldier?" Ben asked, asuming he was in the war if he had a sword like that.
Ben headed down the alley way, with Jane following closely behind. There was a man sitting on a pile of boxes next to a large very fresh blood stain on the cobble stoned ground. "Excuse me sir, do you know what happened here?" Benjamin said firmly looking at Drake and the large sword next to him. Jane stood next to Ben, but slightly behind him to show that he was superior to her. Staring aimlessly ahead she listened for signs that the man might be a danger to Benjamin.
"Master..." Jane started, slightly tugging on his shirt sleeve. "What is it Jane?" Benjamin replied, not seeming all that concerned for what she was about to say. "I smell blood, and a lot of it." She said blindly looking ahead. "Blood?" He asked, now seeming interested. She nodded and pointed down an allyway. They turned down the allyway, where Jane had pointed to. Ben wasn't all that concerned about a little blood, it really wasn't his business anyway, but if it was big enough to have Jane mention it, he might as well check it out.
Ok ready to start? I guess I'll make the first post: Jane silently walked behind Benjamin as they walked towards the castle in Maderin. It was a busy day in the market streets, it was hard for her to navigate between all of the people and keep track of Benjamin. "We'll be off this street in a minute." Ben said firmly to her, almost reading her mind. She nodded once, thankful to be getting of the busy street. They turned down a back alley that led to a much wider and less packed street. It was all houses, and inns.
yup was just about to do that hahaha
Approved, and yeah I'm thinking of making another one too since we need more masters XP
This is fine, you're approved! =D
I love Dengeki Daisy, it's sooo cute hahah, followed closely by vampire knight and hana to akuma <3
Skillet is pretty cool, they're not my favorite band, but they have a lot of really good songs. And I like how they're songs have meaning behind them.