Lightning rushed Storm up to his room, she wraped the wound in her energy, and wtched as it began to heal. I hate not being a healer sometimes she thought well you could be Lightning was startled by the voice. Who are you she heard laughing in return
Occ: i wanted it to be Roy Mustang, but that is impossible seeing as he didn't die during the war. Lets go with.... Bic His name was Kaname She said she whiped her eyes on her sleave, and smiled. He wouldn't want me to cry anymore she thought to herself.
Yah we probably could die Trisha fell asleep
Occ: i can't think of one, lol.
Occ: why is it that all my characters seem to be in an emotional cornor. O well I am so sorry Storm. She tryed to cry, but she just couldn't. Damn you she whispered if you hadn't shown up Storm wouldn't have ended up like this
There was someone really important to me, who died during the Ishbalan Rebellion. My parents were alchemists, but they died when i was young. Not knowing how else to live, i used the little bit of alchemy i knew to pick pockets in Central. He caught me one day, and instead of throwing me in jail, he took me in. He was the one who taught me my alchemic trade. No longer able to controll her tears Melany sniffled I don't even know why i am telling you all of this She tryed to laugh, but it came out as more of a choking sound.
Occ: thats one way to wrap things up Lightning watched helplessly as the lightning hit Storm. She tried to go to him, but she couldn't move the way she wanted to. we have to kill that monster first no, i am fed up with fighting her. You might have killed Storm your goal was to kill Jade lleave me ALONE Lightning fell from her place in the sky. Her wings had disapeared, along with the lightning she held. She ran to Storm. Storm, say something. You better not die on me sir.
Did you ever meet........ never mind, stupid question Melany's eyes began to fill with tears. She missed her master.
Vampires can't die. We only suffer
The Hell Song-Sum 41
occ: ok. I am getting confused with a the RP i am doing. A vampire's curse is forever she muttered. What curse could have been placed on you? she wondered out loud.
When did you leave "I wonder if she knew master" Melany thought
Are you sure you want to be next to a vampire who has lost blood she wispered, now that she was being healed everything seemed somewhat better. Her eyes were still closed.
occ: i have been expirementing with split personalities in writing, so far, it is hard to write about two people being the same person in a way. We'll see After that it was just flash after flash of lightning, but the lightning was diferent as well, it had a black core. She dove from the sky two bolts of lightning in each hand. She was determined to kill Jade. This was not going to end well, for anyone, including Lightning.
Lightning feel to her knees. She had used up most of her energy in that attack. It took whatever she had left to just keep awake. Well that makes two of us laughed Lightning. She staired at the ceiling. Well, at least i got to use the attack she muttered to herself. Her swords slid out from her hands. The world seemed to be moving in slow motion. She fell. try to keep you eyes open you dim wit her mind yelled at herself. I don't think so. Sorry sir. she wispered as she slid into darkness. Is that all you got? a voice said to her go away Lightning said. I am dead therefor i can't do anything your not dead yet o really? then why can't i see You are somewere inbetween the world of the living, and the world of the dead That sucksshe laughed dryly why can't They just put me in one place do you even know who i am no, should i? Well let me help you Lightning stood up, her eyes changed to red. Not bothering to pick up her swords she turned to Jade. This time you will die This wasn't Lightning's voice. Her hair broke free of the ribbon she had used to keep it in place, and was now flowing everywhere. Gaint wings made of lightning burst from her back. They lifted her up in the air, and she began her attack. occ: i know, it is a long post, and slightly over dramatic, but i had a picture in my head and just ran with it, lol
occ: i reall have no idea how to introduce Trisha, but lets try this bic: Trisha finaly found some of them. Some of the light warriors. She had several bleeding gashes from her escape. Blood trickled from them onto the floor. Feeling light headed from the loss of blood, Trisha walked out into the open. Help me. Please then she colapsed onto the ground. She no longer could go on without blood. Darkness slid over her eyes, and she fainted.
Is it to late to join Oc: Yami*no*Hime Name:Trisha Age:several hundred years old Gender:Female Race:Vampire Power:Darkness Kingdom:Light (betrayed the Dark Kingdom when her only love was killed by the king there) Other: Keeps to herself alot Looks: has retractable dragon like wings.
Your good Jade. Looks like i have underestimated (long word)you Lightning began to mutter something under her breath. Lightning (the thing, not the character) needles surounded everything. Lightning (ther person this time) pointed one katana at Jade. All the needles attacked Jade at once. Everytime one shot out a new on took it's place Rest in peace Lightning mutted as the needles fell.
Occ: Yes we are still in centeral. Yeah, i just got in. she took Talim's hand. I am Melany, nice to meet you Melany saluted Talim
hehe Lightning laughed sarcasticly. Well maybe i will just make it so you won't ever have to use that name agian Lightning attacked agian, this time faster and more agressive.