sup FUZZY SWEATER *salutes* good evening (well thats what it is here)
hi people, any1 here?
...ewwww. he is ugly. lol
Zexion is the coolest!!!!
hints his name Envy would only eat when needed, but would really only want Hoinhiem's blood (still can't spell) i g2g, bye bye good bye
29262 running around in circles always helps
that brings to mind
have you heard "still waiting" by them. i think it is better than Underclass heros.
yay, 30 posts 29257
hello people 29256
that would make getting the blood harder
awwwww he is so CUTE
wow......that is awsome
lol, cool pic of Sephiroth on your door.
ewwwww ( i have a terible fear of the things, cockroaches i mean) haha, u just roast them alive ...i guess that would work
I haven't posted it on my fanfic yet...but here is the first paragraph or so......please tell me what i can do to make it better. The story is a fanfic of D.Gray-Man. Bookman has died, and Lavi is the new one. it is. "She fell to the cold, hard ground, out of breath and willing not to go on. It had felt like she had been running for hours, but it could only have been a few minutes. She couldn't move, she just wanted to lay there and rest for all eternity. "You can run but you can't hide," the taunting voice echoed around her. She forced herself back on her feet, and took off once more. Her mussels ached in rebellion, they were against the idea of sudden movement. Unfeeling laughter followed her escape from the damp, dark ally. Shapes and places passed on a blur. She stumbled on a forlorn bottle, causing her to twist her ankle. Fighting back the urge to whimper in pain, she dragged herself forward to a dark corner of a street and hide among boxes. There was no place for her to run, she was trapped. The thing would surely catch up to her in a matter of seconds. She could feel it drawing closer and closer. Her hand automatically strayed to the pendent she wore around her neck, as if it would protect her from the approaching fiend . "Boo!" the hideous monster showed up at last. The child was frightened, and huddled herself as close to the wall as possible, crying silently in her knees. "I can sense your innocence," The monster rasped as it walked toward the girl. In the distance, she heard the distorted steps of someone who was running. Maybe the first person to find her corpse. The thought sent chills down her small spine. Help me, she thought to herself please, someone. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest, she wished it would stop being so loud. It probably gave away any chance of escape. She buried her head in her knees, and began to cry silently. The foot steps stopped, and so did her heart. A huge explosion rocked the ground beneath her, she didn't dare to look up from her sanctuary of darkness. "It's all right, little one," A kind voice was speaking to her now, still she didn't look up. She heard a rustle of clothes, a light jacket was placed around her shoulders. "You have no reason to be scared. The akuma will no longer bother you," Slowly the girl looked up into a single green eye, leveled with her black ones. The calm gaze of his eyes seemed to calm the child's own nerves. "What is your name?" He asked kindly. "Y-Yume." She stumbled over the words. Although she felt better, her body wouldn't stop shaking. "I am the Bookman of the Black Order. You can call me Lavi." He held out his hand to help Yume up. She took and he pulled her easily to her feet, but the moment Lavi let go of Yume's hand, she fell back to the floor with a yelp. Reaching over, Lavi carefully checked the injured ankle. "You hurt your ankle pretty badly, didn't you?" He picked her up like the baby she was, and carried her off. It was comforting to be carried off to safety, even though Yume knew nothing of this man. He could be a monster, akuma he called it, himself. She didn't care, finally she could rest. Finally she could stop worrying, at least for now. Yume woke with a start, she didn't even remember falling asleep. Quickly, she scanned the unfamiliar room. Lavi was sitting at a desk, writing a large black book. Yume felt attracted to the book, like it was calling to her. She stood up, minding the injured ankle, and limped over to Lavi's side. She glanced at Lavi's insanely neat handwriting, each of the letters he wrote seem to dance on the pages. Lavi glanced up from his work to see Yume standing awkwardly beside him. Standing, he ruffled Yume's already messy short, black hair, and left the room. His book lay open, forgotten, on the desk. Within seconds, Yume was flipping through the pages of the large book. The worn book crackled as Yume turned the yellowed pages. She stared in wonder at the assortment of sketches and stories from the past." And then i get major writers block......If you have a way to help me through that could you please tell me?
forget just drinking the blood, the whole person will be gone. King Bradley.........? you think he would become a vampire for his daughter if it makes her happy, he would do anything
....... hmmmm don't even think about it mister think about what?
Al would die of starvation before eating a human