so what if i like dog they are loyal and no matter how u treat them they don't come complaining about a pay cheak (i had that thing memorized at one point) i like cats, mine is sitting on my desk and knocking everything off it
cheater i don't see how u can cheat. I mean, who would want to be come a fried person humph *cough*baby*cough* i think i caught your cold Fuzzy
thanks *pouts* *snaps at Fuzzy* see i can make sparks. hello VGN.
grrrrrrrrrrrrr..*atemps to dry off* serves u right u meanie.
.......nice sig lol, ish so CUTE zomg i found it..... congrats moron grrrrrrrrr *throws a bucket of water on Roy* hahahaha take that
animal i have become-three days grace
idk....i posted some of it somewhere in this world we call kh-vids
*shifty eye* i don't see him. then agian he is so small, he could hide behind an ant Yup, last time i checked Ed was Koneko's :) it isn't on fanfic yet. i have edited at least 1000 times. she also has koneko as her official editor yup
Aerith-sensie...i finally feel like i am writing a somewhat readable fanfic and of course it is about Lavi....did u totally ditch me mayb....
.......Ed is a mindless midget of a child don't be mean now.. i'll steal your gloves
lol, i am reading newtype and it has something about Fullmetal in it o really there is a pic of u in it, Roy. It is of when you were getting your butt kicked by Bradly *attemps to burn the magazine* lol, i remeber that.
aggggg. u r making me more cunfuzzled no, u r just to easily confused
*dies of laughter* it is going to eat joooo. or not.
lol, i got glomped so many times durring AWA. Everyone was like "OMG Lavi" it was funny traitor a person i know went as Roy, and his girlfriend went as Riza. It was so cute ..........
i am bored.... 29400
...okay then.
......................i'm comfused huh? yay, what Fuzzy said .......................
hey, long time no....type? hello
good, i finaly got my darn braces off so now when ever she talks it sounds like she is gaging on something o shut up u.....u....cow! cow, is that the best u could come up with maybe, so how are you?