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  1. Yami*no*Hime
    I have played it. it was a great game :)
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  2. Yami*no*Hime
    ooc: it is really getting hard to play Yume. Do you think i could stop playing her and make another character. If not i will try my best with Yume.
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Yami*no*Hime
    ooc:srry, i am trying to finish something......
    bic: Yume crawled out of the bush she was hiding in. Yay it worked. She opened the giant doors and walked into the castle. It was huge i am going to need a map to get though this place
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Yami*no*Hime

    Death Note

    scaning the area to find the right human. Ririn spoted a human without the years she had left displaid. hmmm. someone got a death note not far behind her was another shinigami. Ririn desided to abandon her first quest to follow the shinigami. the girl went inside a house, and the shinigami sat on the roof of her house. it is not the right time to make myself known she whispered to the wind. She hid in a tree
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Yami*no*Hime
    oo i wanna sing
    please don't
    fine annoying one
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Yami*no*Hime

    Death Note

    occ: thats is fine....i know you have the rules of the death note listed...but can shinigami see other shinigami?
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Yami*no*Hime
    usually my time looks like this
    school: 8 hours
    HW: I do it when the teachers are talking about something that i don't care about....which is about 90% of the time
    free time: about 5 hours (that includes after school activities)
    time spent in my room pretending i am asleep: 2-4 hours
    sleep:5-7 hours
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Yami*no*Hime
    Well that was an interesting ride. Yume muttered. She was following Fullmetal under the order of Colonel Mustang. Then Ed gets kidnapped by some dude in black. Yume had to follow him though a black thing, then she found herself here. Infront of a castle that was bigger than most of central. stupid half pint gets us in a world of trouble. Hmm now how to get in using alchemy would cause to much of a disturbance. i know! Yume banged loudly on the castles front door.
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Yami*no*Hime
    occ:srry bout last time. I wasn't suposed to be on the computer that late....and my mom found me so i had to ditch, fast.

    bcc: what in the world is going on here? two vampires...and something that tried to eat her...were talking in the street. She swooped down to land next to the male vampire What an interesting little party this is she said, her voice dripping with sarcassim. look, there even refreashments she gustered tword the feeding vampire. She slipped her wings into her back.
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Yami*no*Hime

    Death Note

    Ririn flew over a bustling little street. Humans scurried on to there next destination, completly unawair of the dark figure hanging over them. i wonder what would happen if i gave my death note to one of them Ryuk told all the shinigami about Kira and the fun he had watching him. She was envious because, while Ryuk was playing, she was stuck in the world of the dead, watching wistfully. When she saw her chance, she snuck out and found here way to a large city. so many people to choose from Ryuk just happened to drop his death note right infront of some student, the student turned out to be a sycopath and killed more humans than Ririn ever did. But time came when the pathetic mortal had to die.....then once again, the world became boring.
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Yami*no*Hime
    Yume took off into the cool night air. she was fast, even for a vampire, but that still was a close call.
    okay then. your not a vampire either.Yume laughed lightly
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Yami*no*Hime
    Yume watched as a person ran out into the streets. Pitiful humans she thought to herself. wait a minute, that is no human She laughed to herself at the silly mistake she made, and watched the vampire.
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Yami*no*Hime
    occ:thanks agian for letting me join :)yes twilight is is Trinity Blood......Crusniks own the planet lol jking
    bcc:Yume watched as the moon rose into the dark sky. It had been a long time since she last saw a was so beautiful to her...
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Yami*no*Hime
    i like the Panda one. Pandas are cute.
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Yami*no*Hime
    yay, i get to join
    Name: Yume
    nikname: yu-chan
    age: 15 in apperence, but is really really old
    Hair: black, held up with a ribon
    Eyes: silver
    Story: Yume was one of the first vampires ever to live. She excaped the vampire hunts by hybernating. Now, in the current years, she was reawakened
    Status: hyper/depressed
    apperence as a human: girl in a normal school uniform
    apperence as a vampier: [​IMG] She keeps her black angel wings close to here so no one usually sees them.
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Yami*no*Hime
    Name :Yume
    Age :15
    Gender :female
    Weapon :katana
    Specialist in : Lightning Alchemy
    Appearance : (i'll put the picture up later) Long black hair, walks around in a school girl uniform, but really is a state alchemist
    Bio : Was sent by the state to help retreave Fullmetal, but will this ditz really end up helping anyone?
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Yami*no*Hime
    my school has a funny schedule. This week we had advisment ( i am in high school so we don't have homeroom everyday) and that takes away about 30 min for something really worthless, then we had no school on friday, then an early release day next Wednesday. My science teacher won't stop complaing on how they are "taking precious learning time away from the students"...I just laugh and fall asleep
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Yami*no*Hime

    Death Note

    occ: okay, thats fine. would you pm me when you start up?
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Yami*no*Hime

    Death Note

    Death God's bio (Note, that a death god can hold either one or two books)

    appearance: [​IMG] (i couldn't find a good picture of a shinigami so i used this) with the added black wings of a shinigami
    personality:silly little shinigami that looks alot more like a human
    reason for coming to the human realm:she wants to recreat the Kira days
    history:Ririn spent alot of her time watching the humans. One thing that amused her was the Kira years. It looked like alot of fun! (has two deathnotes)
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Yami*no*Hime
    ......I win? so what is the prize
    Post by: Yami*no*Hime, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone