ooc:just a little, but what a great way to be like Kira huh? bic: Ririn giggled not far from Etsuko, but she was quit enough so he wouldn't hear her. one more kill she thought happily just one more
occ:confused...but since i am on ed's side. bic: Yume slashed the wall in half, she pointed her katana at Dexen and why should we trust you. she went over to stand by ed
G2g, bye. See ya later
hi sensei *salutes*
hmmmmmm Yume slamed her katana down into the ground..trying to kut though the floor. okay that didn't work g2g, see you all later.
ring ring ring ring Banana Phone..bupbupadupadup ding dong ding dong banana phone~ it grows in bunches i've got my hunches My cellular banular phone... warning...she is hyper because she just got to talk to the guy she likes
HOLA MINA ......spanish and japanese. that has to be a new invention
ooc: i changed the post now so....yah
ooc:i don't exactly know where i am in all this...soooooo bic: Yume pulled out her katana and hacked away at the darkness binding her. She saw a glimps of metal, something other than her katana. Must be Ed she thought to herself. It took her awhile to break free of the dark chains...now there was only this world of darkness before her. Ed....U okay?
Ririn watched as the man.....Etsuko.....lifted a pen to the note book. She smirked, the simplisity of these mortals is so amusing
ooc:wow...my avy sparked a very random conversations...COOL! bic: Yume settled down onto a tall tree. She was back in her vampire form and felt much better. She just had a snack, one tasty young man, quit handsome, too.
ooc: everyone forgets about poor little Yume...lol bic: Yume changed into her human form. she forgot how disgusting it felt to even pretend to be mortal. She dashed along a street, and into her small apartment. ooc:got to go to bed...night people
ooc: got to go to bed...night peoples
i didn't think it would be that easy. she giggled as a person lifted her death note from the gound. ooc: srry everyone....time for me to got to bed...night
ooc:lol, thanks. me and my best friend were up at 2 making it. she'll b happy that someone commented on it
Yume was too confused to answer(ooc: i really am). mistake you...who did they mistake you for. i mean, you are the shortess person on the face of the planet the thought of going back home sounded great though.
ooc:srry i had homework.... bic: Ririn was now casing a train, another great way to get ride of her death note just occured to her. She flew ahead to the next stop and droped the first death note onto the platform.
ooc: finally a civilian...
ooc:you can always follow in Kira's footsteps and kill criminals.
thanks...i guess. Yume looked around...sure enough there was Ed. now how am i going to get Fullmetal out of here.