*passes a beer to xephos and haseo* do you need to talk to us about your girl problems haseo?
ask really really really nicely and amber might make you one,she made mine.
*moves forward four spaces towards ICSP* *uses weapon break* *miss* *waits*
*throws water ball*
your jedi mind tricks won't work on me.credits will do fine*waves hand*
*throws hi-potion at fayt*
not goltatana,zalbag.
i will strike you down and become more powerful then you could ever be.
*throws alarm clock at emma*
The Dark Knights Shall Be Defeated.
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
*runs up to the castles speaker system and puts on* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsK90GWBVLY
it looks like val wears the pants in the relation now.XD
*streaks through castle*
haseo,are you a bad boy? *contains laughter*
i'm just waiting to die is all,hurry up and kill my kira,what are you waiting for.
*streaks through thread*
*catches steak in the air and wolf's it down(<-- pun intended) *continues to watch*