Yeah, the deaths in Stardust Crusaders hit me especially hard. Iggy was such a piece of **** but I grew to love him so much.
Oooh, nice. How's she liking the Egyptian Roadtrip saga??
It's rad as hell. I read through the manga during the summer so I know the story of it already, but seeing it all animated is always so great....
[color=#4169e1]Good grief...
Hey dude. I'm good, how are you?
glad to see you back on nub it's a shame we couldn't both be purple at once, but i feel like the forum would've imploded if that had happened
Purple has always suited nubs. As has pink. >:3
the answer to that would be yes
he's working on movie trailers now (was actually assistant editor for that PotC teaser that was just released!)
View attachment 45553 So the former editor for the Game Grumps tweeted this at me and I'm still kinda freaking out over it
No evacuation for me either. Maybe just some heavy rain and a power outage later, but we're not getting the brunt of the storm.
well i'm sorry which of us was the first to be nominated for the position??? ;v
i literally just saw this but i'm down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i know, i have the same issue like, the cinematics for these games keep getting better and better. i love it.
a mashup that my friend showed me and i've been obsessed with it for about a week now SO GOOD
to whoever nominated me, i'm flattered but i'm absolutely not enough of an otaku to warrant this my friend is the one getting me into so much of the stuff i'm watching now...
i mean, i'm always Down To make Friends u wu
@ whoever nominated me for this
aww ty (u wu)