This was the song that made me start listening to Sonic soundtracks
This is the most accurate representation of my love for Taylor Swift
A razor. My dog somehow got mine and CHEWED THROUGH THE BLADE
This was supposed to be a joke but I was 45 minutes late lol
Seriously, I'm late for work.
You're thinking of "narc" for "snitch" But suck up, yeah, def.
That word must mean something else 'round those parts
Blaine. Buddy. Pal. Guy. Remember all we've been through together? You posted an introduction thread, I replied. Good times, bro. I'm your guy.
See: how everything started. Honestly, the whole affair on both sides was extremely unprofessional and that's how it spiraled out of control from what I can see.
You mean they're not?
Don't shower with your toilet, either.
I suggested we go to Myspace
I'm not going to get mushy since we're still Facebook buddies, but wow, I can't believe it's been that long since you joined. Holy ****, I forgot about the forum rearrange conversation! I thought it'd be a few hours and it took the whole day! Anyway, I'll see you around, fruits.
I'm ready for old members to stop coming back now.
I don't want to say anything hateful. I just want to know.`
I have no idea who the other UK staff is so I can't do the math
I look good in blue. Just throwing that out there