I once entered ten puns in a pub contest hoping one would win, but no pun in ten did.
Y'all wanna hear a joke? Me, too.
Willem DaFoe is playing Ryuk in Death Note. This almost makes up for Nat Wolf playing Light.
Jason O'Mara (of Batman-voice fame) is playing the new, as-of-yet unnamed, Director of SHIELD for Agents of SHIELD. I'm sure there's a funny theory about Batman running Marvel's spy organization. The synopsis for the new season reveals that after Civil War's Sokovia Accords, SHIELD is re-legitimized and they can't have Coulson, who is somehow still considered a dead man, leading it.
I meant to share this before like 8 months ago, but I had to edit the poem for a different assignment. I waited until the very last minute again so I didn't get too into the edit. Still, here's the second version. ------------------------------------------------------------ I hear it’s Fall At least, that’s what they all say The crackle of leaves beneath rubber The whiff of cider at supper. Is it true? Has Autumn come to show her rusty face? Summer’s warm gaze upon my skin fail to convince, however but there’s no mistaking neither leaves’ deaths, nor that cool, sweet breath. And regarding balding golden groves, I suppose we are nearing November. Always found it strange here how quick the seasons change (It snowed in May, for heaven’s sake) but Autumn’s temperament is something else. Sandals? Shoes? Short sleeve or long? Will it be cold or will it be warm? Will the sun come out or will it storm? I want to know! It’s as if Summer and Winter composed a duet For I wake with shivers, but work with sweats. Her eyes weep daily, though mine stay narrow. “Bipolar,” in one word, for it feels like snow! Early morning, wear your jacket Then sweat from noon to midnight. We have a saying about Tennessee weather “If you don’t like it, just wait five minutes!” If only Autumn’s smile would let me forget her predecessor. If only her breath didn’t belong to her successor. If only I found her moodiness endearing! Instead I find it unnatural, her inconsistency. All I desire is some semblance of normalcy! To watch the leaves dance in their descent! To require no need to dress in layers! To hush the nay-sayers and cheer the players! To drown my sorrows and my discontent because steady sometimes though, she has been since every game day, we almost win! Autumn, I think you should leave. I think we’re through And no, it’s not me. It is most definitely you.
Not sure yet. It would really depend on everyone else's input. The way I see it, there are three ways we can set it up with the idea of moving game-to-game that I have: 1) No guilds; at least not any relevant ones. Anyone can have their character be in a guild (even with other Role-Players), but it won't be relevant to the actual story. 2) One -possibly two- relevant guilds of which everyone participating is a part. The story would be centered on that guild(s) specifically. 3) Rival guilds. The story would involve some kind of rivalry between the two. Either one is purposely antagonizing the other or it's taken the role of the villains of the story. It could also be a competition between the two.
Impressions? Expressions?
I mean, of course they rigged it against him. Don't get me wrong, I'm as angry as anybody over it. I've been rooting for Bernie hardcore. But he's not a Democrat except when running for President. That's obviously because of the flaws of a two-party system. Still, the Democratic Party wants an actual Democrat -not an Independent or Democratic Socialist or what have you- to represent them and keep them in power. I didn't expect them to go that far to rig the system against him, but I don't understand why anyone wouldn't expect the party to prefer Hillary and push her over anyone else. Again: I'm not okay with it at all and it is definitely corruption (not the kind Hillary's actually accused of so often, but that's a different topic) and at its very core, it's party politics. We've seen similar with the Republicans and Trump (though Trump still got the nomination). Hell, I see it with local elections occasionally. It's ridiculous and horrible, but the Democratic party always wanted a Democrat representing them.
"You mean Sword Art Online, right?" is probably what you're thinking. And yes, I do. But also, no, I don't. So I'm late to the SAO party and just started watching it (Episode 5 right now). I'm enjoying it, but I'm not too far into it to know the details of the story well enough to make an SAO RP. However, I'm thinking of doing a similar styled RP where each Role-Player plays a character (or more, but with a small limit) and enters a virtual reality MMO, just like SAO but an original one of our own creation. Like the actual series (or so I hear), once we finish one game, we go into another. We'll keep the main quests of each game defined with a definite ending. After beating the main quest of the first game, we'll move the player characters to a new game with a different setting, different classes, different story, and maybe even different mechanics. There's even the possibility of carrying some element from each game to the next and having "irl" bits with the players. The game mechanics wouldn't be too complicated. Just something easy to get into with a defined feeling different from the other games. Any thoughts?
Sarah Silverman vs. #BernieOrBust What an awkward ending
Season 2 is actually going to form. "Legion of Doom" with Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk, Reverse-Flash, and Captain Cold. It's worth noting that John Barrowman (Merlyn), Wentworth Miller (Cold), and Kati Cassidy (Laurel) signed contracts that will give them appearances across all three CW shows.
Michael B. Jordan's Black Panther character is the villain Erik Killmonger. Brie Larson is officially confirmed as Black Panther.
Dan Stevens stars as David Haller who is the son of Charles Xavier within the comics. Also stars: Aubrey Plaza, Jeremie Harris, Amber Midthunder, Rachel Keller, Katie Aselton, and Jean Smart First eight-episode season debuts in early 2017
Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange Chiwetel Ejiofolr as Karl Mordo Rachel McAdams as "a fellow surgeon of Strange" Benedict Wong as Wong Mads Mikkelsen as Kaecilius Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One Directed by Scott Derrickson who also wrote the screenplay with C. Robert Cargill and Jon Spaihts. Release Date: November 4, 2016
Are they actually using the flaming skull thing instead of Robbie's mask-looking skull design? I feel like using the traditional design would be a lot more expensive. Like...Ghost Rider is going to wipe their CGI budget lol. Hopefully, like Roxam said, they're planning on using Johnny Blaze (or Danny Ketch!) somewhere else (Netflix!!). Wonder if they'll actually reference that somehow that Robbie isn't the first or that his Spirit of Vengeance isn't a traditional one.
Directed by Patty Jenkins. Written by Allan Heinberg and Geoff Johns from a story by Heinberg and Zack Snyder. Release Date: June 2, 2917 Stars: Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman Chris Pine as Steve Trevor Lucy Davis as Etta Candy Connie Nielsen as Queen Hippolyta
Thought about making a new thread, but then remembered this was here. Trailer's out!
So I'm a bit confused over the state of the staff lol. Are you staying?