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  1. Boy Wonder
    Is that a Pokémon?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Boy Wonder
    Wearing a specific pair of my wife's boxers.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Boy Wonder
    Kyle Rayner.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Boy Wonder
    Digging 'em!
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 26, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Boy Wonder

    If you could take one fictional character from any medium and bring him/her/it into the real world with all of his/her/its personality, memories, abilities, and emotions, who would it be and why?

    How do you feel about brusselsprouts?

    You wake up tomorrow and find out that you are asked to run for President and somehow have a legitimate chance of winning. What is your platform's big issue?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 26, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  6. Boy Wonder
    Or you can make it hot in there ;)
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Boy Wonder
    The norm for Role-Plays on KHV, at least that I've noticed in my time around here, is a story-driven, text-based style with a significance on character interaction. It's pretty straight forward: someone comes up with a world and its story and writes out an adventure with other people. There's a symbiosis between the creator(s) of the story and its participants, the creator(s) included. Usually each player with create and control a small handful of characters (with certain RPs having several characters per player) and tries to move the story along. This is the essence of a typical RP.

    We've seen other types that change the interaction between players -as well as the power balance between the RP creator and the participants- such as using a stat-based system or playing a character who is playing another.

    What are your thoughts on RPs like those, that are set up differently? They can use stats, allow more freedom for the participants (each player creates not just a character but an equal force in the RP, like a race or country, etc.), some private messaging system, a resource outside of the thread like an off-site program, a mystery to solve where the culprit is one of the role players, or anything outside of the KHV norm? On other sites I've seen much more detailed and intense role plays where players can only portray one character and it is treated as more of a production than a creative interaction (not saying the two are mutually exclusive or either is more enjoyable than the other). Some are more table-topy where each person uses the first person POV and responds with quick reactions.

    Are there any types of the art that you'd like to talk about? Would you like to see it on this site?
    Thread by: Boy Wonder, Aug 24, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Role Play Discussion
  8. Boy Wonder


    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Boy Wonder
    Buenoest Member
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 16, 2016 in forum: 2016
  10. Boy Wonder
    Welcome to the OOC/Discussion thread for
    Legend of Zelda: The Lost Hero!
    The basic premise of this Role-Play is the timeline of Hyrule is in danger! After Ganon was defeated at the end of Ocarina of Time, the timeline of the series was split into three: the Adult Timeline where Ganon was defeated and the world moved on, the Child Timeline where (after defeating Ganon) Link returned and the Royal Family sealed Ganondorf away before the events of the future came to pass, and the Fallen Hero Timeline where Link was actually defeated by Ganondorf who was then sealed away by the Sages. The story of this RP stars ten years after Ganon is defeated in the Adult Timeline. Zelda, now the White Queen of Hyrule, and a new Royal Family have used the Triforce of Wisdom to help rebuild Hyrule and even the Sheikah have started to make a return. One of the Sheikah -Zoku- has been the Royal Family's new historian, but was actually building a Gate of Time in secret and using it for mysterious purposes.

    After being found out, Zoku escaped into the Gate of Time and Zelda has found out that the Gate blocks anyone with a connection to the Triforce from entering AND can't send anyone to a period where any piece of the Triforce is active. This means that any time period in which Zoku goes, there probably isn't a Princess Zelda or Link powerful enough to stop whatever his plans are and won't be for some time in each period. By extension, there also isn't a Ganondorf or any of his followers. As a result of Zoku's Gate, Hyrule is also plagued by "Time Shifts," magical winds that are transporting people and things through time, causing chaos throughout all periods of Hyrule. Using a blank book she has magically constructed called the Hyrule Historia (get the joke?), Zelda has entrusted a Knight of Hyrule named Fitz to use the Gate of Time and Time Shifts to travel through time, find others affected by Zoku's schemes, assist those they can, gather intel on Zoku's real plan, and report back.

    ALL time periods to which the characters will travel will be directly from the games, but will be some time before or after the events take place (so none of the canon characters are around because of reasons) or even during the actual games, just not during the important parts or around the main events. The settings can also be slightly altered due to the Time Shifts or mixed with parts of other time periods/games.

    1. Basics: No godmodding, powerplaying, etc. Be civil to each other, follow all of KHV's rules, follow my rules, etc.
    2. Try to stay somewhat active. If you can't post for some time for any reason, let someone know. It won't be held against you! I'm guilty of this.
    3. Knowledge from the franchise will really help, but it's not necessary. It's a typical fantasy, semi-medieval story with some time travel thrown in. The nitty-gritty of the world will be explained in the RP itself.
    4. You can be any race from any canon LoZ game that you'd like as long as it's reasonable (if your main character is a Cucco, we might have some trouble). If a race is canon to one game, but not another and you'd like to make a character like that, feel free! However that race fits in that game is completely up to you.
    5. IF someone makes a race from a game it's not normally canon, it is now canon for the RP. You can still contradict them however because of time paradoxes!
    6. However many characters you want is however many you can have as long as you keep up with them and I consider it reasonable. If for whatever reason, your character count seems out of control or there is an issue, we'll have a talk about sacrificing characters.
    7. Whatever your character race's natural abilities are is what your character can do. Don't give your Goron magical fire powers even if fire powers exist in the games.
    8. Your character(s) can have basic armor/weapons/items. Specific items, weapons, and abilities from the games will be granted somehow as soon as your character joins the main quest so if you want to get an actual thing from the games, you can. Due to time travel shenanigans, more than one of the same thing is possible. This will not apply to certain things that I deem unfit for the RP for whatever reason (Triforce pieces, certain musical instruments, Master Swords or similar weapons, other items that are just unnecessary).
    9. Canon characters from the games cannot be used, but your character can have some sort of relation to them as long as the time period makes sense.
    10. White Queen Zelda is available for any of her appearances! If somebody would like to claim her, feel free to do so. You must PM me a preview post for her so I can judge your royalness. No other versions of Zelda, Link, or Ganon are allowed.
    11. Other members of the Royal Family are being kept secret for a reason and are unavailable.
    12. If it isn't obvious, no characters can have any connection to the Triforce in any way.
    13. Bad characters are allowed and will be working with Zoku. What exactly they're up to and how often they'll get to be used really depends on how many bad characters we get. The exact same thing applies to rogue characters that are neither part of the good guys nor Zoku's squad.
    14. As the creator of this RP, I reserve the right to change and/or break any rules for plot purposes. I will absolutely not change the rules without telling everyone first. I may need certain people to go around the rules for plot purposes as well; I'll ask you in advance if I need you to do so~

    Character Forms
    Name: <Character's name>
    Race: <What race from the games?>
    Appearance: <Detailed description or image if possible. You can include age here, but it's not necessary>
    Game Era: <Which part of which game are they from?>
    Story: <A little backstory and personality info on your character>
    Equipment/Skills: <What are they starting the RP with?>
    Other: <Any relevant info you can think of?>


    • Name: Fitz
      Race: Terminan
      Appearance: Click2See
      Game Era: Post-Ocarina of Time in the Adult Timeline
      Story: Fitz's family comes from Termina, the parallel version of Hyrule. In the Adult Timeline, Link never saved Termina from Majora's Mask and the kingdom was destroyed while Ganondorf was taking over Hyrule. Fitz and his parents were part of a small group of refugees that escaped before the destruction and were able to find themselves in Hyrule with the help of a mysterious man who sold masks. Growing up as a child in Ganondorf's Hyrule was tough, but things improved after the Hero of Time defeated the Black King. It was that event that inspired Fitz to train as a Knight of Hyrule. After confronting Zoku with the Queen and other Knights, Fitz is now tasked with helping the timeline where he can and finding out Zoku's true intentions.
      Equipment/Skills: The Hyrule Historia which he doesn't know how to use and twin swords. He's changed his from his traditional Hylian Knight armor to make it easier to travel unnoticed.
      Other: Though Terminans were originally less magic-inclined than their Hylian counterparts, growing up in Hyrule and training as a knight has given Fitz an affinity for magic. Unfortunately, any Hylian that has actually practiced magic would have better skills.

      Name: Somber
      Race: Sheikah
      Adventure of Hyperlinked
      Game Era: Post-Legend of Zelda (the original)
      Story: After Ganon imprisoned Princess Zelda and seized the Triforce of Power, he was defeated by a young hero named Link armed with the Triforce of Wisdom. A young Sheikah at the time, Somber was inspired by Link and became a lone adventurer. Aware of an ancient princess trapped in an eternal slumber, Somber searched for a way to wake her. Years after searching and now a young adult, he has been unable to find a way and has suddenly found himself in a strange, different Hyrule. Sneaking into Hyrule Castle shortly after Zoku's disappearance, he learned of current events. Horrified at another Sheikah's evil doings, he hasn't made himself known to the Royal Family. Instead, he plans on using the Gate himself to find Zoku...if he can get past the guards.
      Equipment/Skills: A basic sword and wooden bow and arrows. He's well-versed in basic Sheikah magic and skills such as disappearing in a cloud of smoke, hiding in the shadows, throwing needles, using a chain as a weapon, and other strange "shadow" magic. He is also able to use most Sheikah items with ease and is an expert adventurer, able to survive in the wild.

      Name: Inari
      Race: Rito
      Appearance: Something clickety this way comes
      Game Era: Pre-Spirit Tracks
      Story: Inari was born years after the Era of the Great Flood on Dragon Roost Island. She grew up on tales of the Hero of Winds and the Rito that aided him. After earning her wings and learning that the Hero of Winds sailed off to the horizon after saving the Great Sea, Inari ached to travel the world. After finding a boat (she can only fly for so long!), she set a course for New Hyrule, learning that the Hero of Winds' comrades have founded the land and hoping to set up a Rito base there. On the way to New Hyrule, her ship was caught on by a powerful Time Shift that landed her in a much different Hyrule: one covered in darkness.
      Equipment/Skills: Flight, like all Rito. Armed with only a grappling hook and a pair of goggles.

      Name: Zoku
      Race: Sheikah
      Game Era: Post-Ocarina of Time in Adult Timeline
      Story: Zoku's tribe of Sheikah had left Hyrule long ago, leaving another branch to serve the Royal Family. Zoku grew up studying the cultures of other races. After Ganondorf subjugated Hyrule, Zoku blamed the Royal Family for the kingdom's ruin. However, after the Hero of Time and the current Queen saved Hyrule, Zoku realized that he was too quick to cast blame; the Triforce was to blame for Ganondorf's rise to power. After returning to Hyrule, Zoku became the new Royal Historian. Using his position, he studied everything he could and built a Gate of Time, aiming to travel to different eras of Hyrule to learn more. Something he has learned caused him a great deal of distress and he has decided to take Hyrule's future into his own hands. Betraying the Royal Family, the Sheikah has disappeared into the timeline, searching for something...
      Equipment/Skills: Sword and plenty of hidden weapons. Zoku is skilled not just in all things Sheikah, but the techniques of other races. Using an ancient magic, he has learned to duplicate the natural abilities of other races, such as a Goron's pound or a Zora's underwater breathing. His secret weapon, however, is a magic he has yet to reveal.
    Thread by: Boy Wonder, Aug 15, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Boy Wonder
    Before time began, before spirits and life existed, three golden goddesses descended upon the chaos that was Hyrule: Din, the goddess of power; Nayru, the goddess of wisdom; Farore, the goddess of courage. Din, with her strong flaming arms, she cultivated the land and created the red earth. Nayru poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world. Farore, with her rich soul, produced all life forms who would uphold the law. The three great goddesses, their labors completed, departed for the heavens. And golden sacred triangles remained at the point where the goddesses left the world. Since then, the sacred triangles have become the basis of our world's providence. And the resting place of the triangles has become the Sacred Realm.
    The creation of the kingdom of Hyrule is a story all know from childhood. Though there are other variations -including other lands, goddesses, and demons- at the core of the legend lies the three Golden Goddesses and their sacred relic, the Triforce. The Triforce... an object of immeasurable power able to make true the desires of its master. Years ago, a man of pure evil came to hold the Triforce of Power: the Black King, Ganon. He brought Hyrule to ruin and ruled it for seven years until he was defeated by the Hero of Time and Queen Zelda, only a rebel princess at the time. After Ganon was defeated, the Hero of Time disappeared and the Triforce of Wisdom was used by the Royal Family to help Hyrule recover.

    Ten years after Ganon's defeat, Hyrule is almost back to its former glory and peace is abound. The Sheikah, long thought to have died out with the White Queen's childhood nursemaid, have made a return, now consisting of a small tribe. One of the new Sheikah, Zoku, was tasked by the Royal Family to be the new Royal Historian. However, Zoku had an ulterior motive. Using the records in the castle, his own skills as a Sheikah, and an ancient magic of unknown origin, Zoku was able to construct his own Gate of Time. Secretly using the Gate of Time to travel through various periods of Hyrule, Zoku was able to learn much from the history and future of Hyrule before being confronted by Zelda herself.

    Aided by a band of knights, Zelda tried to arrest Zoku for crimes against Hyrule, but was instead attacked herself. Though she survived, many of the knights did not and Zoku vanished into the Gate. The White Queen attempted to follow him, but was blocked by some sort of interference from the Gate itself. She quickly realized Zoku had constructed the Gate with a failsafe: those touched by the Triforce could not enter it. The Royal Family quickly blocked the Gate and set up guards in case Zoku returned. Meanwhile, Queen Zelda herself decided to study it. She realized that due the anti-Triforce spell, the Gate could not be used to go to a time period where the Triforce itself is active, stopping Zoku from encountering another version of herself with the Triforce of Wisdom, another iteration of the Hero of Time, or even Ganon himself due to their connections via the Triforce.

    In the week since Zoku's disappearance, small portals through time -dubbed "Time Shifts" by Zelda- have blown through Hyrule. The Time Shifts come as winds, dropping off people, monsters, and even items from other time periods and then blowing away. Some Time Shifts have even swept up beings native to the current Hyrule and presumably blown them to other time periods. Zelda has surmised that the same phenomenon is happening throughout Hyrule's past and future. With no Hero of Time to help them now, the Royal Family seems at a loss...until the Queen constructed a new weapon: the Hyrule Historia. A thick book, with hundreds of blank pages and a green cover, the Historia is connected to the Temple of Time itself. White Queen Zelda has entrusted the book to a Hylian Knight and has tasked him with traveling through the Gate of Time, find others affected by the Time Shifts, and report to the White Queen what he has learned.

    Meanwhile, other citizens of Hyrule -past, present, future, and alternate- are being barraged by time anomalies, causing disaster everywhere and everywhen. It is in these perilous times that Hyrule needs a Hero of Time...but must settle for less. Who can these heroes be?

    Thread by: Boy Wonder, Aug 15, 2016, 8 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Boy Wonder
    I worked 51 hours last week.
    That about sums up my life.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 15, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Boy Wonder
    Doeus iut reaully mautter?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 15, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Boy Wonder
    Thinking of game ideas. Obviously, we have the option of taking the ones from Sword Art Online (considering using that one as the first one), but I definitely want original ideas. One thing I'm thinking of is a war-based one where the Classes are based on soldiers (Infantrymen, Tank Commanders, Snipers, Medics, etc.). Someone also suggested to me taking actual properties (anime, video games, films, etc.) and making MMOs based off those for the sake of the RP. Anybody have any suggestions on any of it, even the kind of genre for the original games?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 9, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Boy Wonder
    Pretty much, yeah. Personally, I thought the original script was good if it had been original. The fact that it was a Death Note adaptation was horrible.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Boy Wonder

    I did it.

    Isn't it about time for Kairi's spinoff title?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Boy Wonder
    Shane Black gets a lot of crap sometimes but I've always felt like he's the perfect mix of "fan" and "director" compared to others who lean one way or the other. Though I think he has a habit of switching between modes during the same film.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Boy Wonder
    I like it so far, but it seems a bit overhyped to me. Strangely enough, the first arc seemed like it was abridged to me but the second's pace is weird.
    Battles won't be completely stat-based at all and the stat system will have to be really simplified. I've been wanting to start reading litrpgs to see how they do it, but I haven't had the time to pick a book out!

    I'm pulling 50+ hour work weeks since last week due to unforeseen circumstances so I haven't had time to iron out my idea, but I'll get to it this weekend. Any other thoughts You guys can think of, Ill appreciate!
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Boy Wonder
    Sci-fi with a noir atmosphere would be amazing.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Boy Wonder
    I'm exited about everyone but Light right now. The cool thing is actually having Ryuk. The script for the original film back when Zac Efron was thought to be Light didn't have anything supernatural except for the Note itself so this is cool.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Aug 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone