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  1. Boy Wonder
  2. Boy Wonder
    The bucketless drop would be safer for the person they're falling on.

    I think
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Boy Wonder
    When I first joined KHV, I didn't want to be a writer, didn't care about politics, and had never given a damn about comic books.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Boy Wonder
    I got an extra or 2 if ya want one
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Boy Wonder
    There's also the "Poor Man's Copyright" if you want to be extra safe and can't afford trademarking your script.
    There's also the issue of how a lot of comics work is considered work for hire.
    Regardless, I would heavily consider taking the chance, BUT I might research them quite a bit first
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Boy Wonder
    This is my favorite.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Boy Wonder
    Um I want to be a comic writer so I would've probably kissed the guy and then taken the opportunity
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Boy Wonder
    Timeline: OoT (Adult)
    Anomaly: N/A

    "Hyah! Hwa! Ha! Hrryyyaahh!" The knight signaled each slash with a grunt, knocking back the swinging log each time it returned. He ended the training session with a spinning slash and moved out of the way, letting the log swing slower and slower. He panted slightly as his eyes stayed on the log. He watched it move back and a pendulum counting down the time. After it stopped, he stood straight and crossed his arms quickly, sheathing his twin swords into their sheaths.

    Fitz was not a Hylian. He knew that and those close to him did. However, he was reluctant to be open about his heritage. After all, the land of Termina was unknown to most Hylians when it existed; after its destruction, it might as well have never existed. How do you explain that you weren't Hylian, but the parallel counterpart of it from an alternate land that was destroyed before most in Hyrule even knew it existed? Then again, how do you explain that gusts of wind were literally blowing people to different points in history?

    Regardless, Fitz was a Knight of Hyrule, but he wasn't a true Hylian, even if he wore the knight's crest with pride. But now that he was tasked with chasing the rogue Sheikah, Zoku, through time, he left his knight armor for a custom crimson one. The Knights of Hyrule were sworn to protect the Royal Family and the queen was afraid that if he ended up in a time where the Royal Family gave him orders contradictory to his mission, he'd be forced to follow them. To that end, he would chase Zoku not as a Knight of Hyrule --the title that meant the world to him-- but as a knight of his White Queen Zelda. It was most difficult leaving his Knight's Sword behind, but he was able to commission twin blades from the Royal Family's blacksmith, using the designs he remembered from Terminan soldiers of his childhood.


    The Cuccoos outside signaled the sunrise. It was time for Fitz to embark. Checking his equipment one final time, the knight departed his basement, where his makeshift training room was located, and headed to his door. He noticed his knight's badge, bearing the order's crest, hanging on the wall. He hesitated, but in the end stuffed it into a pocket and left. Kakariko Village was brightening as the sun rose, but there were only a handful of people out and about. Sighing, Fitz headed to the village's gate.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Boy Wonder
    Welcome back!
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Boy Wonder
    I haven't yet but I've been waiting for this show since I first saw an ad for it. I'm hearing good things about it so far
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 23, 2016 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Boy Wonder
    Except in extremely rare situations, we won't delete any account. Good to see you around, though! I remember seeing you throughout the RPA way back when.

    By this, you mean the GM having their own characters ready and posted within the thread when they post the thread? I agree. I don't think I've ever seen it done after the fact! Now that I think about it, actually, I may have done it once myself when I was in a really big hurry and added my characters in the next day, but I hated myself for that. I think it's a must; at the very least, it gives potential recruits an example character to look at when making their own.

    I've never been on another site to RP, except one made by a few people that were all from here so that doesn't count lol. I suspected that may be the case, though. Hopefully, the hobby would make a resurgence.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 23, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  12. Boy Wonder
    Profile Post Comment

    What he^ said!

    What he^ said!
    Profile Post Comment by Boy Wonder, Sep 22, 2016
  13. Boy Wonder
    The kid who has traveled through 6 main regions, has ranked in all of their Pokèmon Leagues, saved the world from how many villainous teams and Legendary Pokèmon, experienced Pokèmon that most people don't even know exist responsible for the worlds creations and maintenance, time traveled, and caught countless Pokèmon is going back to Pokèmon school? Okay. Makes as much sense as his Pokèmon losing to starting trainers every region lol
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 22, 2016 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Boy Wonder
    Lol "fake" @Captain Arch
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: 2016
  15. Boy Wonder
    No one show my wife this
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: 2016
  16. Boy Wonder
    If I was Nova's bromantical partner, I'd be demanding an explanation right about now.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: 2016
  17. Boy Wonder
    >preordered Sun
    >Moon gets philosopher orangutan and bipedal wolf.
    Goddamn it
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  18. Boy Wonder
    Well, I was at work and then I took a nap.
    I should be doing homework, but I can't stop watching Superstore.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Boy Wonder
    Novaaa, I need a new theme if you're willing.

    Avatar is

    Image • SuperLex
    Size • 200 x 200
    Colors • All up to you
    Luminous • Sure!
    Other • Can you make sure the cape is visible, even if it's just the bit below the arms?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 17, 2016 in forum: Art Shop
  20. Boy Wonder
    Relaganos' footsteps were quiet as he walked down the halls of the Ouranos. The Varuna kept all but his eyes covered by his headscarf. His fists were tight and his movements quick. He turned a corner and quickly swerved to avoid walking into a two Engineers who were soldering some wires behind a crooked panel. A few feet from them, he noticed a splatter of blood against the wall. His fists tightened even more.
    Within a few minutes, he reached the door to the cargo hold. He paused for a moment. One shoulder throbbed with pain and he was sure a rib was cracked. Regardless, he took a deep breath and entered. "Reporting for duty," he announced to Inspector Quint, though he wasn't called for.

    Since the ambush, Kyra had been working nonstop around the Ouranos. Grabbing as many engineers as were able to move --and almost a few admitted into the infirmary at Tox's insistence-- she had been running through the ship with a clipboard. Anything that was deemed an emergency or needed immediate attention was assigned to an officer right away. Everything else was noted, ranked by significance, and delivered to the Ensign's Digital Task Manager. The Ensign's were to assist the higher-ranking (see: more competent) officers address the listed issues. Their first stop had been the Aether Drive, of course, which was running at 93% efficiency; however, the Aether Monitor instructed her that no attention was needed. After four hours, all immediate emergencies were handled and the Engineering department was hard at work fixing damaged equipment and checking the status of the ship. Their firs
    The Setesh was walking with a noticeable limp, her left leg dragging slightly behind her right. Three remaining Ensigns were following her, visibly sore, dehydrated, and scared. As they reached the entrance to the shuttlebay, Kyra turned around, back straight and clipboard under arm. Her free hand reached up and wiped her face; she could feel the blood drying. For a moment, she wondered how dirty her platinum hair was, but quickly dismissed the thought as frivolous.
    The three Ensigns slouched as she read over her clipboard, but quickly snapped to attention when she looked up. One of them asked for orders. Kyra smiled. "First, relax and take a deep breath. Everyone has done really well. Of course, I would have preferred to avoid pirates, but such is the life of the Coalition," she assured them. She was lucky to have such hard-working crewmembers under her. "All things considered, the attack could have been a lot worse. Count your blessings," she told them as she looked at her clipboard. "All that's left is the shuttlebay; I'll handle that -yes, I can- and you guys," she smiled, "have the hardest job of all. You have everyone's assignments in your ETMs. Check on each and every single one of them and assist them any way you can. Deliver tools, hold machinery, wipe their brows, and -most importantly- administer food and water to everyone. Dismissed." The Ensigns paused, but then they saluted and left. Kyra waited until they were out of sight before turning and entering the shuttlebay, dragging her left leg.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Sep 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home