Not sure. xD You?
No problem. <3 I'm out of school as well, but I have to take these stupid Regents that is required by NY. I'm just song writing, as well as story...
I am soooo sorry I didn't wish you happy birthday on your actual birthday. I was busy studying for finals and stuff like that... Anyways: HAPPY...
I'm not promising I'm going to be active, but I wrote a song and I want you're opinion on it. I'll send it to you in a pm. ^^
Heck yeah.
I'm...I'm...I'm a senior. ... I'M OLD! D8
I am now a senior. o.o See ya. <3
Uhm..I'm leaving? Yeah, I know I've done it before, but I'm serious. I guess this is my last goodbye? Hopefully I'll be able to talk to you one...
Seen what? And it doesn't really matter since I'm leaving. 8D For good. Deleting my password and everything.
Yeah, but still. D8 Kay kay.
Yeah, June 1st. 8D
I forgot about that. xD Luuuuuucky. D:
So, anything new at all? I can't really think of anything...