Haven't heard that song.
Hi. ^^ It comes out tomorrow, but since I pre-ordered it, I got it today.
Skillet's new cd is awesome. 8D
Ah, school, huh? Well, I hope you have a great year and that everything gets back into order for you. Hopefully, you be able to adjust to the...
Awake and Alive ~ Skillet
Really? Hmm, I didn't notice that. And who's Cadia?
I agree with Storm Shadow/DPWolf. 8D
Nice. =D I think it's pwnsome.
Yeah, I have to agree there. Did you hear Britt Nicole's new album? x3
I've actually been making some videos too. Lost interest in the graphic design. But besides that, nothing. It's been a boring summer. xD
I'm doing all right. Starting my senior year in two weeks.
How is my colorful friend doing? We haven't talked in a while, so I thought I'd drop by and say hello. :3
I forgot what my family title was. Dx Help me create a really random one? 8D Anyways, how are you? Haven't talked to you in forever.
Lucy ~ Skillet
Me too. I love "Awake and Alive". Actually, I love all of the songs. xD
Hah hah. xD So, how are you?
Since we haven't talked in ages, I'd thought I'd drop by and say hello. Hello.
Omg, I just listened to the song "Lucy". It made me cry. ;-;
KK, talk to you later.
I can't believe I'm going to graduate. ;-;