You should be more specific on what mission your on and where your stuck on.
Pokemon Rock remix- Fairuzons (Xaldin)
Spoiler Dosen't anyone else think that a Xion Roxas pairing is just.. plain wrong? I mean.. .there technicaly the same person, its like making out with your twin. Not to mention Xion turns into sora at the end.. creeppppyyy. D:
-moved to profile coments to prevent spam- May I ask what you asked me? xD
Well, when I went to join a differnt server in gunbound (the Us one I belive) I thought it would be cleaver to use the name 'UltimaWeapon' Naturaly that was taken, so looking through the greek alphabet to look for something to rip of 'OmegaWeapon' I stumbled on Sigma, trying SigmaWeapon made gunbound think I was one of them pretend to be gm people because the name had a gm in it.. pretty stupid yeah? Anyway, I thought a little more and stumbled on Anti, my word of the month (thank you kh2 xD ) And yeah 'AntiWeapon' Fit quite nicely. Me being the daydreaming dude I am actully thought of a plot concerning the name. Something about a world where the 'Weapons' ran wild and created chaos, so in an attempt to stop them scientists took all the weapon dna and implanted it into a unborn babby. The result making the child have superhuman capabilitys, he was made to stop the weapons but in a sence he was a weapon himself, hence 'AntiWeapon'
Ho snap really? xD I hardly respond to most people on youtube unless they impress me or do the exact oposite. What was your user on youtube?
Wow, some people joined cause of the code videos. Makes me feel important and stuff. :D For me.. well.. I googled 'Kingdom Hearts' and got here, for news and whatnot. I found the original original code thread when it was on i dono page 20, and evil and khkid were the only proper hackers there. After the forum reset or something, and things kicked back into gear I registerd to ask a question. After a while I stuck around.. mostly the code vault.. and yeah here I am.
I had the exact same problem on this exact mission... only.. I forgot what I did 8D Ill check it out and get back to you. Ah! In the first room in the cave, theres a thing near the door leading into the second room that you can interact with, just.. yeah interact with it. xD Itll activate this cube things, hit them in order (1 hole 2 holes 3 holes) and yeah should be easy from there.
Its not a matter of testing, its a matter because the whole code is DMA, every combination in every room requires a differnt code. Even doing something as simple as having a differnt keyblade may mess with the results. Its pretty complicated to hack requiring a decent amount of coder knowlage to make them yourself. Its not the fact we don't want to release them, its just that we cant. As for being a 'Coder' I asume you mean a person who can make there own codes, and not one of the yellow names here in the code vault. I can't exactly tell you were to start, since I kinda bended the rules and picked things up of various other people rather then read guides, best bet is to find a good guide and learn of it. Evilman had a few last I remember.
A full party code is on our list of things to do, so yeah. The fourth party code shoooould work, at least, as long as it follows the same pattern as the other charecter mods. We just need a full party code to test it.
I think braig and ven had some kind of relationship, like they may of been friends or talked alot. The way I see the way xion works (if you guys were paying attention) if her apearance obviously varies depending on the viewer, to neutral she apears hooded, unhooded is probebly either friendly or how roxas was seeing her (because of the Sora/Kairi connection) and axel saw xion through roxas and got the same kind of view. Obviously theres a connection between Ven and sora. so Braig saw his 'prefered' view which was Ven.
Oh dude! :D Was wondering where the hell you went. Sorry I iif i haven't accepted or rejected a friend invite I don't usualy unless I know the...
Ask in the right thread not this one.
Hey hey! Don't be pointing at me. xD Erkz Cloud and a few others made most of the codes there, I simply assisted and made very minor codes and research.
The game is new to us, we arn't 100% on the games working, on why things crash where, right now just enjoy the codes the most you can. xD
Here you go guys Ds jokers! Joker: 94000130 ????0000 FFFE = A FFFD = B FFFB = Select FFF7 = Start FFEF = Right FFDF = Left FFBF = Up FF7F = Down FEFF = R FDFF = L Yup, thats exactly right.
In kh2 when roxas was in the virtual twilight town after having a dream about the keyblade, he pics up a stick and swings it around a little, before accedently throwing it at riku.
Its a final mix thing. When you finish the task of all 12 mushrooms scatterd throughout the game 'Jesus Mushroom' will come in the great maw (where the 1000 heartless battle is).
Don't read on if you wana wait for it yourself. But the coder team has got this to show. Credit to Erkz, Don't ask were we got it. Spoiler
The Game is now officially released. This first page will contain all the codes, like the other popular KH threads. Game ID: YKGJ-7f96a5b7 Codes: Character Mods Spoiler Code: [B]Mission Mode[/B] [B]Slot 1[/B] 02042E0C 000000XX [B]Story Mode[/B] [Please use these with Jokers] Slot 1 0204CA8F 000000XX Slot 2 0204CB93 000000XX Slot 3 0204CC97 000000XX Slot 4(?) 0204CD9B 000000XX XX - Effect 00 - Roxas 01 - Axel 02 - Xigbar 03 - Saix 04 - Xaldin 05 - Sora 06 - Demyx 07 - Larxene 08 - Lexaeus 09 - Luxord 0A - Marluxia 0B - Riku 0C - Vexen 0D - Xemnas 0E - Xion 0F - Zexion 10 - Mickey 11 - Donald 12 - Goofy 13 - Hooded Roxas - Dual Wield 14 -[I] Hooded Roxas - Single Wield[/I] (only works if used mid-mission, else crash) 15 - Hooded Xion 16+ - Crash? [quote=NeoCloudstrife] There are NO playable TWTNW room files for any character APART from roxas. This means that trying to use the character mod while loading up or after a mission finishes will ultimately lead your game to crash.[/quote] Weapon Mods Spoiler Code: Slot 1 0204CA90 000000XX Slot 2 0204CB94 000000XX Slot 3 0204CC98 000000XX Slot 4(?) 0204CD9C 000000XX Digits: [Note - Descriptions will eventually be replaced by weapon names in time] Demyx: 00 - Basic Model 01 - Tune-Up 02 - Tune-Up + 03 - Overture 04 - Overture + 05 - Hummingbird 06 - Hummingbird + 07 - Prince Custom [It's a... Tennis Racket?] 08 - Quartet 09 - Quartet + 0A - Old Hand 0B - Old Hand + 0C - Road to Major 0D - Road to Major + 0E - Power Chord 0F - Power Chord + 10 - Interlude 11 - Interlude + 12 - After-School 13 - Quintet + 14 - Quintet 15 - Da Capo 16 - Da Capo + 17 - The Rockstar + 18 - The Rockstar 19 - Crescendo + 1A - Crescendo 1B - Serenade + 1C - Serenade 1D - Quintet ++ 1E - Da Capo ++ 1F - Harmonics 20 - Harmonics + 21 - Eight-Finger 22 - Eight-Finger + 23 - Fortessimo 24 - Fortessimo + 25 - Million-Dollar + 26 - Million-Dollar 27 - Arpeggio 28 - Sanctuary + 29 - Sanctuary 2A - Concerto + 2B - Concerto 2C - Extra Gauge + 2D - Extra Gauge 2E - DUMMY TEXT ... 31 - DUMMY TEXT Marluxia: 00 = Initial Grey Scythe 01 = Pink scythe with green handle 02 = same as 01 03 = Purple Scythe with Green handle 04 = Same as 03 05 = purple and White scythe, Green handle 06 = Same as 05 07 = BIG SPOON IS BIG .....actually, its more like a ladel. Yeah, let's go with that. 08 = Large hollow Bladed purple scythe with 2 black Crosses inside blade 09 = Same as 08 0A = Saix Scythe I 0B = Same as 0A 0C = Tall Pink I 0D = Same as 0C 0E = Lexaeus Scythe I 0F = same as 0E 10 = Demyx Scythe I 11 = Same as 10 12 = BIG LONG flower scythe 13 = "Terra" scythe 14 = same as 13 15 = Xigbar scythe I 16 = Same as 15 17 = Tall Pink II 18 = Same as 17 19 = Lexaeus Scythe II 1A = Same as 19 1B = Demyx Scythe II 1C = Same as 1C 1D = "Terra" Scythe Light 1E = Xigbar Scythe Light 1F = Lexaeus Scythe II - Red Style 20 = Same as 1F 21 = Saix Scythe II 22 = same as 21? 23 = Golden Scythe 24 = Same as 23 25 = Blue + Gold Xigbar Scythe 26 = Same as 25 27 = Signature Scythe 28 = "Blood" Scythe 29 = Same as 28 2A = Blue Inverse "Terra" Scythe 2B = Same as 2A 2C = Tall Golden 2D = Same as 2C 2E = Signature Scythe 2F = Signature Scythe 30 = Signature Scythe 31 = Signature Scythe Axel: 00 - Silver, plain metal, 4 points 01 - purple/silver, circle with 4 points 02 - Repeat 01 03 - Red version of 00 04 - Repeat 03 05 - Black ring outside, red inside, 4 black points 06 - Repeat 06 07 - Pizza 08 - Purpe, 4 rounded points, 4 sharp, red spikes, silver outline 09 - Repeat 08 0A - Light and dark red with black, 8 spikes 0B - Repeat 0A 0C - Gray and red, 2 giant squares 0D - Repeat 0C 0E - Red and Silver, 2 long spikes 0F - Repeat 0E 10 - Circular with blades, black red and yellow 11 - Repeat 10 12 - 4 bright red curved spikes 13 - Repeat 12 14 - Purple And Pink, diamond 15 - Repeat 14 16 - Black and red, 8 angled spikes of varying length 17 - Repeat 16 18 - HUGE ****IN RED AND GRAY SQUARELIKE THING 19 - REPEAT HUGE ****ING THING 1A - Red and gray, 3 big spikes 1B - Repeat 1A 1C - Orange and yellow, curved spikes 1D - Repeat 1C 1E - Repeat 16 1F - Red and Gray, 3 thick spikes 20 - Repeat 1F 21 - Purple, Red, White, 8 small spikes 22 - Repeat 21 23 - Recolor of 0C, purple gray blue 24 - Repeat 23 25 - 16 Recolor, gray and yellow 26 - Repeat 25 27 - Default Weapon 28 - 4 sideways spikes, orange 29 - Repeat 28 2A - 16 Recolor, mauve 2B - Repeat 2A 2C - Recolor of 18, purple black red 2D - Repeat 2C 2E - Default Weapon 2F - Default Weapon 30 - Default Weapon Riku: 00 - Soul Eater ... 21 - Soul Eater + ... 27 - Way to the Dawn 28 - Oblivion + 29 - Oblivion 2A - Soul Eater ++ ... 2E - DUMMY TEXT ... 31 - DUMMY TEXT Roxas: 00 - Kingdom Chain [Key] 01 - Missing Ache 02 - Missing Ache + 03 - Solitude Pain 04 - Solitude Pain + 05 - Midnight Roar 06 - Midnight Roar + 07 - Umbrella 08 - Ominous Blade 09 - Ominous Blade + 0A - Innocent Sign 0B - innocent Sign + 0C - Darkness Geyser 0D - Darkness Geyser + 0E - Tide From Abyss 0F - Tide From Abyss + 10 - Twilight Sower [?] 11 - Twilight Sower + 12 - Aubade Road 13 - Abaddon Plasma + 14 - Abaddon Plasma 15 - Guilty Crown 16 - Guilty Crown + 17 - Total Eclipse + 18 - Total Eclipse 19 - Leviathan + 1A - Leviathan 1B - Fate Rebellion + 1C - Fate Rebellion 1D - Abaddon Plasma ++ [++? Woah.] 1E - Guilty Crown ++ 1F - Darker Than Darker [Wut?] 20 - Darker Than Darker + 21 - Silent Durge [?] 22 - Silent Durge + 23 - Heretic Flare 24 - Heretic Flare + 25 - Astral Blast + 26 - Astral Blast 27 - Kingdom Chain [Key] + 28 - Omega Weapon + 29 - Omega Weapon 2A - Luna Eclipse + 2B - Luna Eclipse 2C - Twilight Blaze + 2D - Twilight Blaze 2E - Struggle Sword [Bat] 2F - Oathkeeper 30 - Wooden Stick 31 - Acrossing Pair [Roxas's FM Keyblade] Xemnas: 00 - Merciless [?] 01 - Sanction 02 - Sanction + 03 - Autocracy 04 - Autocracy + 05 - Aggression [O_O Looks like Dark Matter from Boktai.] 06 - Aggression + 07 - Round Fan 08 - Overload 09 - Overload + 0A - Conquest 0B - Conquest + 0C - Furious 0D - Furious + 0E - Judgement 0F - Judgement + 10 - Aristocrat 11 - Aristocrat + 12 - Absolute 13 - Venerable + 14 - Venerable 15 - Termination 16 - Termination + 17 - Despair + 18 - Despair 19 - Punishment + 1A - Punishment 1B - Invincible + 1C - Invincible 1D - Venerable ++ 1E - Termination ++ 1F - Domination 20 - Domination + 21 - Triumph 22 - Triumph + 23 - Tyrant 24 - Tyrant + 25 - Annihilation + 26 - Annihilation 27 - Forbidden 28 - Infinity + 29 - Infinity 2A - Ruination + 2B - Ruination 2C - Magnificent + 2D - Magnificent 2E - DUMMY TEXT ... 31 - DUMMY TEXT Sora: 00 - Kingdom Chain ... 21 - Kingdom Chain + ... 27 - Sword of Dream 28 - Bond of Flame + 29 - Bond of Flame 2A - Kingdom Chain ++ ... 2E - DUMMY TEXT ... 31 - DUMMY TEXT Mickey: 00 - Kingdom Chain D [Darkside] ... 21 - Kingdom Chain D + ... 27 - Kingdom Chain D Ω 28 - Star Seeker + 29 - Star Seeker 2A - Kingdom Chain D ++ ... 2E - DUMMY TEXT ... 31 - DUMMY TEXT Model/Animation/Effects Mods Spoiler Experimental Marluxia Mission Mode Animation Mod (only works in usual spot and the alleyway place) Code: [U]Regular animations[/U] 121d5c1c 0000XXXX 121d5c20 0000XXXX 121d5c24 0000XXXX 121d5c28 0000XXXX 121d5c2c 0000XXXX 121d5c30 0000XXXX 121d5c34 0000XXXX 121d5c38 0000XXXX 121d5c3c 0000XXXX 121d5c40 0000XXXX 121d5c44 0000XXXX 121d5c48 0000XXXX Digits: 0138 - Standing? 038C - Running? 05E4 - Jumping? 0834 - ? 0A88 - ? 0CF8 - ? 0F44 - ? 1168 - ? 13E0 - ? 163C - ? 18AC - ? 1B04 - ? Weapon mod 1207E676 0000???? 120B232A 0000???? Moveset mod 120B239F 0000???? 120B2386 0000???? (Fill both ??? with the same digit, or you'll get super glitchy things) 6578 - Xemnas 6978 - Xigbar 6178 - Xaldin 6576 - Vexen 656C - Lexaeus 657A - Zexion 6173 - Saïx 6178 - Axel 6564 - Demyx 756C - Luxord 616C - Larxene 616D - Marluxia 6F72 - Roxas 6F78 - Xion 6F73 - Sora 6F64 - Donald 6F67 - Goofy 6972 - Riku 696D - Mickey 3272 - Dual Roxas Item codes Spoiler Code: [B]Have All Panel Spaces[/B] 12193F28 0000FFFF [B]Have 69 of all XX panels[/B] [I'll see if I can work on shorter versions of these soon ~Erkz] [B]Items[/B] 12193F2A 00004545 22193F2C 45454545 22193F30 45454545 [B]Lv[/B] 12193F66 00004500 22193F68 45454545 22193F6C 45454545 02193F83 00000045 02193F84 00000045 [B]Magic[/B] 22193F84 45454545 22193F88 45454545 22193F8C 45454545 22193F90 45454545 22193F94 45454545 22193F98 45454545 [B]Abilities[/B] 22193F9C 45454500 22193FA0 45454545 22193FA4 45454545 22193FA8 45454545 22193FAC 45454545 22193FB0 45454545 22193FB4 45450045 22193FB8 45454545 22193FBC 45454545 22193FC0 45454545 22193FC4 45454545 22193FC8 45454545 12193FCC 00004545 02193FE3 00000045 22193FE4 00454545 [B]Weapons[/B] 22193FE8 45454545 22193FEC 45454545 22193FF0 45454545 22193FF4 45454545 22193FF8 45454545 22193FFC 45454545 22194000 45454545 22194004 45454545 22194008 45454545 2219400C 45454545 22194010 45454545 02194014 00000045 02194019 00000045 0219401F 00000045 22194020 45454545 [B]Synthesis[/B] 22194024 45454545 22194028 45454545 2219402C 45454545 22194030 45454545 22194034 45454545 22194038 45454545 2219403C 45454545 22194040 45454545 22194044 45454545 22194048 00454545 1219405E 00004545 22194068 45004545 [B]Rings[/B] 221940F0 45454545 221940F4 45454545 221940F8 45454545 221940FC 45454545 22194100 45454545 22194104 45454545 22194108 45454545 2219410C 45454545 22194110 45454545 22194114 45454545 22194118 45454545 2219411C 45454545 22194120 45454545 22194124 45454545 In-Battle Codes Spoiler Code: Chain 9999 (Select) [Need to move to another area to see the changes] 94000130 FFFB0000 021A7444 0000270F D2000000 00000000 HP Never Decreases 020AC720 E1A00000 Hold Y for Walkthrough (walk through walls?) 0202DC94 EBFFFA7E 94000136 FFFD0000 0202DC94 E1A00000 D0000000 00000000 Hold R+B to Float at Highest Point 94000130 FEFD0000 221A9C71 000000FF D2000000 00000000 Speed Modifier 520AC810 E1A04001 020AC810 XXXXXXXX D0000000 00000000 Digits: 1.5x E3A04B06 2x E1A04081 Misc codes Spoiler GodMode 02042F0C 000000FF Credits to Hiei-YYH ARDS: Infinite HP 520AACDC E8BD8038 020AACE0 EAFD54C6 02000000 E1D011B6 02000004 E1C011B2 02000008 EA02AB35 D2000000 00000000 EXP Multiplier 5206C3B8 E7912100 0206C3BC EAFE4F12 0200000C E3500005 02000010 1A000001 02000014 00923XX6 02000018 EA01B0E8 0200001C E0923006 02000020 EA01B0E6 D2000000 00000000 RAW/Codebreaker: Infinite HP 220AACDC E8BD8038 220AACE0 EAFD54C6 22000000 E1D011B6 22000004 E1C011B2 22000008 EA02AB35 22000000 00000000 EXP Multiplier 2206C3B8 E7912100 2206C3BC EAFE4F12 2200000C E3500005 22000010 1A000001 22000014 00923XX6 22000018 EA01B0E8 2200001C E0923006 22000020 EA01B0E6 22000000 00000000 XX Values for EXP Multiplier 08 = x2 10 = x4 18 = x8 20 = x16 28 = x32 30 = x64 38 = x128 40 = x256 48 = x512 50 = x1024 58 = x2048 60 = x4096 68 = x8192 70 = x16384 78 = x32768 Experience Mod 2219371c XXXXXXXX Munny Mod 22193720 XXXXXXXX Heart Mod 22193724 XXXXXXXX Jokers Spoiler 94000130 ????0000 FFFE = A FFFD = B FFFB = Select FFF7 = Start FFEF = Right FFDF = Left FFBF = Up FF7F = Down FEFF = R FDFF = L More to follow... [Contributors: Erkz, Janime6, NeoCloudstrife, Xendran, Antiweapon, elixirdream]
[B]Mission Mode[/B] [B]Slot 1[/B] 02042E0C 000000XX [B]Story Mode[/B] [Please use these with Jokers] Slot 1 0204CA8F 000000XX Slot 2 0204CB93 000000XX Slot 3 0204CC97 000000XX Slot 4(?) 0204CD9B 000000XX XX - Effect 00 - Roxas 01 - Axel 02 - Xigbar 03 - Saix 04 - Xaldin 05 - Sora 06 - Demyx 07 - Larxene 08 - Lexaeus 09 - Luxord 0A - Marluxia 0B - Riku 0C - Vexen 0D - Xemnas 0E - Xion 0F - Zexion 10 - Mickey 11 - Donald 12 - Goofy 13 - Hooded Roxas - Dual Wield 14 -[I] Hooded Roxas - Single Wield[/I] (only works if used mid-mission, else crash) 15 - Hooded Xion 16+ - Crash? [quote=NeoCloudstrife] There are NO playable TWTNW room files for any character APART from roxas. This means that trying to use the character mod while loading up or after a mission finishes will ultimately lead your game to crash.[/quote]
Slot 1 0204CA90 000000XX Slot 2 0204CB94 000000XX Slot 3 0204CC98 000000XX Slot 4(?) 0204CD9C 000000XX Digits: [Note - Descriptions will eventually be replaced by weapon names in time] Demyx: 00 - Basic Model 01 - Tune-Up 02 - Tune-Up + 03 - Overture 04 - Overture + 05 - Hummingbird 06 - Hummingbird + 07 - Prince Custom [It's a... Tennis Racket?] 08 - Quartet 09 - Quartet + 0A - Old Hand 0B - Old Hand + 0C - Road to Major 0D - Road to Major + 0E - Power Chord 0F - Power Chord + 10 - Interlude 11 - Interlude + 12 - After-School 13 - Quintet + 14 - Quintet 15 - Da Capo 16 - Da Capo + 17 - The Rockstar + 18 - The Rockstar 19 - Crescendo + 1A - Crescendo 1B - Serenade + 1C - Serenade 1D - Quintet ++ 1E - Da Capo ++ 1F - Harmonics 20 - Harmonics + 21 - Eight-Finger 22 - Eight-Finger + 23 - Fortessimo 24 - Fortessimo + 25 - Million-Dollar + 26 - Million-Dollar 27 - Arpeggio 28 - Sanctuary + 29 - Sanctuary 2A - Concerto + 2B - Concerto 2C - Extra Gauge + 2D - Extra Gauge 2E - DUMMY TEXT ... 31 - DUMMY TEXT Marluxia: 00 = Initial Grey Scythe 01 = Pink scythe with green handle 02 = same as 01 03 = Purple Scythe with Green handle 04 = Same as 03 05 = purple and White scythe, Green handle 06 = Same as 05 07 = BIG SPOON IS BIG .....actually, its more like a ladel. Yeah, let's go with that. 08 = Large hollow Bladed purple scythe with 2 black Crosses inside blade 09 = Same as 08 0A = Saix Scythe I 0B = Same as 0A 0C = Tall Pink I 0D = Same as 0C 0E = Lexaeus Scythe I 0F = same as 0E 10 = Demyx Scythe I 11 = Same as 10 12 = BIG LONG flower scythe 13 = "Terra" scythe 14 = same as 13 15 = Xigbar scythe I 16 = Same as 15 17 = Tall Pink II 18 = Same as 17 19 = Lexaeus Scythe II 1A = Same as 19 1B = Demyx Scythe II 1C = Same as 1C 1D = "Terra" Scythe Light 1E = Xigbar Scythe Light 1F = Lexaeus Scythe II - Red Style 20 = Same as 1F 21 = Saix Scythe II 22 = same as 21? 23 = Golden Scythe 24 = Same as 23 25 = Blue + Gold Xigbar Scythe 26 = Same as 25 27 = Signature Scythe 28 = "Blood" Scythe 29 = Same as 28 2A = Blue Inverse "Terra" Scythe 2B = Same as 2A 2C = Tall Golden 2D = Same as 2C 2E = Signature Scythe 2F = Signature Scythe 30 = Signature Scythe 31 = Signature Scythe Axel: 00 - Silver, plain metal, 4 points 01 - purple/silver, circle with 4 points 02 - Repeat 01 03 - Red version of 00 04 - Repeat 03 05 - Black ring outside, red inside, 4 black points 06 - Repeat 06 07 - Pizza 08 - Purpe, 4 rounded points, 4 sharp, red spikes, silver outline 09 - Repeat 08 0A - Light and dark red with black, 8 spikes 0B - Repeat 0A 0C - Gray and red, 2 giant squares 0D - Repeat 0C 0E - Red and Silver, 2 long spikes 0F - Repeat 0E 10 - Circular with blades, black red and yellow 11 - Repeat 10 12 - 4 bright red curved spikes 13 - Repeat 12 14 - Purple And Pink, diamond 15 - Repeat 14 16 - Black and red, 8 angled spikes of varying length 17 - Repeat 16 18 - HUGE ****IN RED AND GRAY SQUARELIKE THING 19 - REPEAT HUGE ****ING THING 1A - Red and gray, 3 big spikes 1B - Repeat 1A 1C - Orange and yellow, curved spikes 1D - Repeat 1C 1E - Repeat 16 1F - Red and Gray, 3 thick spikes 20 - Repeat 1F 21 - Purple, Red, White, 8 small spikes 22 - Repeat 21 23 - Recolor of 0C, purple gray blue 24 - Repeat 23 25 - 16 Recolor, gray and yellow 26 - Repeat 25 27 - Default Weapon 28 - 4 sideways spikes, orange 29 - Repeat 28 2A - 16 Recolor, mauve 2B - Repeat 2A 2C - Recolor of 18, purple black red 2D - Repeat 2C 2E - Default Weapon 2F - Default Weapon 30 - Default Weapon Riku: 00 - Soul Eater ... 21 - Soul Eater + ... 27 - Way to the Dawn 28 - Oblivion + 29 - Oblivion 2A - Soul Eater ++ ... 2E - DUMMY TEXT ... 31 - DUMMY TEXT Roxas: 00 - Kingdom Chain [Key] 01 - Missing Ache 02 - Missing Ache + 03 - Solitude Pain 04 - Solitude Pain + 05 - Midnight Roar 06 - Midnight Roar + 07 - Umbrella 08 - Ominous Blade 09 - Ominous Blade + 0A - Innocent Sign 0B - innocent Sign + 0C - Darkness Geyser 0D - Darkness Geyser + 0E - Tide From Abyss 0F - Tide From Abyss + 10 - Twilight Sower [?] 11 - Twilight Sower + 12 - Aubade Road 13 - Abaddon Plasma + 14 - Abaddon Plasma 15 - Guilty Crown 16 - Guilty Crown + 17 - Total Eclipse + 18 - Total Eclipse 19 - Leviathan + 1A - Leviathan 1B - Fate Rebellion + 1C - Fate Rebellion 1D - Abaddon Plasma ++ [++? Woah.] 1E - Guilty Crown ++ 1F - Darker Than Darker [Wut?] 20 - Darker Than Darker + 21 - Silent Durge [?] 22 - Silent Durge + 23 - Heretic Flare 24 - Heretic Flare + 25 - Astral Blast + 26 - Astral Blast 27 - Kingdom Chain [Key] + 28 - Omega Weapon + 29 - Omega Weapon 2A - Luna Eclipse + 2B - Luna Eclipse 2C - Twilight Blaze + 2D - Twilight Blaze 2E - Struggle Sword [Bat] 2F - Oathkeeper 30 - Wooden Stick 31 - Acrossing Pair [Roxas's FM Keyblade] Xemnas: 00 - Merciless [?] 01 - Sanction 02 - Sanction + 03 - Autocracy 04 - Autocracy + 05 - Aggression [O_O Looks like Dark Matter from Boktai.] 06 - Aggression + 07 - Round Fan 08 - Overload 09 - Overload + 0A - Conquest 0B - Conquest + 0C - Furious 0D - Furious + 0E - Judgement 0F - Judgement + 10 - Aristocrat 11 - Aristocrat + 12 - Absolute 13 - Venerable + 14 - Venerable 15 - Termination 16 - Termination + 17 - Despair + 18 - Despair 19 - Punishment + 1A - Punishment 1B - Invincible + 1C - Invincible 1D - Venerable ++ 1E - Termination ++ 1F - Domination 20 - Domination + 21 - Triumph 22 - Triumph + 23 - Tyrant 24 - Tyrant + 25 - Annihilation + 26 - Annihilation 27 - Forbidden 28 - Infinity + 29 - Infinity 2A - Ruination + 2B - Ruination 2C - Magnificent + 2D - Magnificent 2E - DUMMY TEXT ... 31 - DUMMY TEXT Sora: 00 - Kingdom Chain ... 21 - Kingdom Chain + ... 27 - Sword of Dream 28 - Bond of Flame + 29 - Bond of Flame 2A - Kingdom Chain ++ ... 2E - DUMMY TEXT ... 31 - DUMMY TEXT Mickey: 00 - Kingdom Chain D [Darkside] ... 21 - Kingdom Chain D + ... 27 - Kingdom Chain D Ω 28 - Star Seeker + 29 - Star Seeker 2A - Kingdom Chain D ++ ... 2E - DUMMY TEXT ... 31 - DUMMY TEXT
[U]Regular animations[/U] 121d5c1c 0000XXXX 121d5c20 0000XXXX 121d5c24 0000XXXX 121d5c28 0000XXXX 121d5c2c 0000XXXX 121d5c30 0000XXXX 121d5c34 0000XXXX 121d5c38 0000XXXX 121d5c3c 0000XXXX 121d5c40 0000XXXX 121d5c44 0000XXXX 121d5c48 0000XXXX Digits: 0138 - Standing? 038C - Running? 05E4 - Jumping? 0834 - ? 0A88 - ? 0CF8 - ? 0F44 - ? 1168 - ? 13E0 - ? 163C - ? 18AC - ? 1B04 - ? Weapon mod 1207E676 0000???? 120B232A 0000???? Moveset mod 120B239F 0000???? 120B2386 0000???? (Fill both ??? with the same digit, or you'll get super glitchy things) 6578 - Xemnas 6978 - Xigbar 6178 - Xaldin 6576 - Vexen 656C - Lexaeus 657A - Zexion 6173 - Saïx 6178 - Axel 6564 - Demyx 756C - Luxord 616C - Larxene 616D - Marluxia 6F72 - Roxas 6F78 - Xion 6F73 - Sora 6F64 - Donald 6F67 - Goofy 6972 - Riku 696D - Mickey 3272 - Dual Roxas
[B]Have All Panel Spaces[/B] 12193F28 0000FFFF [B]Have 69 of all XX panels[/B] [I'll see if I can work on shorter versions of these soon ~Erkz] [B]Items[/B] 12193F2A 00004545 22193F2C 45454545 22193F30 45454545 [B]Lv[/B] 12193F66 00004500 22193F68 45454545 22193F6C 45454545 02193F83 00000045 02193F84 00000045 [B]Magic[/B] 22193F84 45454545 22193F88 45454545 22193F8C 45454545 22193F90 45454545 22193F94 45454545 22193F98 45454545 [B]Abilities[/B] 22193F9C 45454500 22193FA0 45454545 22193FA4 45454545 22193FA8 45454545 22193FAC 45454545 22193FB0 45454545 22193FB4 45450045 22193FB8 45454545 22193FBC 45454545 22193FC0 45454545 22193FC4 45454545 22193FC8 45454545 12193FCC 00004545 02193FE3 00000045 22193FE4 00454545 [B]Weapons[/B] 22193FE8 45454545 22193FEC 45454545 22193FF0 45454545 22193FF4 45454545 22193FF8 45454545 22193FFC 45454545 22194000 45454545 22194004 45454545 22194008 45454545 2219400C 45454545 22194010 45454545 02194014 00000045 02194019 00000045 0219401F 00000045 22194020 45454545 [B]Synthesis[/B] 22194024 45454545 22194028 45454545 2219402C 45454545 22194030 45454545 22194034 45454545 22194038 45454545 2219403C 45454545 22194040 45454545 22194044 45454545 22194048 00454545 1219405E 00004545 22194068 45004545 [B]Rings[/B] 221940F0 45454545 221940F4 45454545 221940F8 45454545 221940FC 45454545 22194100 45454545 22194104 45454545 22194108 45454545 2219410C 45454545 22194110 45454545 22194114 45454545 22194118 45454545 2219411C 45454545 22194120 45454545 22194124 45454545
Chain 9999 (Select) [Need to move to another area to see the changes] 94000130 FFFB0000 021A7444 0000270F D2000000 00000000 HP Never Decreases 020AC720 E1A00000 Hold Y for Walkthrough (walk through walls?) 0202DC94 EBFFFA7E 94000136 FFFD0000 0202DC94 E1A00000 D0000000 00000000 Hold R+B to Float at Highest Point 94000130 FEFD0000 221A9C71 000000FF D2000000 00000000 Speed Modifier 520AC810 E1A04001 020AC810 XXXXXXXX D0000000 00000000 Digits: 1.5x E3A04B06 2x E1A04081