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  1. Midnight Star

    Emma went quiet as she listened to Simon's explanation and looked at him with curiousity as he described what he was doing. "You know you're not really catering to my mad scientist image of you, you know? You sure you're not making some Frankenstein monster or something?" She asked with a mischievous grin. She was maybe a little disappointed that his secretive project wasn't anything too crazy, it wasn't anything that she could really get involved with and have fun with. She didn't really know what she'd expected of him but she could let her imagination run wild sometimes.

    "Seriously though, anything that can add a bit of variety and can improve the food around here has got to be a good thing." It wasn't that the food on the ship was bad as such, hell the cook did a great job with what he had but the issue was he didn't have much. Simon had told her before about all the kinds of food the people of Earth used to eat, what luxury. Unfortunately most of those things had been destroyed along with the planet. They were limited to as and what they could pick up on supply trips and those....well those didn't always end well. Either way, that meant fresh stuff and meat was a rarity, they needed stuff that could survive a long time between supply trips. On top of that the food that was picked up on supply trips were often weird and wonderful alien foods but well they couldn't really afford to be picky eaters. Basically, anything that could improve the food would not go to waste.

    "But every little helps in our situation" she said following on his sentence. It probably wasn't were his sentence was going but that didn't really matter. "MLE 002S, you said?" She questioned as she searched the shelves for the container he wanted. Her eyes finally locked onto a small but heavy duty green army box with the label 'MLE 002S' slapped on the front of it but instead of immediately going for it she paused. "Really? Really, Si? You had to choose the one on the top shelf, did you do that on purpose? I bet you did." She sighed a little, looking up at the bottle that was far too high for her to reach. "Well I guess I'd better go climbing, this is your fault if I get hurt and you'd better look after me" She looked at the shelves carefully, planning out her route. She needed to get up high enough without falling and without knocking any of the other containers off. This would be a challenge. She wasn't actually that much of a climber, she'd just been forced to be able to in order to get places. It helped she was nimble and naturally better at the more athletic activities. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hands on the first few shelves, ready to make her ascent.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jan 4, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Midnight Star
    I wonder if his laptop will be better at running it than my old one and not so laggy.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jan 3, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Midnight Star
    I'm still as small as a 11 year old if that counts.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jan 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Midnight Star
    Bodacious butts,
    when you walk down the,
    away from the,
    and bobble heads look disgusted.

    Evangelical revolution grows boobies
    Every time I feel boobies under the rug
    Rats feel pretty when snow falls

    Don't die tomorrow or yesterday
    Will power through another halo tattoo
    My gawd the playground of the fire
    Damned be the Mexicans
    Forever ever never.

    Trevor didn't ever want her alive
    Unless a meteor strikes
    Fall into bisque ever anew
    Dong Yaoi Yuri
    It hurts my mister men

    Are we human
    or are we anime?

    Jesus has ever fapped
    ever on Noctis's juicy cup noodles!
    Yes, I love big meaty claws
    No, I think robots sell hard porn
    Morning & Night

    And Deathspank could return
    With pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (new-mono-ultra-microscopic-silco-volcano-coni-osis)
    However, Trump Rump genocide
    Make Santa naughty again
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jan 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Midnight Star

    What is your superpower?

    Favourite colour?

    If you could go to any fictional universe of your choice (no return to this one, you just appear there with just the clothes you're wearing), would you go and which universe?

    Would you rather go bald or dye your hair neon pink permanently?

    Why are you soo awesome?

    Favourite food?

    Time has suddenly stopped for everyone/thing except you, you don't know if or when it will restart, what do you do?

    Describe your ideal khv fanfic? Where would it be set? What would happen?

    Best way to make an exit?
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jan 2, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  6. Midnight Star

    "It's not training, just stress relief"
    Emma muttered "And I wasn't napping, but even if I was you know that's fine" Her arguments were quiet, she knew that Simon was just teasing her but still she felt the need to justify herself. However she didn't argue that much and she still smiled at her friend's invite to join him. It would be good to have a chat and it wasn't like she had anything better to do. Plus she felt a little bit guilty for almost attacking him, so helping him out should ease that guilt a bit.

    She followed him as he headed for the door but then he started sprouting some nonsense. "Gi'over, you drama queen! Brush with death? Really? I do await the day you can get the jump on me but I fear I will be waiting a long time" She stuck her tongue out at him playfully. Simon was probably the smarter of the pair but he'd never been one for much physical activity and fighting. She suspected when he did get the jump on her, it would be a clever trap or something but he'd have to do a lot better than just sneaking up on him.

    Emma listened with her hands behind her head as he mentioned physicals not too interested, however at the mention 'little project' her ears piped up. "Little project? Oooh this sounds interesting. Care to share?" Her eyes had lit up in their usual mischievous fashion, this sounded interesting and she wanted in on it.

    Though before telling her about it he went on to ask about how she was. "Me? I'm fine if a little bored. Yesterday was quite fun, it was intense and a good test of my skills. I guess I did alright, we're not dead and we got away in one piece." She didn't quite want to tell him how many mental simulations she'd been doing and how many mistakes she'd identified. "It's gone quiet again now, I'm pretty much free until Dania decides on our next destination and gives me the next route." She shrugged and smiled at her friend.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 30, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Midnight Star

    Emma's mental simulations suddenly evaporated as she became aware that she was not alone in this room. She did not move, keeping still in her position with her eyes closed but she focused intently on her her hearing. It was faint but she could hear breathing and the occasional rustle of clothing. It was normal for people to walk through here, it was a communal area after all. However this person was far too quiet for someone just passing through, even if they were being respectful if they thought she was sleeping. This person was too quiet and they were moving towards her from behind. Still she did not move. By now it was obvious to her they were sneaking up on her though she did not know their intentions. The only people on the ship were the crew but why would one of them sneak up on her? She planned our her actions in her head and waited.

    The moment she felt a slight breeze of air caused by hands near her neck, she sprung into action. In a moment she was out of her seat, spinning around, her staff in hand extending until barely a second after she started moving she had her staff at her mystery assailant's neck.

    It was only then she discovered the mysterious person's identity.

    "Ah. S-Simon. Um sorry. I think my eyes are open now?" She quickly and slightly awkwardly put her staff away. The person who she'd just almost attacked was her childhood partner in mischief and currently the ship's doctor. Simply put, not the enemy she'd expected. She brushed her hair out of her face to look at him, a little bit embarrassed about her reaction. "Ughh, blame your dad's training for that. Um. Anyway how are you? Why'd you try to sneak up on me?"

    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Midnight Star

    On a chair, in the canteen area, sat a red haired young woman. He legs were stretched out in front of her, her hands were behind her head in a very relaxed position and her eyes were shut. It wasn't exactly her leisure time, she didn't work on a military schedule like some others on this ship. That was not to say that she didn't work, it was more that her job as a pilot was more like she was on call 24/7. She needed to be ready to pilot the ship at a moment's notice as and when it was required. Due to that instead of sleeping for like 8 hours in a row, she tended to take short naps throughout the day so that was was never too tired to pilot the ship. Currently today there was not much she could do in terms of piloting, it was the calm after the storm of yesterday. Everyone was recovering and she needed to wait for Dania to give her the course to their next destination, wherever that may be. Still none of this really helped with the image that she looked like she was slacking off, not that she really cared. She'd already spent some of the morning beating up a sandbag with her staff. You might see that as training but it was really just her blowing off steam.

    Now behind her closed eyes, the events of yesterday replayed in her mind. She hadn't taken part in the negotiations themselves but she had been responsible for making their hasty escape while under enemy fire. She kept replaying all of her actions and decisions in her mind, was there anything she could have done better, how could she improve for next time? It wasn't like yesterday she'd done badly, she had manage to lose all of the enemy ships and she'd been able to dodge the vast majority of the enemy shots. However, it had not been a smooth journey, she had chucked them around all over the place in the escape and the vast majority of shots was not all the shots. They had taken a few hits that would need to be repaired today. It was by no means a perfect getaway and she needed to improve.

    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Midnight Star

    Bodacious butts,
    when you walk down the,
    away from the,
    and bobble heads look disgusted.

    Evangelical revolution grows boobies
    Every time I feel boobies under the rug
    Rats feel pretty when snow falls

    Don't die tomorrow or yesterday
    Will power through another halo tattoo
    My gawd the playground of the fire
    Damned be the Mexicans
    Forever ever never.

    Trevor didn't ever want her alive
    Unless a meteor strikes
    Fall into bisque ever anew
    Dong Yaoi Yuri - It hurts
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Midnight Star
    PM, Discord or Skype me.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 27, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  11. Midnight Star
    Hannah was quiet for a moment as she listened to the others but she had a smile on her face. She did actually quite like riddles. Upon hearing Mikio's answer, she nodded, "I agree, my first thought when I heard the riddle was coal but I thought that burnt coal was possibly more white. I think your answer was more specific and probably better, so maybe we should go with that?" She asked the others in a calm tone, making sure everyone was happy. She was surprised by the appearance of this riddle, not that she was complaining, she had just expected the mission to be more about stealth and fighting than problem solving.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 26, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Midnight Star
    I kinda guessed. I'm too white for that.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Midnight Star
    All these links to stuff I can't see. Yay.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Midnight Star
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Midnight Star
    View attachment 46055

    Also not pictured, an Anne Stokes cushion and a years subscription to Marvel Unlimited (comics).
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Midnight Star
    So I've already given this to my secret santa @Heart ❤ but I figured I should do this on the thread.

    Unfortunately I was unable to complete mine in time but you can read what I have so far...
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Midnight Star
    ֎ Name: Emma White
    ֎ Age: 23
    ֎ Appearance:
    ֎ Rank: Lieutenant Commander
    ֎ Job: Helmsman/pilot (also skilled with piloting all the shuttles, safety pods ect)
    ֎ Weapon: Retractable staff with electrified ends, laser pistol
    ֎ Personality: Laid back, mischievous, calm, sometimes cynical, focused when piloting.
    ֎ Bio: Emma is a orphan of the ship. Shortly after she was born, a simple trip to gather supplies turned bad and her parents were lost leaving her alone on the ship. Due to that she grew up on the Resilient and the whole crew became her family. As a child, while she was never huge on studying, often getting into mischief, but she was fascinated by the ship's controls. She would sit for hours watching the previous pilot work, learning how everything worked and memorising everything. When she became old enough, she quickly learned how to pilot the shuttle, enjoying the challenge and freedom it gave her. She was quick to volunteer for any trips that required difficult manoeuvres or unconventional landings, thriving on the challenge and the chance to improve her skills. She has since been granted control of the Resilient itself, a job she loves and will take seriously.
    ֎ Relations: Garrett - closest thing she has to a father figure (even if she rebels a lot), Simon - childhood partner in mischeif
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Midnight Star
    FEENIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Midnight Star
    I'm still something
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Midnight Star

    If you could be transported to a fictional universe of your choice, would you go and if so which universe? You would appear in that world with only the clothes you were wearing and there is no way to return to this world once you have gone.

    If you could transport your current mind with all your current memories to your body at a point in the past of your choosing, would you? If you do so you would have to live out your life again from that point and there is no way to return to your original timeline.

    What is your favourite fruit?

    If you could have any super power, what would it be?

    Would you rather be unable to lie (or remain silent) when asked a direct question or turn mute?

    What is your favourite season?

    If you had the option to see your own future, knowing you would be unable to change it once you know it, would you look?

    Do you have any phobias?

    What is the best way to make an exit?
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 22, 2016 in forum: The Playground