I'm still white~ But yeah hey Droid!!
How strange. I definitely lost all my stuff and levels, I wonder if it was because I died in the nether.
Was it intentional that you turned off the 'you don't lose your stuff when you die' thing? Because I just died and lost everything, all my stuff and all my levels. (I lost my starter sword, my map, 17 levels...)
Discord is the best way to contact me, Midnight Star#6510. Though please remember I am in GMT timezone so I'l go to bed at 1am latest (8pm EST), after that you might have to wait a while to get a response from me. Though I will probably reply if you message me anytime during the day. You can PM me on here but I'll only reply when I'm on my laptop so expect slow responses.
I made a map and have been exploring, if it helps anyone, here's what I have so far. The khv base is the big whitey/yellowly thing near the top on the left edge. I screenshotted while I was on the path in front of the castle looking directly at it. (ie the castle faces East) Spoiler The map has been expanded twice. View attachment 46390 For reference where I was standing/the direction I was looking. View attachment 46389
I think what kinda needs to happen is that Contributors and Premiums have different perks. That way both will still be relevant and there is some merit in getting both. So Contributers need to have some stuff prems don't, and Prems need some perks that (normal) Contibutors don't. The issue is there isn't really enough perks currently to do that to both, you don't really want to take stuff away from Premiums but at the same time to make contributors worth something you ended up giving them the same benefits. I'm not sure what new perks could be introduced, but I think that both groups need some perks that are exclusive to them.
Do we have enough orange paint?
While the bulk of the discussion was going on, Emma did not look away from the hologram. She'd made a bold claim and she fully planned to back it up. She vaguely listened to the discussion in the background and she was glad for everyone suggesting ways to help with the journey. It was clear that this journey would be a difficult one but everyone seemed willing to work together to get through it. If they succeeded they might even find more humans, which was an incredible prospect. The whole ship would be working hard and she had a pivotal role, she couldn't afford to slack off here and disappoint them. After the Admiral had spoken, she looked up at Dania. "Well, I think this goes without saying but I'm going to need your skills as a navigator to find the best route through this. How current is this map? Do we know if any of these asteroids are moving?" She asked, they could plot a perfect route through the belt but if the asteroids had moved, this could cause issues. If they knew which asteroids were most likely to have moved, maybe they could account for this in some way. With things like that she was glad they had navigators as she wasn't as good at calculating where things will likely be. She rubbed the back of her neck as she thought about what else had been said, the point about other forms of life took her interest. "Additionally, if we do come across any hostiles and end up getting shot at, evasive manoeuvres would be neigh impossible. We really don't have enough space to be dodging shots." She did want to go ahead with this mission but every point had to be considered beforehand. "However, any enemy ship would be in the same situation as us, and the asteroids would provide us with some level of cover. The biggest issue would be if we went against smaller ships, like shuttle size. These might not be able to match us in firepower but they would have much more freedom to move and would have the advantage in that environment, especially if there were multiple smaller ships firing at us." That was a scary thought, being shot at and not being able to evade the shots without crashing into an asteroid. This was only a hypothetical situation though, there might be no enemies in there at all and she was just scaring herself pointlessly.
That's fine, I hope everything is okay. You just got us all really hyped/excited for it so we wanted to know what was happening. Thanks for the update!
There wasn't an age section on the form but I was planning on ageing up Spirit by about 5 years (so she's now 23), so if you do take Enerjak he'll probably have aged a similar amount. I was planning on doing this just so the team was a bit more established, having worked as a team for a few years before the war broke out (in the rp they had only just formed as a team). That would also mean they are a bit more experienced and maybe their powers have developed a little bit from the rp.
Hannah had agreed with Chaol's logic, she would have likely got it herself but her partner was very quick on the ball there. However even when everyone had agreed with him, he still seemed a little unsure of himself. Riddles seemed to be a bit outside of his expertise so even when he managed to figure one out quickly, he ended up doubting himself. "Relax, you had that one." She quietly said to her partner. She was still in bow form at this point, which made sense as they had no idea what was coming up next, yet she still felt a bit guilty that she was basically getting a free ride with Chaol just carrying her around. "Another choice? This place is a maze, are we ever going to find anyone here?" She said as they came up to the next junction, "I agree we should go left. It's worked out for us fine so far so why stop now? Just be ready for whatever may be around that corner" She wasn't sure at this point if she was excited for their first fight or not, it was kind of thrilling but at the same time the prospect of fighting someone did scare her.
KHV Username: Midnight Star Minecraft Name: ArcherMidnight Time Zone: GMT (GMT+1 in summer) Why you think you'd be a good server mod: Different Timezone?
In the time before the meeting, Emma had successfully found herself a nice chair, right in the middle of a communal area and got some good sleep in. She'd become quite adept at napping, years of practice had meant that she could fall asleep quickly, even if the room was full of people talking. Though she was also good at sensing and waking up if she was targeted, she'd fallen victim to enough pranks to improve that skill. Her permanently on call timetable meant that it was vital for her to never be too tired to pilot at a seconds notice, she had found that napping like this was the best way to do it. She was aware that if she slept in her own bed, she would get too comfy and sleep for too long. This time around, she woke a nice amount of time before the meeting so that she could leisurely head to the meeting without rushing and take her seat at the front. She wasn't always the biggest fan of these meetings, there were many meetings that fell far out of her comfort zone and she did not know how to contribute. However, this was a meeting to decide their next destination and that was something that she was involved in. As the meeting started, she sat calmly in her chair, smiling slightly over the praise everyone had got for the rescue mission (even if she hadn't done anything in the end). However, as the holographic map came up on the screen, she was out of her chair immediately, standing up to examine the map more closely. This was fascinating. She vaguely listened to Dania speak about the situation surrounding this but her attention was more firmly on the hologram in front of her. Her mind was doing acrobatics, working out how she could manoeuvre the ship around each obstacle. Dania calling her pulled her out of her trance, causing her to cringe slightly with her full title. She was quiet for a moment, staring at the hologram before answering, "Well it certainly won't be easy..." She moved around the table, moving up and down to see the hologram from all angles. It not being easy was the understatement of the century. However, slowly a smile broke out on to her face and she looked at the Admiral, "But you know I love a challenge. I think I could get us through but I can't guarantee without a few scrapes. It would be a very bumpy ride. Engineering are gonna be yelling at me again." She shook her head, smiling, before pushing her hair back behind her ears and concentrating on the hologram again. She was fairly confident in her claim but there was no way she could half-ass this. If she was going to get them through this minefield, she needed to be her very best, this would be one of the hardest routes she'd ever taken. That was both exhilarating and terrifying to her simultaneously.
Impressions? What would your superpower be? Magic or science? What would your ideal khv fanfic be like? Are you having a good day? Favourite time of day? If time just randomly stopped for everyone/everything but you, what would you do? What would be your dream job? Describe yourself in 3 words. If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which one would you lose?
After introducing herself and John acknowledging her, Emma had moved to the side out of the way of everyone. She was aware that she wasn't really that much help here and ideally she should probably just let Simon do his job. As expected Simon was ever efficient and shortly after introducing himself, he was already getting to work on treating John. Emma's feelings of not really being needed her were only increased when Dania came in. While the pilot was not really known for formalities and such, even with the Admiral, she was aware that it would probably be bad to interrupt her as she was talking to their new crew mate. She didn't have anything helpful to add to the conversation, so for the time being she just watched the conversation unfold while standing slightly awkwardly to one side. When it was mentioned that the chains were worth more than he was, her eyebrows raised a little. That was a depressing thought, it was a bizarre thing that life could have a price put on it and that that price might not be that much. She also didn't understand the slave trade's economics, if all the slaves came with the chains then surely the price for the chains should be the base price and anything above would be the price for the slave? But then again most people wouldn't set him free so they couldn't just sell the chain if they wanted to keep him a slave. Ughh, it made her head hurt. She wasn't cut out for stuff like that. Depressing as it was, it meant that they could get their money back, so buying him was the best option as they had saved him basically without losing anything. As Dania called her by her full title, Emma couldn't help but cringe a little. Her title was soo long and it sounded so pompous. Title or no title though, she was asked to leave Simon to it. That had been her plan anyway, though it might have been nice to stick around for a bit to talk to Simon and the new guy without everyone else being formal. After Dania had left the room, she stretched her arms out behind her head and started to slowly move in the direction of the door. However John's question made her stop and turn back around. "Kathi? Umm, she's been on the ship for as long as I can remember. Hmm, unless...I heard stories about another ship of humans a few years before I was born. Though they had major problems and by the time we got there it was basically too late. I think there was a few kids on there we saved though. I wonder if Kathi was.." Emma shrugged, "I don't know, probably not. That was before my time. Either way I've been told to leave you guys in peace, might have a nap somewhere before I'm put to work again. Guess I'll see you at the meeting. Later!" She smiled and put her arm in the air as if to wave bye as she headed out the door. She needed to find some random chair to nap in, in a communal area as per usual, she'd become well known for napping in random places around the ship. That was possibly one of the main reasons half the crew seemed to think she was very lazy.
I guess I'll sign up.
Username: Midnight Star Name: Spirit (real name: Abigail Grace) Appearance: Spoiler Source: Heroic Sanction rp Alignment: Star Warrior Short Bio: Spirit was a member of a young superhero team called the Justice Allies on her original world, as well being a medical student. When Smithy came to their world, it became absolute carnage. The many villains of their world were quick to team up with him and it became a full out world wide war. The Justice Allies, Heroic Sanction and the other superheros of their world fought valiantly but their enemies this time were too strong for them to contain. In the chaos Spirit was separated from her team and somehow managed to escape but does not know the fate of her team or anyone else from her world. Powers/Weapons: Spirit's powers include invisibility, force fields, self-healing and injury transferal. She also owns a hover board which she uses for transportation and uses daggers as her weapon.
I always liked the idea that the sorting into houses depended on what you valued most. Griffindors value bravery, courage and friendship most. (While Hermione was intelligent, hard working, cunning and ambitious she valued friendship and bravery more. Also that's why people like Peter Pettigrew and Neville were in Griffindor, even if they weren't brave, they valued that a lot.) Ravenclaws value knowledge and wisdom most (Luna Lovegood is Ravenclaw because she values knowledge even if it's not of conventional things) Huffflepuffs value hard work and loyalty most. Slytherins value cunning and ambition most.
[x] Pick it up
Thankfully Simon hadn't seemed to mind that she had got serious for a brief period, though he had seemed frustrated at the general universe, which was completely understandable. She felt similar even if she hadn't been surprised that slavery was still around. The conversation seemed to come to a slight stop there, with neither of them knowing quite how to proceed, leading to a rare moment of silence between them. She didn't mind that too much. It was surprising really, in all the time they spent together, there were seldom any moments where the conversation fell to nothing. It was amazing that they still had stuff to talk about, you'd have thought they'd exhausted all conversation topics yet she still always found Simon really easy to talk to. Emma perked up as Simon suddenly rushed off as one of his machines beeped at him. She laughed at him a little as he got absorbed in what he was doing, she enjoyed watching him work. Then he got flustered over the fact he'd got distracted which was equally entertaining. "Don't worry about it. This is the one you told me about before, right? The food that they used to have on Earth. What's in meant to taste like?" She asked eagerly, while she didn't care too much for the book reading and science behind it, the prospect of having some new food to try did intrigue her. However, before she could get an answer Jael came in with the slave in tow. Considering no knocking was involved, Emma found herself quite relieved that earlier she'd made an effort to sit on the bed in a more respectable manner. "Oh hi!" She cheerfully greeted them as she stood up from the bed, even if she was sat respectably she was still sat on a patients bed that might need to be used. The slave was in a terrible state and would definitely need Simon's skills to help him. Due to this she moved slightly to one side as not to block their path to Simon so he could get looked at immediately, though stayed in the room quite close. As Jael introduced John, Emma smiled brightly "It is an absolute pleasure to meet you John. I'm Emma and I'm the Pilot of the Resilient. I hope that you like it on our ship and we can become good friends." As she introduced herself, she did a slightly over the top theatrical bow. It probably wasn't the most professional but she didn't care too much for that. For a similar reason she made no mention of her her rank, she didn't really care too much about that and she would far rather be called Emma than Lieutenant Commander White.