Is that three times he's done that?
Emma listened to Cadmus with a smile on her face, it was a bit of a relief that what she was asking for should be possible. "Thanks for this, that sounds great. You know I really appreciate the work you guys do even if I don't always have the change to properly thank you for it. Hopefully you guys can keep the ship working smoothly for a long time to come." She wasn't stupid and she knew quite how much they relied on the engineering crew to keep the engine and everything else working...and how screwed they would be if the engineering crew wasn't there to fix any issues. Her trail of thought was interrupted with the page coming through to notify her of the meeting. Noticing that Cadmus's comms device was also going off, she grinned at him, "It appears we are wanted, I hadn't realised the time had passed this fast. I guess we shouldn't really be late for this one." As she spoke she turned and started heading in the direction of the meeting, which wasn't too far away from their current location. She reached the room quickly but it appeared that both Dania and Garrett were already here. "Hey Guys!", she said cheerfully to the two more serious members of the crew with her arms stretched above her head. She knew that both of them liked their formalities but both of them knew her and it wasn't like there was other members of the crew here that she needed to create a "good impression" for. She'd get serious when the serious talk started but the meeting hadn't started yet and she didn't really want to bother with that.
Hello!! One has come to greet you~
FIVE GOLD RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey!!! Welcome back!! How are you doing? I remember you, I was actually looking through a few of your old rps that I was in a few days ago. I hope you stick around.
We also have no minimum character limit for posts that we had years ago. 5
Wow, it's been a long time since these kinds of threads were around. I used to post a lot in these, though the old ones were before staff posts so this one seems a bit easier, if it was before staff post we'd have already restarted. xD Three~
It would probably be worth removing the link to the radio from the 'media' tab, at least until such a time it is revived.
Impressions? Favourite time of day? If your OCs came to life, would they like you or hate you for what you did to them? Do you have any phobias or fears? What would be your ideal superpower? What would your spirit animal be?
For reference we made a google doc with the coordinates of key locations on the server (you can see your coordidates by pressing F3), feel free to use this and add to it.
Hey guys, I'm thinking of doing a fireworks display. Would anyone be interested in coming to watch? (Not tonight this is just an interest check) Also if anyone has any gunpowder to spare to make more fireworks, that would be greatly appreciated and feel free to bring your own fireworks.
We'll make that our legacy, So just relax and join the fun
Here we're basically sisters and brothers You're not alone, we'll help you through
It's on more than luck that you relied, You've got some skills that you applied
Don't you try to kid yourself, You're in it to win, that's twice already.
Impressions? Are you having a good day? What superpower would you love to have? What would your spirit animal be? Can you cook and if so what have you made that you are most proud of? Is there a skill that you have always wanted to learn/wanted to do but haven't yet? If your 10 year old self could see you now, what do you think they would think? What would be your dream job?
It was disappointing as they found the dead-end, she'd just about mentally prepared herself for fighting their first enemy just for it to be delayed further, "That's annoying but we probably just got the last left-right choice wrong, so we should just go the other way" Hannah suggested. They turned around and had started heading back but how quiet everyone was took Hannah by surprise, she knew that she was sometimes quiet and so was Mikio but the other two were usually much more talkative. "Sooo" She said breaking the awkward silence, "Are you guys excited about fighting our first enemy?"
Long after the meeting was over and everybody left, Emma remained in the room scrutinising the hologram. She ducked and moved around the hologram quite a lot, zooming in on particular bits and looking from all sides. She had to figure out how to do this. It was like a puzzle that needed to be solved and not an easy puzzle. She'd already figured out various parts but there was several areas than she was yet to feel satisfied with. Of course after she had her meeting with Dania and got the navigation route, that would make things clearer for her but she couldn't afford to slack off in the mean time. It was well known that Emma hated studying and she would do almost anything to not. It wasn't that she didn't learn but sitting her down in a stuffy classroom and forcing to read a boring book and listen to stupid lectures did not work for her. In her head she visualised the various manoeuvres she'd have to do, doing the actions with her hands with invisible controls. She might look a bit silly but she'd never cared how she looked to others, plus getting this right was far more important than other people's impressions. She was so lost in her mental simulations that she did not hear the Captain come in, only reacting by jumping a little bit when he spoke, twisting around to see him. "Oh hey Cadmus, sorry about that I was a little caught up in..yeah" She gestured to the hologram before rubbing her neck. "This is going to be a challenge. You know for once I'm not asking for power and speed." She smiled, there was plenty of times where they'd been escaping various enemies where she'd practically demanded more power or speed so they could move just that bit faster. "Nah, this time careful control is needed. I need it to be precise and responsive so it will react to the slight movements I make. The controls need to be sensitive, approximations won't be enough. There's not much margin for error here so I need it to move exactly the way I tell it to. Like I need to carefully control the speed, instead of all or nothing, I'm gonna have to vary it by slight amounts so we can get through this." She ran her fingers through her bright read hair, "Is that a lot to ask? It's enough pressure that I will do it right and control it correctly without the fear that it won't respond to me or do exactly as it should." She knew that she should be capable of this and she could do this. However, if midway through the field the ship didn't respond to her correctly or moved more than it should, that was out of her control and could cause a disaster. She was fairly confident in the engineering department of the ship, they knew what they were doing and the ship usually did exactly as it should. It was just this time there was a lot less room for error, normally if it turned slightly too far, she could easily correct it and it didn't matter with the space they had but this time that would not be the case.
I think that shows when someone is online.