There are kinder ways to wake something up you know.
Oh hey, lp2p is still not dead
Prems going rainbow was an April Fools which wasn't an April Fools
I'll answer the rest when I have chance. Favourites are hard. Well.... (prepare yourself).. So today I've been drugged up to my eyeballs on painkillers, so while the painkillers were working I was fine but before they kicked in and after they wore off, it wasn't pleasant. Work otherwise was fine but it was raining on my walk home so I ended up utterly soaked. Good news was that I got back to find my qwertee top had arrived. I have a lot of things to do tonight and I have not got the time, energy or motivation to do any of them. Umm hot dog? Hmm I'm not really a pet person, like a dog would run up to me and I'd have my arms awkwardly in the air like "What do I do??", I'd rather just watch from a distance. Though in answer to your question, I don't know, a Labrador maybe? Well I don't like pineapple, so if it is on pizza or not is kinda irrelevant. I wouldn't put it on pizza since I don't like it but I have nothing against people who do like it putting it on pizza. You're awesome. (May edit more in later) (Colour*) Purple Not sure, maybe FMA: Brotherhood Umm currently probably playing D&D. You're awesome and I really enjoy talking to you and rping with you and stuff. And physics. Though I get the feeling my impressions might change after your next few questions :p Umm so e is 2.7/2.8 something like that and pi is 3.14591.... and i is sqrt(-1) though that's probably best kept as -1. Since I doubt you'd allow a calculator, I'll round pi and e to 3 so 3^(3i) which would be 27i, I think? I dunno. Blarg. Nah, I'd rather not. Catch me when I'm in a better mood and I might try. Hmm well both you'd have to seriously waterproof your laser and you couldn't have anything too big. But for what is cooler, then probably the sharks because that's just more awesome. Even if the water would cause more practical issues.
This took me by surprise, I didn't even see the poll for this week. (Also impressions are hard) Umm I don't know if I'm supposed to be doing first and current, but for you I was originally really intimidated by you and found you really frustrating. There were times where I got almost worked up over stuff you said, though that doesn't seem to happen any more. Currently I think you're quite cool, you're really interesting to listen to. You're clever and have some interesting viewpoints that are different from the norm, plus you're not afraid to be honest and speak your mind. (I don't think I'm any where near the level where I can debate with you though).The thought puzzles you say are fascinating. You set up the mafia games and got lots of people involved, which is seriously awesome and I have a lot of respect for you for that. I also get the impression as I write this you're going to judge every word I say. I dunno. You're cool. I have no idea what I'm doing.
Emma looked up at Dania in slight surprise, a little embarrassed for being caught off guard like that. "Is it that time already? That went faster than I expected." She shook her head and took a deep breath as she sat down. "But I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be. The pre-flight checks have all been done and engineering assures me that the ship is all in the best condition it can be. So I guess it's time to get this show on the road." She stretched her hands out in front of her before rotating her wrist to press a button to broadcast her voice throughout the ship. "This is your pilot speaking, it is currently 0900 hours and we're about to set off. Please ensure that you are at your stations and ready for action. We don't know for certain what lies ahead of us so we need to be ready for everything. Also please be aware we are going down a dangerous route so this probably won't be a smooth ride. If possible strap yourself in or at least ensure you have something to hold onto if the ship suddenly jerks or moves around a lot. Thank you." As soon as she finished speaking in her very best formal tone, she glanced over her shoulder at the others on the bridge and grinned at them before turning back to the controls. Pushing a lever slowly forward, she smiled as she felt the ship respond to her command, with the thrusters engaging and beginning to move the ship. The weren't too far away from the asteroid belt but they had been sure to keep a safe distance away. They were possibly a bit further away than absolutely necessary but they hadn't want to risk a stray asteroid hitting them while they were resting. Still, it did not take long after setting off for the first asteroids to come into view. The asteroids at the edge of the belt were really spaced out and Emma was able to almost effortlessly avoid them, following the route that the navigators had suggested. However, Emma could see that as they went further in the asteroids got gradually denser and denser. She felt the anticipation rising in her and her eyes almost sparkled. This was the type of challenge she loved about piloting.
Emma shook her head slightly as Simon's message came through but she was smiling, "Yeah I'm up, I've been on the bridge for a bit." She replied to Simon, "And I've had some sleep. More than a few hours too. And it was in my bed. How about that?" She probably counted that as more of an achievement that she probably should do and was a little more proud about it that she should be. Yet Simon should know her usual sleeping patterns so he should understand. Though she also had been aware that had she not got some proper sleep, she'd be getting told off a lot more about now. "And please, if you took the helm, you'd just be making a lot more work for yourself" She grinned, though she also knew if she tried to do what Simon did that would probably equally end in disaster.
Okay so since I've got back into rping, I've started to try and make my own banners for rps and things like that. I'm not too good at this but I would really love some feedback on what I make and how I can improve. I haven't made much yet but I will add to this thread as I make more banners. This one is my favourite so far and the one I would love some CnC on. It's for the Resilient rp.
Emma had been hesitant to go to bed that night, the pressure and excitement weighing on her to do just a little bit more preparation beforehand because that make all the difference. However, with a bit of persuasion, she had been convinced to sleep not too late. In fact she'd slept for the longest time that she had in a while and for once in her bed, which was probably an improvement for her usual spread out naps in random places around the ship. Though while it was the most continuous sleep she'd had in a long time, it could not be said that she had had a lay in and was being lazy. When the announcement came through, Emma had already dressed and eaten a bit ago and for a while she had been at her position on the helm where she would be controlling the ship from. She was not yet sat down but instead moving around her chair with her fingers running through her hair, her eyes kept periodically darting between various things on her controls. She did glance up momentarily when the announcement played however. Her body was probably slightly tense, but at this point she was eager to go.
Hey!! You're awesome ^,^ I'm currently kinda avoiding the news in the UK and the fact we're actually going through with brexit but I got a new job and things are going well for me personally so I don't care.
#2 mouse, that was very unusual because...
Impressions? Are you having a good day? What is the strangest/most unusual thing you have eaten? If you could have any superpower, what would it be? What would your spirit animal be? If you could be transported to any fictional world but it's a one way trip and there's no way to return to this one, would you and if so which world? Do you consider yourself 'normal'? Do you have any fears or phobias? Describe yourself in one word? Best way to make an exit?
The meeting started pretty much as soon as everyone got in but it looked like this one was going to be a short one. Emma listened to Dania's words carefully as she gave the team the brief run down of their responsibilities for the coming day. The redhead nodded before responding, "That all sounds fine to me, I can do that. I mean half the fun of piloting is reacting to the situation as it happens. It's more of yours and April's thing to carefully plan all the routes exactly beforehand" She smiled, the charts that the navigators provided were really helpful to her and she did make an effort to learn the hologram before hand so she had some idea of what to expect, but the true test was always in the unexpected. It was a challenge that made it thrilling. She glanced up at Garrett as he told her to get moving, that guy seemed to always be route marching somewhere, nothing was ever relaxed and take it slow with him. That said, it was true that she probably should be moving, she wanted to give the hologram at least one more look over before she turned in for the night. Cadmus was also asking for permission to leave, so with a swing of her arms, Emma was out of her chair and heading towards Garrett. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going." She glanced at Dania before leaving the room and threw her a grin, "We'll make you proud so relax, okay?" Her comment was probably a little hypocritical as even her own normally carefree attitude would be forgone tonight with working out how to make this succeed. However, relieving their Admiral's tension, if only a little, probably wasn't a bad thing. It would suck if nobody could sleep due to the stress and end up performing worse.
Nope, shoes off at the door. At uni I actually got a reputation for enforcing that rule, I didn't want people getting muddy footprints everywhere, especially not on the carpet. I even told the landlord off because I'd spent an afternoon cleaning the kitchen floor, then the same day after I went out, the landlord came in leaving a big trail of muddy footprints all the way across the newly cleaned floor.
28 Huh we actually got reset, what was the highest it got to?
View attachment 47167 Here's mine.
Welcome back~ Will you be sticking around?