fine, be like that.....just dont pay me.....(random)
ohhh, okay bad.... i really need to get to work on my amvs.....i have 3 in progress.....beat it, under pressure, and the axelriffic family one(not started yet....)
hello all.... i read all of the posts, and got the pm....YAY im incharge!!!!
after watching this video, i downloaded predicted, im just as crappy at this as i am ddr....i suck....failed almost every time....
looks like you got your wish.... --------------------------------------------- The legendary mercenary makes his miraculous Smash debut! This law-breaking news roared around the world. He comes fully loaded with cool and showy weapons that only he could possess. Couple them with these different worlds, and it will clear a path to new horizons. update #2 is a music update, so im not gonna bother....its snakes song, "Metal Gear Solid: MGS4 Love Theme (Smash Bros. Brawl Version)" update number 3 -->snakes special moves It’s not just Snake’s special moves that use ordnance—so do his Smash attacks. Can that be? He’s shooting something up in the air! He’s planting something! <Side Special Move: Remote Missile> This is called a Nikita. It’s a remote-controlled missile. Missile fired! You can control the missile yourself! But since Snake is so focused on controlling the missile, he’s completely defenseless while he does so. If things get dangerous, press the shield button to stop controlling the missile. <Standard Special Move: Hand Grenade> Try walking around with the pin out Press your special-move button to pull out the pin. The grenade will explode after a few seconds, so be aware of the time and press the special-move button again to toss the grenade. Strong throw! Mid throw! Soft throw! There are three ways to throw the grenade. Tilt the Control Stick forward, not at all, or backward. In some cases, grenades you drop may get returned to sender. And his recovery special move is... <Up Special Move: Cypher> Oh! Watch out! In times like this... Shoosh-shoosh-shoosh-shoosh-shoosh! Use his flying reconnaissance camera, the Cypher, to recover. Snake can’t fly, but he’ll do what he must. He’ll use anything in the battlefield. That’s the crux of survival. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oy, long update....
i got a new trying to save music to it, how? ive already tried burning to a cd, connecting to my comp with the ethernet cord, and pllugging in my ipod and trying to save, but every way i turn, i dont see a "save soongs to hard drive"
ii have ds, im saving for a new xbox came in the mail today....and now i need close to 1000 dollers to get all of the extra stuff..... psp = 200 xbox wireless adapter = 100 halo 3 = 60 ps3 = 500 kingdom hearts 0 ~= 50 kingdom hearts cain of memories 2 ~= 50 kingdom hearts 3 ~= 60 gand total = 1020, plus tax
evening all.....and yes, i hears the news for the ds, one for psp, and a third is going to for mobile phones....
guitar player.... imma be the king of all lawn gnomes!!!!
heres a challenge for the tech geeks of kh-vids, to go from a tesseract, to a micrometre..... ready.... steady.... GO!!!!
larxel, and stardust.............u tell us not to spam?????you started handing each other tissues!!!!!
reminds me of merril from melee.....a lot....O.o
alright ill c ya.... p.s. just trying to celebrate....savvy????
i will be somewhta....i have 1st free....and 6th, so ill b on then....YARR!
ive known about today for a week....yarr!!!!savvy?
that be true....ARGGGHHH!!!!!! PLUNDER THE PAGES!!!!
well, i suppose ye could plunder itunes....or theres always....well....u no....
argggh, i just thought of somethin.....who be the judges far the contest.....????
did you try
yeah, seriously.....even so, if someone asked where we got the info, its not like were gonna lie? savvy?