you would enjoy this then.....
cats are funny
yeah, we already have one.... the family contest be here.....
Yeah, the one I made is alittle outdated, isn't it? Later tonight, or tomorrow, ill make us a new one....
yay, kitty avatar..... i gtg, dinner.....
yeah, bought it this morning.... i saw this cat and immediately thought of the family.....
*goes to fridge and starts eating cookie dough* -literally
soryy, i got hungry..... *burps* excuse me....
lol, sorry im just make it up to you.....
disco inferno right? im sorry u couldnt get it.....did you try itunes????
okay, we all know theres gonna be multi player, but how do you think its gonna work? i think will probably be like co-op....
one of the best movies ive seen in a long time.....except for had everything, action, adventure, comedy, romance, story, u name it.....
wow, you havent started?!?!? you???? the queen of procrastinating???? i only have one thing to say to that....
yeah, it can be about roxas AND axel, but somewhre in the video, it need to revolve around axel is some way..... ds = ~125
no.....*cries* :..(
it means you have trouble breathing....but other than that, hows life? got your headband yet?
well, if you look at the website, all of the character spaces are filled up....meaning we wont get any character updates ntil the game is out....
doesnt itunes have it? or you could go to your local music store....
DOMO!!!! DOMO!!!! just downloaded the song "sail away" for stepmania....
*starts singing* domo arigato mr. roboto......domo!!!!......domo!!!! sorry, just finished playing that song on stepmania....