strngely enough, ive seen this before...but it is pretty good....
think i noticed it before, i just put it to the back of my mind, im fairely certain it holds no importance....
i picked up stepmania a few days ago....friday to be exact....i sucked at it, failed almost every time, now i get b's almost every time....but only on mr roboto....but, yeah, i suck at stepmania, same for ddr.....(ironic how my name is dandanrevolutionextreme, but i cant ddr for my life....)
go to the way end, theres a hole in the floor, dive in, you will enter a circular room, in front of you is a red beam from the floor, enter the beam, kill the baddies, take the chest, leave through the door. you will come back to the circular room. this time go into the blue (maybe green, not sure) will enter another circular room, repeat the steps....eventually you will enter a circular room with aa big green beam in the center, enter the beam, save, take the chest, come back....go through the hole in the floor, kill chernabog....get super glide....enter the volcano, go all the way down to the bottom, follow the portals. eventually you will enter a room with another behemoth, kill him, but be ready for a long battle....theres about 6-7 waves of enemies, when you kill them all, the next door will be available to you. enter, take the chest, talk to the door, kill xehanort about 5 times, and the games over....
its not that i hate you or dislike you, its that your not on all that often, so i dont know you all that well.... sister had something similar when she was veery young..... but i like pills.....they taste a alot better than the syrup, plus, when you get bigger the pills seem to get smaller.....
alright, if u say so....but, is it me, or does your post count only say 99???
i gotta fix that "own" thing
aiight c ya....
no, it doesnt.....i could take that picture and in a bout 2 minutes, reverse it so roxas is where sora is and sora is where roxas is.....then whos better?
wait, wat?
where u get that? its funny is the word "grace" funny, your the first person ive ever met too laugh at that word
no, the diference between you and storm is that your on every chance you get....with stormwolf its "ehh, gettin kinda bored, i think i will grace the family with my presence...." nuff sed.....
thats pretty good.....let me gues....render >> nature >> flame.....a few of those every here and there, and a few picws of zexion with various transparencies, am i right? its fact, its so good that.....
imm pretty sure theres no pun....but yes, it would be very dam cool if it were like that.... now, whats this i hear about axel coming back?
ya know, i never really cared too much for stormwolf101, to me shes just another member, like those guys that sign up but never realy post in here..... ....i can see stardust is going to read this, copy it, save it to her comp and show it to stormwolf101 next time shess on....i have one thing to say in respnse to that.... neh, jk, if you want to, feel free....
yeah, i replied, but right now im tired.....ill c ya tomorrow, aiight....????
but of course....not a problem in the slightest....
evry smash player on kh-vids is gonna want in....