i say sure, but at the moment its not my call, u need to pm larxel, other than that im sure u could.... *has been into kh since kh1 first came out*
if you think im bad now, just wait until super smash bros, or kh......then, iim REALLY bad.....
no, guess not..... i even have the halo 3 xbox....
no, i dont think.....*scratches head trying to remember* countdown to halo 3: 4 HOURS, 17 MINUTES!!!!
no, i know, but just surfing around youtube, i think ive seen it....
i dont think i ever knew that part....
heck if i know it.....*continues head banging*
so eat your beans at every meal....
really???? sorry, ^_^" always thought u were a chick.... i apoligize.... but hnestly, when the game comes out we all need to exchange friend codes.....
[random]the more ya fart, the better ya feel[/random]
u mean: "GET UP ON THE HYDRAS BACK!!!!" *continues head banging*
hey all....back, head bangin to the halo theme song, im going to the midnight launch....i got the okay!!!!
lol.... *searches for cat pic....* i gtg, dinner....
yarrr, ye be right.....
aye, that it is....
i said i didnt know her all that well because shes rarely ever on the family, and she took offence (i think), i realized that i messed up, and apoligized....
that explains why u sed "i could have gone home with chicken pox"
yes, wat did happen? *pokes mood* yes, midnight....im going to be the first in my school with halo 3!!!! all of my friends preordered it and they cant pick it up until after school tomorrow, i didnt preorder it and im going to be first....
hey stormy, id like to apoligize forr that misunderstanding we had....its just that well....over the past, i dont know, 2 days? youve been on more than youve ever been on in total....so, i really dont know much about you....and i know, u said thaeres not much to know, but theres more to know than i do know. so, once again, i apoligize.... p.s. i might be going to the halo 3 release at midnight....i just need the okay from my moom, my step father already agreed to bring me....
TROPHIES What are trophies? These are solid objects that appear as prizes and offer explanations of characters! You can check out the poses and learn the background of a variety of characters. Characters in solid form, complete with explanations! You can view them from a variety of angles. Whirrrrrreeee... You’re going to get a lot of these, so we’ve added images of them to the list to make them easier to identify. You can arrange them by series. And you can line them all up. This can’t be outdoors, can it? Take a look at these, for example, if you want to learn more about a character you saw in the background in Smash. Or when your interest in a particular character’s back story has been piqued and you want to learn more about them. Having trophies that explain your characters is quite useful. And, in a bonus mode, you can even create something like this. Choose several trophies and place them however you like! You can even change the background. It’s all up to you. Since we’ve gone to the trouble of gathering all these universes together, I hope you’ll enjoy gaining a deeper understanding of these characters. It’s with that intent that we’re all working so hard.