lol, sorry, didnt mean to....*sweat drop* *subject change* ummmmmmm, i got nothing....
alright, if you say so.... *subject change....* do ya think there willl ever be a day when none of us come to kh-vids and every one will forget every one else????
chill stardust *is going to start calling stardust "star"* its not we cant do this..... *snaps fingers* *millions of cookies rain from the sky* p.s. no, ive never eaten pumpkin pie.... kk, c ya sometime in the future....
my friends keep telling me to try pumpkin doesnt sound too enticing....
i wonder that myself sometimes.... T.T p.s. dont forget, i dont like pie or cake either....
*gives emily the cookie stardust gave* EDIT: i just saw the commercial with everyone across the world is saying no in diferent languages, and then theres the guy that says yes, im going to be one of them in a few days....i just need to hook up to xbox live *doesnt know why xbox fails connection test*
no thnx, not a big fan of cookies....cookie dough, now thats a diferent story....
aiight, c ya some time in the future....
woah, chill, wats with the hostility????
if i had to give up soda cold turkey, id probably kill myself....i pretty much live off soda....ive dranken 2 cans everyday for the past 5 addicted, i can admit it.... *if had braces, wouldnt give up soda*
well, congrats to zhe removal....i dont know why but ive always been curious as to wat its like to have braces on....i know wat its like though, its like normal, but with less you can eat....and yet, im still curious....but the only reason im on right now is because halo was being annoying....i kept getting stuck in this one area....
wait, you got braces?!?!?!? TODAY!!?? prepae for much pain....i hear they hurt like no other on day 2 *has never had braces*....but totally for the orange and black....myself, i would choose green and black....
Yeah, I can get on, even if I couldn't, there are internet sites called "proxy's"....if you go onto one of these, there is a box you can type in, enter the sites address, and click go, it will bypass the security program that your school has, and will go to the my school we have s3ecurity program called "bess"....there are also 4000 proxys acroos the web that are not blocked, off the top of my head, I know 3 or 4.... proxy's *the top one was developed by a friend of mine....gerald
probably the best ending ive seen in a have to remember its not a game ending, its a series ending....usually people think an ending is made of how many questions it leaves behind, and the quality of those questions, but this is a series ending, so they had to cut ALL of the question, bungie did a great job of answering them all....if you keep in mind its not a game ending, but a series ending while watching it, it seems a lot better....
hello all....this dan, your friendly, neighborhood halo at school right now, that is the only real reason i am on, is to give everyone an update that i am still alive....but, as i said 2 days ago, halo has stolen my soul....the only time im not playing halo is when im at school, it is the greatest game eva!!!!(with the exception of kingdom hearts....of course)....i beat the game this morning, i would have beaten it yesterday, but my mom made me go to bed....i only had like 5 minutes of game play, yeah, im going to be coming back on(regularly) sooner than, i expect to be on regularly within a day or, ill see you all then....
DIDDY KONG: FINAL SMASH <Rocketbarrel Barrage> The weapons Diddy Kong wields are his Peanut Popgun and his Rocketbarrel Boost. His Final Smash makes superb use of both of these weapons! He has popguns in both hands! And his rocketbarrels are firing! He flies majestically through the sky! Wow! The controls make it feel like you’re flying with a rocket pack! It’s really fun. Tilt his body left and right to move. It’s a popgun barrage! Explosions everywhere! The Peanut Popgun fires straight down, so you change the peanut firing angles by tilting Diddy left to right. I highly suggest mastering this. When time runs out, the rocketbarrels explode! Plus, you can gobble up the peanuts that fall to the ground. Will you be enjoying some? No? Well, your opponents can eat the peanuts, too. So when your shots don’t hit, your opponents end up recovering damage instead of taking it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- i got one word for ya....FAIL!!!!
now thats what im talkin' about!!!!
i leave in 15 for the games release.... 51 Minutes!!!! i leave in 4 minutes for the halo release, i think im gonna go now though, if im not on for a few days, u know why....
ahhh, ebay, cheating people out of there money the world over.... hour and 4!
lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol..... hour and 10..... which means i have about 10 mins left b4 i leave for the midnight launch....