aye matey, me proof be over yonder..... fine matey, im off to plunder some booty (play halo 2)....have fun with the piate talk.....ARGGGHHH!!!!!
i already watched it, so no worries mate.....ARGGGHHH!!!!!! today be international talk like a pirate day, so.....how ye been matey?!
COME SAIL AWAY-Styx I'm sailing away, set an open course for the virgin sea I've got to be free, free to face the life that's ahead of me On board, I'm the captain, so climb aboard We'll search for tomorrow on every shore And I'll try, oh Lord, I'll try to carry on I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory Some happy, some sad I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had We live happily forever, so the story goes But somehow we missed out on that pot of gold But we'll try best that we can to carry on A gathering of angels appeared above my head They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said They said come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me Come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me I thought that they were angels, but to my surprise They climbed aboard their starship and headed for the skies Singing come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me Come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me FLY BY NIGHT-Rush Why try? I know why The feeling inside me says it's time I was gone Clear head, new life ahead I want to be king now not just one more pawn [Chorus:] Fly by night, away from here Change my life again Fly by night, goodbye my dear My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend Moon rise, thoughtful eyes Staring back at me from the window beside No fright or hindsight Leaving behind that empty feeling inside [Chorus] Start a new chapter Find what I'm after It's changing every day The change of a season Is enough of a reason To want to get away Quiet and pensive My thoughts apprehensive The hours drift away Leaving my homeland Playing a lone hand My life begins today [Chorus] FLY BY NIGHT-Rush Why try? I know why The feeling inside me says it's time I was gone Clear head, new life ahead I want to be king now not just one more pawn [Chorus:] Fly by night, away from here Change my life again Fly by night, goodbye my dear My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend Moon rise, thoughtful eyes Staring back at me from the window beside No fright or hindsight Leaving behind that empty feeling inside [Chorus] Start a new chapter Find what I'm after It's changing every day The change of a season Is enough of a reason To want to get away Quiet and pensive My thoughts apprehensive The hours drift away Leaving my homeland Playing a lone hand My life begins today [Chorus] SPIRIT OF RADIO-rUSH Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion unobtrusive Plays the song that's so elusive And the magic music makes your morning mood Off on your way, hit the open road There is magic at your fingers For the Spirit ever lingers Undemanding contact in your happy solitude [Chorus:] Invisible airwaves crackle with life Bright antennae bristle with the energy Emotional feedback on timeless wavelength Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free All this machinery making modern music Can still be open hearted Not so coldly charted It's really just a question of your honesty, yeah Your honesty One likes to believe in the freedom of music But glittering prizes and endless compromises Shatter the illusion of integrity [Chorus] For the words of the profits were written on the studio wall Concert hall And echoes with the sounds of salesmen
ItS tHe RoB sQuAd!?!?!?!? THAT RULES!!!! FULL-ON TOTAL WIN!!!!
that was a very good video....i enjoyed it....4/5
yes its true.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=zI2fD1Y7hus
well, looks like most people in the family are on, the odds of getting everyone on at the same time are slim to none.....so why not start voting now?
lol, i have a WII, and i just went and bought a 360....
the only clip i saw that might have been used clip (that i saw) was with riku sora and kairi just before the riku battle in kh1....
think about it.... zhe axelriffic amv contest MCDXVIII
lets see, 1 time through kh2fm+..... and about 9 times through regular.....so say 10?
finally, its official....took em long enough....
i watched your video....im gonna comment here, its not my place to be first comment on the video page....that plae is reserved for either tony or sam.... but i thought it was very good, not a single clip used more than once, thats a change....
yo, ghetto, welcome....
thnx...... yeah, i wish ya luck, but alas, now i must go, ill be back on l8r....