~Boring Old Reply~ Read the rules Listen to the staff Have fun ~Fun Reply~ Hey! Welcome to the site! I hope you have a great time here and make lots of friends. The people here are really nice and like to have fun. ;D If you ever want to talk, just VM me!
You! We never talk anymore and this makes me very sad D:
Well, not exacly, if you are reffering to Birth By Sleep, there is now mention of Agrabah as a playable world, so I doubt he would know anything about the Keyblade wielders. As for the Keyhole, he knew where it was, he just didn't remember where it was at. He said "Keyhole, where have I heard that before?"
xD It's alright, thanks though :3
I knew there was something I forgot to ask you ^^ Wherever did you get your stocks for the latest Okami icons?
Misty, you are still amazing as always ;D Thanks for the links :3
Looks good but yeah, everything just looks misplaced. :\ I guess it is Beta month and all xDD I hope FireFox 4 is good because I WANT IT >=|
8DDDD Drugs = amazing!?!?!
See ya, but when you get back, you better be making art! >:J
Her skin is sexy ;D I love the texture and all but Misty is right, Poopy colors.
Nightwish!!!! :3 Love the Twilight Princess ones A LOT! And the Okami ones are still sexmazing! great job Miss Designer.
xD Oh, lulz...It was bad? DOOOO ITTT! Do they keep saying no?
sadly I am not familiar with it but it does ring a bell. Is it good?
*Is still in shock* I love every one of those games!
O.o you are amazing!!! I love prototype!
Wow DP, this is really amazing 8D The things that caught my eye were the planets, you used a tut on DA, didn't you ;D Overall though, great job!
Dx I should as well, but meh