Why aren't you red anymore? ;~;
Hello :3 I know you don't know me at all, but I was wondering if we could talk sometime about you being an admin and all. I am extremely curious...
Have you been on the improved Wiihaven? 8D
We are now automatically friends xDDD
You always have a kick ass avatar :3 Especially the gifs xD
Oh you, and your gif =D
This is an easy fix ^^ But I am sure RvR would find it quite simple xD
Yes! It is getting closer and closer to my birthday! 8DDD
The people who are voting for spdude are just trying to be funny >>; Don't worry Rep!
Well thank you very much :3 I thought it was just some amazing Photoshop skills xD
Excuse me, but might I ask as to how you got the text in your sig to have those colors?
Wow, that was a hard decision >>;
This was almost impossible, but Wolfie really made an impact on me with her "antispambrigade" 8D
A rainbow whore eh? ;D
And we are all thankful for it :3 And of course! But you don't need to use them, your pieces are amazing enough x3
it's alright xD And yeah! There are some really cool sites out there :3
You beat me to the vB question! 8D
xD Alright, I shall check it out, thanks :3
I just keep annoying you T.T Anyways, do you know any good sites for vectors?