XDD Haha, I have been regretting changing my password for like, 4 months because it would take like, a day for it to take effect and then it would...
What about the Turtle Lions? 8D They can take away our bending.
Kay!!!! <3 How have you been?!? I have missed you! D:
So, a week or so ago, I made this Terra tag, and I kind of like it, but I hate the text. Like HATE HATE HATE. D: It also feels unfinished, so I thought I would bring it here and ask for some critique. :3
It is impossible without an SQL backup. The manual way would take take FOREVER and it just wouldn't be worth it. :\ The staff have better things to do than go in a change god knows how many member's post counts.
Hey RvR, thought I should just go ahead and say great job on getting the site back up and running! :3 I know you have one of the toughest jobs on...
This seems eerily familiar :\
I am asking HOW the hacker got in, not where he went to get in. Like, idk, did he just figure the password out. >>;
But they are sooo good! X3 How can you not like them? Awww, why don't you? Painting, Fitness, Advanced Biology, and trigonometry. D:
SAME HERE! <3 XD Awesome! I love your writing! They are so well written. I am doing just fine. ^^ Glad for the weekend. BORING! I have fun classes...
RvR, how did said person get into the server? They just guessed the password or what?
Auralicious!!! I TOLD YOU I AM BUSY. D; I haven't been here on my computer in forever! I have been using my phone and that sucks to use on the...
Hey Misty, in regards to the hack that happened, did it also reset the passwords as well? Because I changed mine about three weeks ago and I tried...
Bai Obli ^^ Talk to you on KH3!!!
Obli, you are an amazing designer! Still love the whole water phase xD
Ahahahaha, sorry but this entire thread makes me laugh. No offense RvR or the rest of the staff but 4.0 is crap. However, I know Misty and Wolfie will make it look amazing. ^^ And I have complete hope in your abilities!
Bye Bye Kay :3 If you ever see this ^^ I will miss you!
Wow, that was quite rude teacher D:
I wonder who this Obli fellow could possibly be 8D
Oh, I see... Well, sorry it didn't work out D: