Holy crap it has been forever! 8D I have been really really busy but good. :3 How about yourself? And yes omg yes <3333333
I believe you to be that awesome Jayn, correct? ;D
Is this Aura? 8D
OLOL I have really only been popping in here so I keep missing these VMs. xD Sorry dude, but hey! It has really been a long time since we have...
Alex! It feels like it has been forever. D: Sorry for my falling off the face of the earth but I has been busy with other things. I also no longer...
Misty, there is a problem with the Home Page. Spoiler
Okkkaaaaay >>; I am just going to be leaving you and your crazy here...kbai
lol You stole Kayam's name. xD
Hey there, well, I was searching around the internet a day or so ago and I found the PCSX2 site and I thought what the hey. So I downloaded it and got it running, I downloaded a KHII.iso torrent and got that working. However, I booted the PCSX2 up and got the iso running, but when I started the game, it wants me to select a language but I can't click on anything. :\ Can anyone help?
Hey Misty, I totally just realized that I never said thanks for the link to KMPlayer. :< But yeah, thanks! But I had another question for you...
Oh, and before I forget to ask, what software do you use?
OMG Thank you so much Misty! 8D I can live with 168 MB lol But 1700 caps?! I really do appreciate it! ;O
Alright, thank you very much Misty! <3
I think I already have the KH ones, I have been raping them a lot lately. ;D And yes please! I would really appreciate it! <:
Hey Misty, being the creep that I am (ololol) I was stalking one of your LJ and I came across this batch of Icons X And I was wondering where...
Oh, how I love the text. <3 Your tags always impress me. Amazing work!
7 was very simple when you think outside the box! 8D