Poke uses Triple Blizzaga
[mostly copypasted from a skype convo I had] I had a dream last night and it was about RWBY and raven so I was watching an episode of rwby and they were in the alley of some kfc restaurant and I notice wtf is that raven behind them so I went back to that part and I was like THAT IS WTF and then it cut to a shot of rwby being further in the alley and raven is outside, near the entrance and she walks by and notices them and is like oh s*** and just walks away from them
Alright so This isn't even last night I think, this was a dream I got when I fell back asleep in the morning a few hours ago So like. Hm. How do I even begin. Im in my old home living room, fighting this weird I dont remember any specific appearance but Im trying to remember and I get this like weird goth zombie chick, and shes got idk what weapon. But we were fighting. We were suppose to be in like a 3v3 match, tagout, kinda like streetfighter. I had this weird weapon that was like--a long pole, and on one side at the end was an axehead and the other side had I think a more trident-y shape. And the other end of the staff had a lil knife So we were like fighting, I dont remember taking down her two teammates but they were taken down, and she was all slow af bc zombie and then she went like "Just the two of us now!" and I was like gurl whats yo problem there's-- brings up the player menu y O WTF My partners, Blake Belladonna and Lie Ren, were apparently dead(like seriously what happened to them did they go decide to make out somewhere or--) so i was all alone and had to fight this gurl and not die and like my hp was like 50 and hers was like 33(Her HP was on the topright corner and mine was topleft[ithink]) and i was whittling it down slowly to like 11 and then she got a good hit and i was like below 10 and then i was like yolo and i ran at her when she swung down her samurai sword(Oooh thats what her weapon was), and I Grabbed her arm to stop it from chopping me in half and i stabbity stabbed that arm with the knife end(Not stab actually, more like cutting[wtf me why,stabbings much better]) and it was like at 1 hp where the samurai sword got me and i was at like 1 hp too and that was the moment i went j;kLADJ;JKSADLGSS and then i got her again and i won. and then the dream morphed into actual street fighter where i was trying to learn the controls by going into the pause menu controls/attacks list and then i woke up.
Poke uses Triple Blizzaga!
Well, fortunately, I don't have much work to do because I only have one character right now and don't plan on getting anymore anytime soon. Other than that, I like this idea.
First off: I love this idea, I've always wanted to keep a dream journal. ...I can't remember any recent dreams I've had.
All that talk about what normally wouldn't make sense to any other person, but to him, it made him freeze up, his eyes widened. "What...what did you just say, Sans?" Poke didn't do anything!
Poke uses Cryokinetic Combat!
Flash watched in awe as Daisy took out a Sentinal with a swift motion of her arms. "Oh, that is so cool," he murmured, a slight chill running up his spine at the thought of that happening to a human. More Sentinels landed near them, and he picked one for him to take out. "Alright, alright...Here it goes." He took in a deep breath....and ran in the opposite direction. A few seconds later, a loud BOOM!, and a red blur with lightning trailing behind shot towards the Sentinel at supersonic speeds. In the next moment, there was the Flash shaking his hand and groaning in pain with the decapitated head of the Sentinel, a hole in it's chest. "AUGH, that hurt a lot more than I thought it would!" Then there was a new voice, prompting him to look up at... "Oh great, now Mr. Magformer's here." Some more footsteps, and he quickly got back into action, this time rotating his arms to create a vortex that pushed the Sentinels back. "Assistance would be extremely helpful right now!" He yelled.
Poke was no stranger to seeing skeletal beings. It was this one's...charisma that had him so surprised and confused. "Uhh...Well, then." His eyes glowed light-blue as he activated his Ice Orb
Poke was caught off-guard with the question. Had he every killed anyone? It was a clear question with a very clear answer, though it did bring up some memories. Memories of events that never should have happened, and it was all because of him. As he listened to Operator's story, he couldn't help but notice the similarities him and Poke had. He couldn't say that he'd known the feeling of becoming a mindless puppet for a group, but he knew what it felt like to care for someone. To hate someone. To be the reason that a friend was dead. He looked away from Operator, that far-off gaze in his red eyes again. The silence between them lingered for a while before he broke it. "...Yes. I've killed before." Setting him down beside Operator, he sighed. "A few times, actually. Ironically, the only time I had a true problem with killing was the one time I spared someone of it." He didn't notice it, but his fingers slowly curled into fists as he thought of the mistake that started everything. "You say that killing tears the soul apart, that it's easier to kill something when you hate it. I wasn't really born with a soul. All my purpose was was to protect my world, simple as that. Don't let anything get in my way of it. Then I met a pair of siblings, Daniel and Annabella." The corner of his lip twitched upward, their smiles still painted clearly in his mind. "They taught me how to be human, how to act as if I were one of them. They were my friends, and we loved each other. Unfortunately, that didn't change the fact that I had a job to do, and this clashed with their morals multiple times. One time in particular..." His fist was shaking now, his eyes giving off a very faint glow. "Throughout my years as a guardian, I've made many enemies. One of them was a particularly powerful one, a Spiritomb, a collection of 106 evil spirits all sealed into one, tiny stone. It broke out and took on my appearance, and we'd been enemies for a long time. He'd caused so much destruction and pain, it was clear what I had to do. I've done it before, what difference would there be this time? Spiritomb was at my mercy, and I aimed for the finishing blow...then I was stopped by my friends." Taking in a deep breath, he closed his eyes, and breathed out. "They told me that killing was an incredibly immoral thing to do, similar to how you described it. That I couldn't be a guardian and a murderer. So I listened to them. I stopped. I let my enemy go, and in doing so, I let him set off a chain of events that would lead to the birth of my worst enemy, one that even my father couldn't defeat. "In short...Because I let it go--Because I listened to my...soul...I created a monster that also ended up being the thing that killed Annabella. I tried going back to change it, but--" He stopped there, letting those strange choice of words linger in the air. Looking up towards the ceiling, he crossed his arms. "I'm not the best person to talk to about this. I've been told about people being black-and-white in morals, sometimes grey. I've clearly shown myself to be the former, but that's just it. I can't let anything distract me from the reason for my birth. Yet sometimes, I can't help but wonder...Would I be better off if I were born as a human?" Shaking his head, he looked back at Operator, his eyes now back to normal. "We've both made mistakes that resulted in the deaths of people we love, because of our emotions. I've learned through hardships that the choices we make are the ones we live with. You're right, you can't bring someone back from being dead. The best thing you can do is keep moving forward and carry their memories in your heart."
No matter what, he still couldn't remember what happened after he flew into the black hole. And of course, with that memory also came the distress of possibly leaving his world to be consumed. Fortunately, something strange caught his eye that tore him out of his thoughts. His eyebrows furrowed at the sight of something shimmering out of the room. The orbs dissipated, and Poke quickly followed it into the corridor. Operator came into view, and he noticed his position, down against the wall. He'd seen that pose many times before. "How're you feeling?" He asked, making his presence fully known.
Poke returned with the others down to the previous floor, taking another look at everyone. He'd noticed Operator walk off with Alexis, though it seemed that was a conversation meant to be private, just like the one held in the room above with the strangers. He'd barely heard anything, and he was quite curious to know what they were talking about. Picking a spot in the corner, he sat down and closed his eyes. Immediately, his five elemental orbs blinked into existence, and he watched them revolve around each other, though it was clear from how his stare seemed to go straight through them that his mind wasn't set in the present.
Poke grunted to show he'd heard. "I understand. And I hope that you get the chance to, Tessa." He smiled back, then relized that a handful of the people had gone up the stairs. Poke wasn't that interested before with the sight of Ze Operator leaving out of the corner of his eye earlier, but now he wanted to know where everyone was going. "I'm going upstairs," he said, making his way towards the exit and up the stairs. He stopped behind Kara, and heard voices in the upper room. So there's even more people in this tower? "What's going on?" He whispered.
He snorted, shrugging at the statement. "To be honest, the humans' idea of a God is much more stronger than my father, though both did create the planet." Poke's lips curled downward in thought, that question echoing in his mind. If he'd been asked that before arriving on this world, he'd have said that he couldn't really give a straight answer; His desire was his father's, really, which was mainly just to protect Earth. But now that that was ripped away from him... He sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "I can't really want anything but what my father desires. Seeing that I'm far away from both, though...I just want to return home."
Poke knew that that question would be coming soon, which was why he took a moment to collect himself and his memories. "I'm not entirely sure. I remember what happened before I arrived here, though, but for you to grasp all the details, I'm going to have to explain a few things." Crossing his arms, he took a deep breath, and began his tale. "On my world, there exists an entity--A God, you could say, that watches over the planet. That God needed someone close to the people to help them, as wars were slowly tearing civilizations apart. The God created that someone, and that someone is me, so in a sense, I'm the son of a God. Eventually, a group of evil scientists and humans created a monstrous being--A demon, named Belzades." His fingers curled into fists, his jaw shutting tight before continuing. "I've fought against it many times, but before I arrived here, we were in our fiercest battle ever. I knew I didn't stand a chance unless I borrowed the energy my Father used. Unfortunately, this created a black hole that sucked up Belzades. If I didn't stop it, it'd destroy the entire world. I flew in..." He looked up at her, gesturing towards the room around them. "...and I somehow ended up outside this tower, almost powerless."
He took her hand gratefully and pulled himself up, nodding. "Correct, my name is Poke." Many of his previous interactions on his world, thanks to his limited social knowledge, usually ended there with an awkward pause. Fortunately, a thought came to him to continue the conversation. "So how were you sucked into this tower?"
Poke blinked, looking at the one who'd just spoken to her. He took a moment, looked back at the others, then responded, "I suppose I am, for someone that's just been ripped away from their home which may still be in grave danger." Sighing, he turned towards the girl, a curious look on his face. "What's your name?"