Latest that I finished would be Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle. I stumbled across it when I saw one of my classmates reading it. Having been a huge fan of Rick Riordan's mythos books, especially PJO and HoO, AND knowing that this new series was a direct sequel, I got it as soon as I could and bingeread the crap out of it. Not a single moment where I wasn't disappointed. It had the humor, heart and soul of all it's prequels, and it's even got some amazing cameos and expands on a few possibly vague plot points, also, plot twists. Even if you haven't read any of the previous books, it does a good job of gently reeling in any newcomers to the franchise. All in all, I am very happy and will be continuing to read this. Book 2 can't come soon enough.
:D Thanks bro.
I want it to be Poke hnngh.
I haven't even Stranged© in a long time and I'm still gettin' nominated? Wow
or did I just miss something but anyways, why can't I see a like button?
[heavily wip] Name: Aiden Arc Nickname: En Photo ID: [Appearance] Age: 19 Personality: Brief Bio: Occupation?: Special Skills: [4-6; Think survivor, fighting, medical, or creative skills that would be helpful] Weapons of Choice: Wakanda Theme Song: [Optional] Other Tidbits:
I thought the thread title said Giveaway Wolves and I just Oh cool I'd like a wolf I am slightly sads now.
I know that feel.
Definitely interested, though it feels like battles would be one of the more complicated parts of the roleplay to try and write out because of stats between the player and the monster and RNG. Also, so you've started watching SAO? ...Well, I'll warn you right now that it starts out pretty fine but later on it just gets...Put it this way, a lot of people prefer the abridged version over the original.
So I got bored and decided to calculate how strong it was(Mainly I just wanted to do a comparison to how much force Saitama could withstand vs. Goku in base form[Goku lifts just under 40 tons, fun fact.]). So I did stuff. Force in Newtons = Mass in kg x Acceleration in meters/second squared First, how long did it take for Saitama to reach the moon? About 3 seconds. How far is Moon from Earth? 238,900 miles. 238,900 / 3 = 79633.3333333 miles per second. We convert that to m/s^2, we get 621.32474 m/s^2 Saitama's official weight is 70 kg. So we multiply that with our acceleration and we get a force of 43492.7318 newtons. Converted to pounds, that's 9777.555039915036 pounds...Not even 5 tons. Seems kind of wrong. I'm pretty sure I did something wrong, this is the first time I used F=MA. So... Thoughts? Critiques?
[6:10:45 PM] Poke: probably should've asked this before I did it but [6:10:55 PM] Poke: is it a good idea to clean a desktops back heatair-exit vents with a tissue [6:11:02 PM] Poke: like, I just wiped it on the holes things and a **ton of dust came off them I'm trying to find ways to clean my desktop without having to take it apart, by the way. If you have any other ideas, please share. But yeah, was it a good idea to just wipe it with tissue? Also, how far from a wall should the back of the desktop be, since there shouldn't be blockage of the vents? edit: Also, how much help would it have been, cleaning the vents with the tissue?
tfw you pinned down by school
i didnt know it was an alcohol when i made it lmao
I got a Complessivo pin, what does it mean? Edit: Okay nvm I saw the text underneath, and "Reason: Winner of a category in Cycle 1 of the 2014 KH-Vids User Awards!" Okay, what does that mean? Like how do I know which category? ...Wow that's like 2 years ago
Had a few dreams One of them was a zombie apocalypse, ran into a fat zombie that had their inner organs showing on the outer surface at a bus stop and one of my friends judo-flipped one of them In another one I had a bowl with 2 pet goldfish and there was paper towel covering the opening for some reason. There were bugs on there. I killed one with a tissue and went "Ugh, paper towel.." or something like that Then another one I ran into a friend walking a dog while I was walking a dog This one was particularly cool, and it happened because of One Punch Man. I was on Remnant from RWBY and somehow got shot to the moon, then I look at Remnant and realize that I am(or was)on Remnant and not on Earth. Then I smile and laugh to myself and think about how strong I am on the moon, b/c on Remnant I'm superhuman because of the lower gravity and on Remnant's moon, it's even less.
(INCOMPLETE just posting to remind myself to actually finish this. Will remove this when it's done) BASIC INFO NAME: Ricky Jagar NICKNAME(S): Enerjak AGE: 16 HEIGHT: 5'9" WEIGHT: 145 lbs GENDER: Male RACE: Spyrix User APPEARANCE: WEAPON(S): (If any) PERSONALITY LIKES: DISLIKES: FLAWS: FEARS: QUIRKS: Tends to talk to himself(Says it helps him better think/organize his thoughts) HOBBIES: Jogging ABILITIES SPYRIX POWER: Superspeed ABILITIES: Superspeed - Exactly as the title says; Enerjak is able to move at high speeds. In real time, he's moving much faster than a regular human but from his perspective, the world around him appears to slow down, allowing him to better observe, or do anything really, in a certain moment longer than usual. Superhuman Body - Being able to withstand high-speeds requires a physical body stronger than that of a regular human's, so his body is above-average in practically all stats than a normal person (Lift heavier weights, survive more damage, etc.) (You can have up to 5 Spyrix Abilities if your character is a Spyrix User or a Mutant. If your character is a human, just list general non super abilities. Please describe the abilites of what they do!) BACKSTORY Ricky never really awoken his gene until he was just fourteen years old.
Had a dream. Was staying up past like 10 starting an essay and not being able to finish. Feels like my subconscious is trying to tell me not to do stuff so late.
I fought Roman and Neo and won.