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  1. jackdaniel0
    I am also very interested in a Bionicles RP! Honestly, I dont really know much about them--I pretty much know nothing--but I did have like two toys that I'd roleplay with my Bakugan many years ago.

    I'm in!
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Nov 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. jackdaniel0
    So the last of the new World of Remnants got released yesterday, and Vol. 4 finally premieres for sponsors today! Hopefully in 9 minutes when it's 12PM EST. Very hyped and excited!

    Edit: Apparently, server issues is delaying the upload which was scheduled for an hour ago.
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 22, 2016 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. jackdaniel0
    I'd certainly be interested in this idea! Though I also want to suggest that you place some certain limitations, like making sure a character isn't too strong to properly be in this roleplay, like One Punch Man or Goku. Maybe have the option to lower their power if it's a problem?

    Also, for a character that is not yet in the team, how might they run into them and, if the writer chooses, have the character join them?
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. jackdaniel0
    Hmm, was Strange another roleplay you created a long time ago? I remember seeing a roleplay very similar to it.
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 15, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  5. jackdaniel0
    Sadly, I haven't expressed as much interest in this new series as I really should, seeing that Harry Potter is definitely one of my favorite franchises. Though that probably has to do with me seeing barely any trailers and I still will definitely go see it when it comes out. From what I have seen, I am impressed with the CGI and premise! Definitely looking forward to seeing how Rowling handles this. Hope she does great as a screenwriter, this could be some new breakout role for her or something.
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 15, 2016 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. jackdaniel0
    I've also noticed that the RPA has definitely come into a sort of a slowdown recently. It's really sad, since the place was the main reason I hung out on this site years ago.

    I'd definitely like to see some more Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Superhero roleplays. They're the ones that I tend to have the easiest time latching onto, or easing into. Also, some RP's based off franchises that I love would also really interest me, like Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, etc.
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 15, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  7. jackdaniel0
    I LOVE this idea. It really gives an opportunity to branch out in a roleplay that centers a small area of a whole fictional world that could be explored. It reminds me a lot about comics and liveaction adaptions, like DC/Marvel, where you get to see the different perspectives/worlds of different characters and heros. I'm actually kind of psyched to see if any franchise RP's pop up soon.
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 15, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  8. jackdaniel0
    This is understandably a very tough decision. I can see why you´re nervous or unsure of what to do, since last time you decided to enroll in a school you dropped out. But this is something you have genuine interest in, right? In that case, I think it's better to do it now instead of go on the rest of your life without atleast trying.

    As for your financial situation, since this is an art school you're going to, surely, you'll pick up some tricks that might help you make something like a commission page? Or maybe even a patreon. There's lots of ways of making money online nowadays, and since you have a school dedicated to stuff that can help with that, I think you should give it a try. Maybe even start commissions now and build up some money before enrolling?

    Whatever decision you decide to go with, I wish you good luck!
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 11, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  9. jackdaniel0
    And then a preview shows up in your "Recommended" videos list
    Youtube, s top
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 9, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. jackdaniel0
    Very interested to see how this movie is gonna go. It's got a darker feeling than I expected, and the film style is gonna take some getting used to, knowing that this is a film based of Power Rangers.

    So far though I'm not disappointed, digging the alien suit transformation scene. Also can't wait to see the zords.
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 8, 2016 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. jackdaniel0
    I'm not sure how to feel about the new art style. Though I don't really mind it, it does feel like it's the biggest change away from Monty's vision. Not only that, but the animation itself is...lacking? It lacks the smooth, comfortable visual feeling and it feels much too static/robotic at many times.

    On the bright side though, better lighting and cape physics, which I'm a sucker for.
    Hope the story gets better. Also am very hyped to start watching Vol. 4, can't wait!

    Oh, and the annotations are also hilarious.
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 4, 2016 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. jackdaniel0
    If he suddenly just ignited hot enough that he basically become a human blowtorch(FLAME ON!), what would happen?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 3, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. jackdaniel0
    So me and my sis were chilling on our computers in the same room
    And I farted.
    Sis: Get out
    Me thoughts: idea.
    Me in batman voice: Tell me
    Me: Do you breathe
    Sis: N--
    Me: You won't

    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 3, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. jackdaniel0
    Someone's been stalking my posts. Maybe I should get out of being around you ( ͡° ʖ ͡°)
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. jackdaniel0 hard would it be to move quickly and quietly? Like, murderer on the loose in your house and you trying to dump it all on his face quickly and quietly.
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 2, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. jackdaniel0
    I do not understand
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. jackdaniel0
    Land on their head, or land on their head wearing a bucket?
    And I mean this kind of bucket and way they're wearing it
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 2, 2016, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. jackdaniel0
    Listen here you little--

    Lol, thanks for the advice!
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Oct 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. jackdaniel0
    copy and pasting from skype bc im a lazy

    someone in my Spanish class apparently has a crush on me

    during class she like tried to whisper something at me(she was a bit of a distance away) so I just
    got up and moved to her and I like knelt down to her bc she was sitting on the floor and its a thing that I don't hear what people say and I just scream "WHAT" so I did that in her face and she and everyone around us started laughing and she just "Nothing forget it!"
    then after class I went up to her like what were you trying to say and then she was like abt to say something and then just went Nevermind, I forgot! and I just "YOU WERE ABOUT TO SAY IT A SECOND AGO???" and then her friend was like "She has a crush on you!" and she just "Yeah I have a crush on you"
    and I just
    like. "Oh. I don't know how to respond to that."
    Idek if she was like joking or smthng

    I'm gonna like approach her on facebook and see if its an actual legit crush bc we like. barely know each other. like we worked in the same group but we met this year and we only have 1 class together and we don't even sit next to each other theres a person between us[5:37 PM] Enerjak:

    also she winked at me one time and I thought it was like Sup kind of thing so I did like the oppositenod thing back at her like Sup

    I'm so ****ign lost. how did I get someone crushin on me

    im the guy that let his head get hit by a metal ball for science and screams "WHAT" really loudly when I cant hear someone that the guy behind me can hear
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Sep 30, 2016, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. jackdaniel0
    • Are you still interested in role playing?
    Always was, always will be. Started around 2011.
    • What attracts you to an RP? (story, the person who made it, layout, style)
    This is a bit tough to answer. On KH-Vids, the person who made it doesn't really matter that much, but I feel like the genre, plot and setting matter a lot. I naturally gravitate towards a roleplay that allows a bit of leeway in character creation, because I just can't help but love doing something kind of unusual or special with the characters I make.
    • What's your favorite theme/genre of an RP?
    Hmm, probably superhero, fantasy and sci-fi. Hard to choose between those three. Fantasy for me is letting the imagination run wild and free, like frolicking in a grass plain. It's very expressive and allows for some really interesting plots and scenarios. Sci-fi is similar in a creative sense, but limited to technology, which is also something that interests me. Superheros, I just really like them, the thought of a person having the power to do good or do bad and how they do it. Also, superpowers. Like fantasy, there's tons of variety and creativity.
    • What annoys you about certain RPs?
    If you mean like the premise that's set up for the setting, then I don't really think I'm annoyed by those, just either deterred or interested. As for actual roleplaying itself, I do dislike how some people might ignore the actions of others that...realistically speaking, can't really be ignored? I've hard hard times trying to integrate my character into RP's when that happened.
    • What do you look for in a Roleplay?
    I just look for fun, but also for a way to stretch my creativity muscles, which seriously need it. There's also the character that the other person may be RPing; I may want to interact with that specific character. Other than that, I also might just want to make a new friend. I got a lot of really close ones from roleplaying, and I hope to get more. Friends and RPing are great.
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Sep 24, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion