I know but I dont get the joke
I do not understand
In a nutshell, I finished an SFM animation that I exported as an image sequence and shoved into Virtualdub. The problem is, when I save as an AVI, the resulting video file has only audio and a black screen. The weird thing is, there's a solution. And it's that I change the rate control to singlepass. And that's the bad news. Singlepass. Ew, no, it sucks compared to multipass. So...yeah. Help, please? View attachment 47422
Blaine tried not to smile too much at being in the presence of an actual huntsman, but it was quite difficult for him to try and keep a straight face. He ignored the others' comments about Qrow, figuring that perhaps his drunken stupor must be related to his powers. Or maybe he was just an alcoholic. That did nothing to deter from Blaine looking at him in wonder. And then the Headmaster suddenly appeared. Was this his office?? What were they doing here, and why were there so little people? He kept these questions to himself out of respect, but he was practically vibrating with excitement. Blaine did not bother listening to many fairy tales in his life, so it wasn't much of a surprise for him to come up with no thoughts at all regarding the mentioned stories. "I can't say that I have, Headmaster." He couldn't help but wonder what those stories would have to do with their entry into Beacon Academy.
I'd like to recommend Hitfilm 4 Express. It's a free program with good video editing and VFX capabilities. You can buy "packages" to get more VFX but what it has now is pretty cool. It's also got a lot of tutorial videos from the company on Youtube, like how to make lightsabers for free(Lightsabers are part of a sci-fi package you can buy, but you don't need it to create the actual lightsaber effect).
To say that Blaine was excited would be an understatement. He lost count of how many times his eyes had scoured the letter he'd received from Beacon Academy, and how many times he'd analyzed the map given with it. It was just so big, he could hardly believe that he'd be spending years living there. Shaking with excitement, he walked down the main road of the academy as his eyes wandered everywhere, taking in all of its sights and beauties. To think that he had once dreamed of coming here, and here he was, fulfilling that very dream. Blaine had decided to take a bit of time exploring the grounds. He had time to spare, right? Might as well use it to explore his new home! And with his wandering, he stumbled across a group of people that seemed to barely know each other, some appearing not to know where they were, either. He steeled himself, ready to meet his fellow students of the next four years for the very first time. "Ahem...Hello, everybody! I'm Blaine Carmine, and I hope to be a pleasant presence among you for the next four years!" He exclaimed, bowing towards them while wondering if he was coming on too strongly. Nah!
Yeah, 0514
Okay, I'm trying to find this fanart/mini-comic made by some person on Tumblr and basically, it's episode 7 season 2 where we see the flashback with Yang and Ruby in the wagon. And it's basically just that, but we also see Yang being all "Just a little bit more, Ruby." And then her eyes glow red, and the caption is something like "Semblance Activated." If you guys can find this, lmk pls..
So I know that one trick where you can use dish detergent and some hot water to unclog a toilet. I need to know if hand soap works fine.
I deleted Ryden's application because I decided to make up a whole new OC for this RP, which might take a while, sorry! Edit: I pretty much finished, the only thing left is the Appearance which I haven't made up yet Character Name: Blaine Carmine Nickname: Knucklebash Gender: M Race: Human Age: 19 Personality: Blaine's sheer optimism and willpower is enough to bring him through almost any ordeal. He will always try to keep his mind free of negativity, and encourage others to do the same. Not only that, but if he has a job, he's determined to give it everything he's got. Though some may consider him a fool to have such a happy-go-lucky attitude, Blaine does get serious when the time calls for it, and his hard-earned wisdom is also a surprise to many. Appearance: (Unfortunately this is kinda WIP) He's blond(his hair is a little shorter than shown in the image) and has red eyes. Wears a mix of yellow and red clothing. Bio: Growing up, Blaine had always wanted to be a hunter because of the stories his parents would read to him. His mother was a huntsman, and his older sister was already training to be one by the time he was born, so it seemed like it wouldn't be too hard a task for him to complete. But it was just about the hardest thing Blaine ever had to do his whole life. His parents tried to enter him into an academy, but he was denied entrance, being told that he had 'absolutely no talent to be a huntsman'. This left him depressed, but his family encouraged him to keep trying. One afternoon, after a day at his school at ended, Blaine witnessed a fellow classmate being bullied. He fended them off, though not without injuries, and he was rewarded with the happiest smile he'd ever seen from somebody. The victim thanked him, and that was all it took for Blaine to realize that his dream of helping people was too important to give up, and with this, Blaine taught himself the essence of perseverance and determination. He promised himself that he would never stop fighting to achieve his dream of becoming a huntsman. He would train all day long, for years, to achieve that dream, even trying to reapply for multiple academies, but he was denied at every turn. Blaine would start to lose hope every now and then, but he forced himself back onto his course, and kept pushing forward. Even into his teenage years, he was denied a chance of becoming a huntsman, as at that time, he was deemed too old and without any experience, but he refused to let this stop him. One day, Blaine had been out buying groceries in the city when he came across a robbery. He fended off the robbers, unlocking his aura during the battle, and he became quick friends with the shopowner. They let slip a detail about there being a string of robberies, and this encouraged Blaine to go out every night to fight criminals alone. He couldn't stay home forever; There were people that needed help, who was he to deny them that? And he kept fighting, eventually becoming known as Knucklebash, the vigilante that had a tendency to knock criminals down hard. Eventually, after two or so years, his identity was revealed, though instead of being locked up as his family feared, he was instead approached with an offer by the Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon; Join his school, and become the huntsman he'd always trained to be. He gratefully accepted, and now he, as far as he knows, stands as Beacon's only first-year that is 19 years old, two years above the usual range of 17 years. Through hard work, Blaine had finally taken the first step in becoming a true huntsman. Weapon: A pair of gun tonfa that can shift into escrima sticks. Other: Blaine is actually much better fighting with his fists than with his weapon.
Feels great to see Thor interacting with more than just mystical Asgard and realistic Midgard. We get to see some heavy sci-fi elements with the aliens just like Guardians!
Huge fan of RWBY, so I'm definitely interested. Not sure how available I can be, though!
I'm not sure if this was done before, it probably was, but here's a new game I thought of. Basically, people tell a "Story". Each story lasts for only 10 posts, and those posts can consist of whatever you guys want. It can be a single word, or a sentence, even a small paragraph. Example: JD0: Once upon a time, there was.... KH2: a vegetable. LOZ: It DC: was very sad, so it went out on a trip. It went to go buy happiness from the Happy Store just a couple of blocks away and so on. So preferably, the guy that finishes the story off should have some kind of closing or actual ending. And the person that posts after that can begin a new story however they want. So, I'll begin. #1: Once upon a time, there was...
no, it's 3 now!
So--Anyway, here's the guidelines, first of all: Contest participants should think about how tolerance, diversity and inclusion can improve our world, and then create innovative ways to share these ideas with elementary-aged children through a children’s book. Submissions should provide a story that children can identify with and relate to, alongside of illustrations that are thoughtful, beautiful and relatable to the story outlined on each page. While this is not a comprehensive list, students can consider the following issues when choosing a topic for their books: Bullying in schools Children and adults with disabilities Diverse families: LGBT parents; inter-generational, foster and single parent homes Equal rights Religious and cultural tolerance And basically, all I have so far is that the main character is Pidge, a pigeon. Whose wing gets clipped. Pidge doesnt just have to adapt to life without being able to fly, he's also gotta face scorn and disturbed looks from other pigeons. So one day, Pidge meets a duck. also a flightless bird. Then they become friends, and Pidge meets some more flightless birds, like maybe a penguin or an ostrich. They all become friends, and by the end of the book, Pidge still feels unsure about how he's going to live life but he feels like he can get through it with this new group that he is now part of and can relate with him. I'm not sure if that's gonna translate well into real life, you know what I mean? Like. Is this a good plot that is good for children?