:l .
<3 KITTY! Oh my gosh it's been so long how have you been? and YES probably he wants that so NO SEA OF DICKS FOR HIM. >T
Shut up? Really? Well, why don't you go and die in a sea of dicks?
yay jedi children. also lol your avataaaar.
Wolfie I MISS YOU MORE GOSHDARNIT ;-; <3333 it makes me happy I'm not forgotten and someone still remembers me. =)
I wanted to change my fugly noob name so I was at my house and I don't know why but the name "Tootsie" popped into my head. I didn't even see the commercial to go like "THAT WILL BE MY USERNAME ON KHV" or anything. It just popped up.
It makes me happy and all giddy to go to your profile and still see you got the drawing I did for you as your pro. picture. :' )))
So uh um, what's going oooon?
Oh hey! I haven't seen you in a while!
In my opinion I think making out would be much preferable if it was between two people who are genuinely together and care deeply for each other. Making out with a best friend or some friend of yours is just weird. I mean, I wouldn't even face that person the next day if it were me of course. I'd be embarrassed lol.
Hamuko you look very pretty! And that dress is quite pretty as well! =) muff monkey mmmm you're so sexy can I have yo phone number? ;) xDD Spoiler They took this while we waited to watch Harry Potter. (: ♥ Spoiler They asked us both to pose as gangsters but I uh kind of failed at it and only succeded in looking kind of awkward lol.