Love is when even if he or she screws up 100 times you're still willing to forgive the person 1,000 times.
Stare at him all day. If he wakes up, keep. staring.
Skitty haha I don't live near Florida :' ) I live quite far but yes I'll inform them haha. And Chev, WE'RE BOTH RESPONSIBLE SACRIFICE YOURSELF omg.
;~; i'm so sorry asdfjhdj ; you guys can use me as sacrifice.
Sorry guys...seriously. :c
omfg ariel you're bootyful reptar you and your dog are so adorable srsly llave de espada you're good looking and so is your hammer haley you already know what i think of your cat but i'll say it again: CUTENESS. Spoiler hi guys.
better than last time that's for sure c: and you woman?
thanks<3 but not as cute as you were! There's one of me lifting up my skirt but LOL that would be child pornography if I posted that one.
sabby you were so cute when you were little and you still are :'D kayate, I was an awkward child too I didn't have friends in elementary school at some point. aw rat D': and lol here's the picture Spoiler the second one was just for pure lol
I'm sorry britishism but ohmygod your signature is perfect. There's so many of them I don't know which one to show. :,<
no prob man lets be ugly together
hey dude! it's been such a long time how are you?
god ur ugly
You know whos' hot? Mila Kunis. I would go lesbo for her. No shame, man.
I found baby pictures and elementary pictures of me. oh my god I will never recover.
Aw calicos are so adorable! I remember having one x)
llave de espada - aw it's still cute! slytherin- Luna is shy too haha she hides under my bed everytime someone comes over but she doesn't have any friends :c
ICSP - It is indeed! And it's pitch black Slytherin - ASDFGHJKL;;HG OMG I SAW YOUR KITTY AND IT'S THE CUTEST THING EVER. MY CAT AND YOUR CAT MUST BE FRIENDS. program - Oh my god you're right brb dying of laugther.
um what's up let's talk