hey gurl~ how's liiiife?
to be honest I have problem to understand women too. In a non-lesbian way. For example, my female friend was jealous of her boyfriend's cousin because she thought his cousin wanted to get in his pants. tl;dr WOMEN.
I got a job. Can't get better than that.
I saw the title of this thread and my first thought was "ONLY IN COLLEGE?"
YES. It's a vicious cicle. I LOVE YOU HONEY I'M BACK. And no it was not worth it, that bîtch called "Life" was just so clingy. Oh hi! I do remember you. And thanks!
I think it was that time again. The time where ones goes like "Hey, whatever happened to that Kingdom Hearts forum huh".
I've been so busy with life...college to be more precise! But hey! =)
(oyo) .
Okay you got me xD not ALL of the time but I do get on at night! Why surviving? Has college kidnapped you? D: and MY GOD YES WE NEED TO CATCH UP...
And I miss you more :c Y WE NO SKYPE ANYMOAR
And you said to me that everytime I get depressed an angel dies. xD And life's gooooood I really can't complain much :' ) what about you?
Awwww <3 I ****ing missed you too! Everytime I log onto msn I always check if you're online! And I'm goooood! Sort of lol but I'll survive! And...
omfg I AM ALIVE. Well, sometimes BUT YEAH I LOVE YOU GUYS. And oh god my grammar was just so horrible back in 2007.
I accidentally Kadaj Family thread and read most of our posts. Am I allowed to nostalgia or ;_;
Sabby you never told you were a hot dog my life has been a lie. Baby Misty is adorableeeeee. Cam, you look so stylish it hurts. c: but in a good way. --- Uuuuh I'M A SAILOR GIRL. *possible Halloween costume even if you can't probably see much* Spoiler http://i866.photobucket.com/albums/ab229/bivisaurus/Photoon2011-10-10at23145.jpg
You can eat me instead kitty.
My “Culture and Civilization II†professor made us clap and chant words like “Chacacha ching chingâ€, throw him a beat and he started rapping about racism. He's a 50 year old professor. He was wearing a tuxedo.
And swim to an abandoned island and stay there alone forever? Can I? Please? uh.