Search Results

  1. Advent
  2. Advent
  3. Advent
  4. Advent
    Jak is a monster now. I am so pleased with this.
    Post by: Advent, Apr 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  5. Advent
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Advent for Juicy, Apr 6, 2014
  6. Advent
    Oh, you can count on me reminding you lolol I am always down for 6v6. But yeah, I'll probably be able to make it for you fairly quickly. Once this Slowpoke adventure is over, I'll be free as far as breeding plans are concerned. (lol wow that sounded sketch.)

    Ooooh, sandwich recipe? Being a poor-ass college student, that sounds right up my alley. Imma have to do that, since my current diet is incredibly boring and repetitive.

    I will definitely build you a perfect Mawile. It'll take me a day or two, but I can easily do it. I have a zillion good breeding Pokes, so I can make almost anything.

    Ahhh yeah, GameFreak loves to make gen-exclusive moves. It's so irritating. Honestly though, I vote roost, dragon claw, fire punch, filler. Gives good coverage plus support to dat delicious multiscale.
    Post by: Advent, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Advent
    Can do, my man! I'm playing a different game at the moment, but tomorrow I'll be all over that. I'll get you a 6 IV perfect e-vire within a few days.
    Post by: Advent, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Advent

    If and when that happens, you damn well better let me know. I'm fiending for some 6v6.
    Post by: Advent, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Advent
    I'll be waiting. I have a team ready, so just message me. It's on, man.
    Post by: Advent, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Advent
    Great brawler that's severely underrated. More combo-oriented than Smash Brothers. Unfortunately Sony stopped support for DLC, so the roster will not be expanding.

    Just to start up discussion, here are some agitating statements: my mains are Nathan Drake, Cole, and Kat. If anyone wants to play me, just add my PSN.
    Post by: Advent, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  11. Advent
    OMG you're med school try-hard too? Depression fist-bump! Mind me asking where you're applying? I'm praying for Albert Einstein COM to show me some love. </3

    BATTLE RIGHT NOW?! FC: 1247-0130-8598

    You poetic *******. I had to look up your past usernames to realize that you're my husbando. How've you been? I've missed you. </3
    Post by: Advent, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Advent
    LOLOL that's seriously how it goes. You basically tell them every two weeks how much you love the school and how it's your top pick. Dignity is overrated.

    Electvire AND Dusknoir? You have a 10/10 taste in Pokemon, man. Damn. I can breed you an Electabuzz if you want. I've got one and some boss ditto to breed with. Just tell me the nature you want.[DOUBLEPOST=1396757984][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Interesting. That makes sense, serotonin is a potent one. How's life, bro? It's been a while!
    Post by: Advent, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Advent
    "Hai" is the only valid option. Have I taught you nothing?!
    Post by: Advent, Apr 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone