The very same. Classic.
Titanic: The Musical
Bro, post your fc again. Your Mawile is ready!
I am fiending a battle. Any takers?
"Lagging Tail Sableye and Whimsicott can pose huge headaches, as Lagging Tail forces slow opponents to move last even under Trick Room." - Smogon University
My most whoreish team has ten billion priority options, so bring it, bruh.
That crit on your Furfrou mattered a lot, I am legitimately sorry.[DOUBLEPOST=1398312293][/DOUBLEPOST] UGH. Dusknoir doesn't know how to die. The only ghost type I hate more is harvest trevenant.
Ahhhhh I didn't know if that guy was you because I'm dumb. Battle nao! What's your IGN? <33333 All the homo.
ghrnwjwrkf2wrefw lemme know when you can. I'm always fiending for 6v6. Just added you. Get yer butt online and let's do it.[DOUBLEPOST=1398310768][/DOUBLEPOST] Jawnemm is my Skype! I am not on that often because college and girlfriend, but I will try my best, husbando. <3 UGHHHH YOU KIDS AND YOUR LACK OF 3DS. To be fair, the only games worth having for it are Pokemon and Zelda.
Let's go. FC? My in-game info is: IGN: John | FC: 1247-0130-8598 Soon. Lemme know when you can.[DOUBLEPOST=1398309939][/DOUBLEPOST] bby </3 you gotta get one when you can. X/Y are really good. EV training/IV breeding are way easier, and the new 'mons are for the most part super interesting.
My thoughts exactly. "Oh no, she isn't dressing in baggy jeans and a sweatshirt underneath a burka, so sexist!"
</3 I miss you.
Go. ILY.
Libre is indeed correct in saying that Raiden would work for you. However, other characters that would work for you include Spike, Nariko, PaRappa, Kratos (LOL), and Kat. EDIT: Yo. I'll body anyone who wants to play me. Let's go.
I'm ready whenever you are, my man. Mega Kanga ruins lives. It's too OP. Same with Mega Gengar.
Please please please do this. You and me will demolish souls on 2v2.
Harvest Trevenant. Substitute, protect, phantom force, filler move. This mother****er is so hard to kill if you don't have a Talonflame. Infinite HP e'rrywhere.