Mellow or giddy, hyped up or sh!tty, share 'em all here. (Damn, rhyming's witty.)
That was soooo unfortunate ahah. I actually haven't seen the Megazard final smash yet so I was pretty hype to see it. My brother wants to play a bit so I'm gonna get offline for a while. You and Hayabusa keep the Smash train goin'.[DOUBLEPOST=1412656885][/DOUBLEPOST] Just added you; we should play sometime.
Nintendo netcode awwwwwyeaaaaaah
Hosting a game now, man.
Sweet. My friend code is: 1247-0130-8598
Who wants to get all up in that body bag?
ilu bbycakes.
Dude, rage-quitting is at maximum in ranked matches. Nothing in this life matters more than a number saying how good you are at pressing buttons in a certain sequence.
AHS = multiple screams?
Reference points: 1. Taco Bell is pretty quality for the price and tastes damn good, but you can tell while you're eating it that it's garbage. 2. Chipotle costs like 5x as much but the burrito you get is the size of an infant and all the ingredients taste really quality.
Chipotle burritos > all
Nah, I totally agree. I studied it for a year at university and I was fine when it came to pronunciation and spoken vocabulary. The writing system is outdated as shiit. They should adopt the Romanization system as their own, to be honest. It makes things so much more logical. I'm so sorry that I supported your oppressors. </3
Dude, Mandarin to English translation is a pain in the ass, but after having studied both pretty thoroughly, I've come to the conclusion that it's because the English language is all kinds of fuccking stupid. Mandarin grammar is so much more logical.
QFT. Both are good films, but honestly, the ending of the original Star Wars trilogy is so much more satisfying. The way all the subplots get settled, mmmh. <3 Though it could just be me remembering how much better the original three are compared to the trilogy that shall not be named.
English. Jesus Christ, I understand why no one wants to learn this ridiculous language. Mandarin makes way more sense.
Shiiiiiite. I thought "subside" and "subsist" were synonyms until you pointed that out. Life is a lie.[DOUBLEPOST=1400111345][/DOUBLEPOST] Should "summer" not be capitalized? God fukkin' damn, man. This is why I'm not a humanities major.
Honestly with a little self-control one of those mofos could last you a whole day.
For the past few Summers my friends and I have subsided on Taco Bell and pretty much nothing else. I feel your pain, brother.
A game of poker?